Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States....

 Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853.

    Source Type
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    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 17.
    Body Summary:
    ABBEVILLE DISTRICT, west part of South Carolina, bordering on the Savannah river. It is about 31 miles square, with an area of 1,000 square miles. The surface agreeably diversified by hill and dale, the soil generally rich and well watered, and susceptible of profitable cultivation. Courts are held at Abbeville, the chief town. Pop., in 1820, 22,189; in 1830, 28,149; in 1840, 29,351; in 1850, 32,318.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 17.
    Body Summary:
    ACCOMAC COUNTY, on the eastern shore of Virginia, between Chesapeake bay and the ocean. It is about 20 miles long, and 10 miles wide, with an area of 240 square miles. The surface is generally sandy and flat. Courts are held at Drummond town. Pop., in 1820, 15,969; in 1830, 19,656; in 1840, 17,096; in 1850, 17,890.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 17-18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAIR COUNTY, southern part of Kentucky, having a mean length of about 28 miles, and an area of 800 square miles. The face of the country is generally broken, with a diversity of soil. Courts are held at Columbia, the chief town. Pop., in 1820, 8,765; in 1830, 9230; in 1840, 8,460; in 1850, 9,898.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAIR COUNTY, in the northern part of Missouri, and traversed by Chariton river. Area --- square miles. Courts are held at Kirksville. Pop.,in 1850, 2,342.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAMS COUNTY, in the westernmost part of Illinois, bordering the Mississippi river. It is 32 miles in length, with a mean breadth of 24, and contains an area of 768 square miles. The western and most extensive slope declines toward the Mississippi, while that of the east gives rise to the streams running into the Illinois river. Courts are held at Quincy. Pop., in 1830, 3,186; in 1840, 14,476; in 1850, 26,508.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAMS COUNTY, on the east side of Indiana. Watered by Wabash and St. Mary's rivers, and contains 336 square miles. Courts are held at Decatur. Pop. in 1840, 2,264; in 1850, 5,797.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAMS COUNTY, in the southwest part of Mississippi, bordering on the Mississippi and Homochitto rivers. It is 40 miles in length, with a mean breadth of about 15, and an area of about 600 square miles. The surface is by hill and dale, the soil fertile and well watered. Courts are held at Natchez. Pop. in 1820, 12,073; in 1830, 14,919; in 1840, 19,434; in 1850, 18,069.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAMS COUNTY in the south part of Ohio, situated along the Ohio river. It is about 25 miles square, with an area of 550 square miles. The face of the country is very hilly, sloping toward the Ohio; and the soil varying from the poorest to the best, but generally inclining to the former. Courts are held at Adamsville, and West Union. Pop., in 1830, 12,278; 1840, 13,183; in 1850, 18,883.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADAMS COUNTY, south part of Pennsylvania, about 20 miles in length, 18 in width, and contains 360 square miles. The surface is extremely diversified by hill and dale, and the soil fertile and well-watered. Courts are held at Gettysburgh, the chief town. Pop. in 1820, 19,681; in 1830, 21,379; in 1840, 23,044; in 1850, 25,981.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 18.
    Body Summary:
    ADDISON COUNTY, in the west part of Vermont, lying along Lake Champlain. It has a mean length of 25 miles, and an average breadth of 20, and containing 500 square miles. The surface, although not mountainous, is agreeably diversified by hill and dale, the soil fertile, generally well-cultivated, and suitable for grazing and staple crops. Otter river flows obliquely through this county, which, by its numerous tributaries, affords several excellent mill sites. Courts are held at Maddlebury. Pop. in 1820, 20,620; in 1830, 24,940; in 1840, 23,583; in 1850, 26,549.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 21.
    Body Summary:
    ALBANY COUNTY, New York, on the west side of Hudson river, and bounded by the Mohawk on the northeast. Its length is about 22 miles, and its breadth 21 miles, containing about 462 square miles. The face of the country is generally hilly, the soil sandy and light, though much of it well cultivated and fertile, particularly along the Hudson. Court are held at Albany, the capital of the state. Pop. in 1820, 38,116; in 1830, 53,560; in 1840, 68,593; in 1850, 93,279.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 21.
    Body Summary:
    ALBANY, city, capital of the state of New York, and seat of justice of Albany county, situated on the west side of Hudson river. 145 ms. N. of New York, and 164 ms. W. of Boston. Rising by a bold ascent from the water, and crowned with the glittering domes of capitol and city-hall, it presents an interesting appearance from the river, and creates anticipations which are rarely realized on entering its streets…
    Few inland cities combine so many natural advantages for trade, improved by such extensive and costly public works as Albany. It is the terminus of the Erie canal, and the great chain of railroads which connects the central counties of New York, the great lakes, and their vast shores. The Green Mountain state sends its productions to Albany through Lake Champlain and the Champlain canal. Some of the products brought through these channels, pass through Massachusetts to Boston by railroad; more are whirled in a few hours to New York, by the gigantic Hudson River railroad, which now sweeps majestically through the solid mountains and rocky headlands which skirt mat mighty stream. Steamboats, schooners, and sloops, also convey large cargoes to and from the towns along the route. Pop. in 1790, 3,498; in 1800, 5,349; in 1810, 9,356; in 1820, 12,630; in 1830, 24,238; in 1840, 33,721; in 1850, 50,763.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 21.
    Body Summary:
    ALEXANDER COUNTY, in the extreme south part of Illinois, situated at the junction of Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Length 23 miles; mean breadth about 17, with an area of 390 square miles. The surface along the borders of the rivers is flat and low, so much so that considerable tracts are annually overflowed. The general character of the soil is fertile, producing excellent crops. Courts are held at Unity. Pop. in 1830, 1,390; in 1840, 3,313; in 1850, 2,484.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 21.
    Body Summary:
    ALEXANDER COUNTY, towards the westerly part of North Carolina. Area, ------- square miles. Courts are held at ------- . Pop. in 1850, 5,220.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALEXANDRIA, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Rapides parish, La., 291 ms. N. W. of New Orleans; from W. 1,210 ms.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEGAN COUNTY, situated in the southwestern part of Michigan, on Lake Michigan. Length about 35 miles; breadth, 20, with an area of about 700 square miles. The soil is generally rich alluvion. It is drained by Kalamazoo, Black, and Rabbit rivers. Courts are held at Allegan, the chief town. Pop. in 1840, 1,783; in 1850, 5,125.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEGANY COUNTY, situated in the southwestern part of New York. Length, 40 miles; mean breadth, 28, with an area of 1,120 square miles. It is traversed by Alleghany river, along the borders of which there are considerable tracts of alluvion. The surface of the residue of this county is diversified by hill and dale, and is generally well adapted for grazing. Courts are held at Angelica. Pop. in 1820, 9,330; in 1830, 26,218; in 1840, 40,975; in 1850, 37,812.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEGHANY COUNTY, in the extreme western part of Maryland, bordering on the north side of Potomac river.  Entire length 65 miles; bready very unequal, averaging about 124, with an area of about 800 square miles.  This county is traversed by the main chain of the Alleghany mountains, which discharge the upper branches of the Youghiogheny into the Potomac.  The face of the country is excessivley broken and rocky, notwithstanding there is muh excellent arable land in the valleys, and some even on the mountain plains.  the mountains contain extensive beds of bituminous coal, that of Frostburgh being of superior quality.  Courts are held at Cumberland.  Pop. in 1820, 8,654; in 1830, 10,609; in 1840, 15,686; in 1850, 22,769.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEGHANY COUNTY, in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania. Watered by Alleghany, Youghiogheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers. Length of this county, 32 miles; mean breadth, 18, with an area of 575 square miles. The face of the country is peculiarly diversified by depressed vales, lying within large swelling hills, which are productive to their summits. In the bosom of these hills there exist inexhaustible beds of fine bituminous coal. Excellent lime and building stone also abounds. Courts are held at Pittsburgh. Pop. in 1820,34,921; in 1830, 50,552; in 1840, 81,235; in 1850, 138,300.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEN COUNTY, in the northeast part of Indiana, along the state of Ohio, watered by St. Joseph and St. Mary's rivers, which unite and form the Maumee, and the Wabash and Erie canal. Area, about 650 square miles. Courts are held at Fort Wayne. Pop. in 1830, 996; in 1840, 3,654; in 1850, 16,920.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 22.
    Body Summary:
    ALLEN COUNTY, situated in the northwestern part of Ohio, drained by the tributaries of Auglaize, St. Mary's, and Miami rivers, and the Miami canal. This county is about 24 miles square, and contains 554 square miles. The face of the country is flat, comprising a portion of a vast table-land, generally fertile and productive. Courts are held at Lima. Pop. in 1830, 578; in 1840, 9,079; in 1850, 12,109.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 23.
    Body Summary:
    ALLENTOWN, or NORTHAMPTON, p. b., seat of justice of Lehigh co., Pa., 87 ms. N. N. E. of Harrisburgh; from W. 180 ms. Pop. 3,779.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 24.
    Body Summary:
    AMITE COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Mississippi, on the north line of Louisiana. Length, 30 miles; breadth, 24, with an area of 720 square miles. The face of the country is moderately hilly, but contains a considerable alluvion or “bottom land,” and much of the surface is covered by pine forests. Courts are held at Liberty. Pop. in 1820, 6,859; in 1830, 7,943; in 1840, 9,511; in 1850, 9,694.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 24.
    Body Summary:
    ANDERSON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky, along the westerly side of Kentucky river. Area, 170 square miles. Drained by Salt river and its branches. Courts are held at Lawrenceburgh. Pop. in 1830, 4,520; in 1840, 5,452; in 1850, 6,260.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 24.
    Body Summary:
    ANDERSON COUNTY, in the northeasterly part of Tennessee, and watered by Clinch river. Length, about 30 miles; mean breadth, 25, extending over 750 square miles. This county is traversed by Cumberland mountains, from which protrude several spurs; therefore, its surface is mountainous, broken, and rocky, though possessing much good soil. Courts are held at Clinton. Pop. in 1820, 4,674; in 1830, 5,310; in 1840, 5,658; in 1850, 6,938.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 24.
    Body Summary:
    ANDERSON DISTRICT, situated in the western part of South Carolina, between Savannah and Saluda rivers, by branches of which it is drained. It is of a rhomboidal shape, about 28 miles on each side, extending over an area of about 800 square miles. Courts are held at Anderson. Pop. in 1830, 17,169; in 1840, 18,493; in 1850, 21,475.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 24.
    Body Summary:
    ANDREW COUNTY, situated in the northwest part of Missouri, with Nodaway and Missouri rivers on the west. Area -------- square miles. Courts are hold at Savannah. Pop., in 1850, 9,433.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    ANNAPOLIS CITY, capital of Maryland, and seat of justice of Anne Arundel county, is situated on the south west bank of Severn river, three miles from its entrance into Chesapeake bay, 20 miles southeast of Baltimore, and 40 miles from Washington. Though located favorably enough for commerce, on a good harbor, the tide of trade and prosperity is drawn too strongly toward Baltimore to allow it to flourish as vigorously as it otherwise might. The site and plan of the city are pleasant and agreeable. The statehouse is venerable and interesting from its Revolutionary associations. Here, in 1783, Washington resigned his commisssion to the continental congress, one month after the departure of the enemy from the American shores. The walls of the senate-chamber are honored with the portraits of Carroll, Chase, Paca, and Stone, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and of other distinguished contemporaries. In the hall of the house of delegates, is a picture of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Aside from these attractions, the capitol is beautiful for its situation and architecture, as well as the magnificent prospect viewed from its dome. Besides several churches, banks, &c., Annapolis contains St. John's college. The population in 1810, was about 2,000; in 1820, 2,260; in 1830, 2,623; in 1840, 2,792; in 1850, 3011.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, situated on the westerly side of Patapaco river and Chesapeake bay, in Maryland, with Patuxent river on the west.  Length, 60 miles; mean breadth 12, extending over an area of 720 square miles.  The face of the country, in general, is agreeably undulating, with a varied soil, mostly of a secondary quality.  Courts are held at the city of Annapolis.  Pop., in 1830, 28,295; in 1840, 29,532; in 1850, 32,393.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, situated on the westerly side of Patapsco river and Chesapeake bay, in Maryland, with Patuxent river on the west. Length, 60 miles; mean breadth, 12, extending over an area of 720 square miles. The face of the country, in general, is agreeably undulating, with a varied soil, mostly of a secondary quality. Courts are held in the city of Annapolis. Pop, 1830, 28,295; in 1840, 29,532; in 1850, 32,393.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    ANSON COUNTY, situated in the south part of North Carolina, on the westerly side of the river Yadkin. Length, about 33 miles; mean width, 23, covering an area of about 760 square miles. The face of the country is mountainous and rather broken, the river lands fertile, but the uplands thin and unproductive. Courts are held at Wadesborough. Pop. in 1820, [22,534?]; in 1830 14,085; 1840, 15,077; in 1850, 13,489.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    APPANOOSE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Iowa. Area ------ square mile. Courts are held at Centreville. Pop., in 1850, 3,131.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 25.
    Body Summary:
    APPLING COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Georgia, on the southerly side of Ocmulgee and Altamaha rivers. The northern part of this county is drained by Saltilla, and the southern by Suwanee rivers. The face of the country is generally level, with swamps in the southeasterly part. Courts are held at Holmesville. Pop. in 1820, 1,264; in 1830, 1,468; in 1840, 2,052; in 1850, 2,949.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 26.
    Body Summary:
    ARKADELPHIA, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Clark co., Arkansas.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 26.
    Body Summary:
    ARKANSAS COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of the state of Arkansas, and watered by Arkansas, White, and Bœuf rivers, and Bayou Barthelany. The face of the country is generally level, except the westerly part which rises into eminences. Length, 60 miles; mean width, 40, extending over an area of 2,400 square miles. Courts are held at Arkansas. Pop., in 1830, 1,426; in 1840, 1,346; in 1850, 3,246.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 26.
    Body Summary:
    ARKANSAS POST, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Arkansas со., Ark. 117 ms. S. E. of Little Rock; from W. 1,087 ms. Watered by Arkansas river.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ARMSTRONG COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Pennsylvania, and is watered by Alleghany river. Length, 35 miles; mean width, 20, with an area of about 700 square miles. The face of the country is hilly, rocky, and broken, though much of the soil consists of a fertile loam, particularly along the Alleghany river. Courts are held at Kittaning. Pop., in 1820, 10,324; in 1830, 17,695; in 1840, 28,365; in 1850, 29,560.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    AROOSTOOK COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Maine, adjoining the British provinces on the north and east, on the westerly side of St. John's river. It is traversed by Aroostook and Matawamkeg rivers. The northern part is unsettled, being principally covered by extensive pine forests. Courts are held at Conway. Pop. in 1840, 9,413; in 1850, 12,529.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ASCENSION PARISH, La., situated toward the southeast part of the state, and traversed by Mississippi river. Area -------- . The surface is level, and annually overflowed; the soil fertile and well-suited for cotton and sugar-cane. Courts are held at Donaldsonville. Pop., in 1840, 6,951; in 1850, 10,752.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ASHE COUNTY, situated in the northwest part of North Carolina, and drained by branches of the Great Kanawha and Holston rivers. Length, 64 miles; mean breadth, 120, covering an area of 768 square miles. The face of the country is generally hilly and mountainous, the air pure and healthy, and the soil in many parts productive. Courts are held at Jefferson. Pop., in 1820, 4,335; in 1830, 6,987; in 1840 7,467; in 1850, 8,777.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ASHLAND COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Ohio. Area, -------- square miles. Courts arc held at Ashland. Pop., in 1850, 33,811.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ASHLAND, p. v., Ashland co., O., 79 ms. N. W. of Columbus; from W. 368 ms. Pop. 1,344.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 28.
    Body Summary:
    ASHLEY COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Arkansas, between Bayou Bartholomew and Saline river. Area, ---- square miles. Courts are held at Hamburgh. Pop., in 1850, 2,058.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ASHTABULA COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Ohio, on Lake Erie, and watered by Grand and Ashtabula rivers. Length, 28 miles; breadth, 25, with an area of about 700 square miles. The face of the country is undulating, having a soil generally fertile, well-watered and wooded. Courts are held at Jefferson. Pop., in 1820, 7,382; in 1830, 14,584; in 1840, 23,724; in 1850, 28,766.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ASHTABULA, p. t., Ashtabula co., O., 194 ms N. E. of Columbus; from W. 341 ms. Pop. 1,356.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ASSUMPTION PARISH, La., situated toward the southeast part of the state, and watered by the Mississippi and Bayou La Fourche. Area, ------- square miles. Courts are held at Assumption. Pop., 1840, 7,141; in 1850, 10,538.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ATCHISON COUNTY, situated in the extreme northwest angle of Missouri, between Missouri and Nodaway rivers. Area --------- square miles. Courts are held at ----------- . Pop., in 1850, 1,687.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ATHENS COUNTY, situated in the southeast part Ohio, adjoining the Ohio and traversed by Hockhocking rivers. Length, about 40 miles; mean breadth, 23, extending over an area of about 900 square miles. The face of the country is undulating or hilly, but well wooded and watered, with an extremely fertile soil. Courts are held at Athens. Pop., in 1820, 6,338; in 1830, 9,787; in 1840, 19,109; in 1850, 18,215.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ATLANTA CITY, p.o., DeKalb co., Ga., Pop. 2, 572.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ATLANTIC COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of New Jersey, on the Atlantic ocean, and watered by Great and Little Egg-Harbor rivers. Area, 550 square miles. The surface is generally level, with numerous marches, bays, and islands on the southeast, and a light sandy soil, which is productive only from cultivation. Courts are held at May’s Landing. Pop., in 1840, 8,726; in 1850, 8,962.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 29.
    Body Summary:
    ATTALA COUNTY, situated in the central part of Mississippi, and drained by Black river and the head branches of Pearl river. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country level; soil moderately fertile. Courts are held at Kosciusko. Pop., in 1840, 4,303; in 1850, 10,999.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 30.
    Body Summary:
    AUDRAIN COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Missouri, drained by the south fork of Salt river. Area, 435 square miles. Courts are held at Mexico. Pop. in 1840, 1,949; in 1850, 3,506.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 30.
    Body Summary:
    AUGLAIZE COUNTY, situated in the western part of Ohio. Area, -------- square miles. Courts are held at Wapaukonetta. Pop. in 1850, 11,338.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 31.
    Body Summary:
    AUTAUGA COUNTY, situated in the central part of Alabama, on the northerly and westerly side of Coosa river. Length, about 43 miles; breadth, 18; with an area of 774 square miles. The face of the country is undulating and hilly; the soil varied in its quality, from the productive alluvion to extremely sterile. Courts are held at Kingston. Pop. in 1820, 3,853; in 1830, 11,784; in 1840, 14,342; in 1850, 15,023.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 31.
    Body Summary:
    AVOYELLES PARISH, situated on the west side of the Mississippi, and watered by Atchafalaya and Red rivers. Area, 1,080 square miles. The portion bordering on the streams is subject to inundation, but the westerly part is a slightly-elevated table-land, which is dry and fertile. Courts are held at Marksville. Pop. in 1830, 3,484 ; in 1840, 6,616 ; in 1850, 9,326.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 32.
    Body Summary:
    BAKER COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Georgia and watered by Flint river, and branches. Area, 1,350 square miles. Courts are hold at Newton. Pop. in 1830, 1,253; in 1840, 4,226; in 1850, 8,120.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 32.
    Body Summary:
    BALDWIN COUNTY, in the southwest part of Alabama, on the gulf of Mexico, with Tensaw and Alabama rivers on the west, and Perdido river on the east. Area, 200 square miles. The face of the country is hilly, and the soil generally thin, covered with pine forests, except along the streams, where it is highly fertile. Courts are held at Blakeley. Pop. in 1820, 1,713; in 1830, 2,334; in 1840, 2,951; in 1850, 4,414.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 32.
    Body Summary:
    BALDWIN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, and traversed by the river Oconee. Length, 30 miles; breadth, 27, extending over an area of 810 square miles. The face of the country is rolling, and the soil, in general, of middling quality. Courts are held at Milledgeville, the capital of the state. Pop. in 1820, 5,665; in 1830, 7,295; in 1840, 7,250; in 1850, 8,148.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 32.
    Body Summary:
    BALLARD COUNTY, Ky., situated in the western most part of the state, on the southerly side of the Ohio, and on the easterly side of the Mississippi river. It is traversed by Mayfield creek. Area, 375 square miles. Courts are held at Columbus. Pop. in 1850, 5,496.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 32.
    Body Summary:
    BALTIMORE COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Maryland, on the north side of Patapsco river, and the westerly side of Chesapeake bay.  Length, about 30 miles; mean breadth, 25, with an area of 750 square miles.  The face of the country is agreeably diversified by hill and dale, abundantly wooded and watered, and generally well cultuvated, tha soil being good for grazing, orchards, and the production of grain.  Courts are held at Baltimore.  Pop., in 1820, exclusive of that of the city and its precincts, 33,352; in 1830, including that of Baltimore, 120,870; in 1840, 134,379; in 1850, 203,928.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 34.
    Body Summary:
    BANGOR CITY, the seat of justice of Penobscot co., Me., situated on the west side of Penobscot river, at the head of tidewater, 58 miles from the Atlantic, 68 northeast from Augusta, 230 northeast of Boston. Vast quantities of lumber are annually floated down the river to this place, whence it shipped to the West Indies and various parts of the Union. This city is built on elevated ground, affording a fine view of the surrounding country, and is tastefully laid out, and adorned with trees. The public as well as the private buildings are, many of them, neat and elegant. The harbor is inaccessible for four months in the winter, but will admit, at other times, vessels of 300 or 400 tons, the tide alone rising to the height of 17 feet. Lines of steamboats connect the city with Portland, and a railroad extends 12 miles up the river to Oldtown. The Bangor Theological seminary was incorporated in 1834, and is in prosperous condition. Population in 1790, 169; in 1800, 277; in 1810, 850; in 1820, 1,221; in 1830, 2,867; in 1840, 8,627; in 1850, 14,432.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 34.
    Body Summary:
    BARBOUR COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Alabama, on the westside of Chattahoochee river. Area, 1,200 square miles. Court are held at Clayton. Pop. in 1840, 12,024; in 1850, 23,632.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 34-35.
    Body Summary:
    BARNSTABLE COUNTY, situated at the extreme easterly part of Massachusetts, comprising the whole of the peninsula of Cape Cod and the Elizabeth island, with the Atlantic ocean on the south and east, Cape Cod bay on the north, and Buzzard bay on the west. Length, 65 miles; mean width, 5; with an area of 325 square miles. The surface is generally flat, the soil naturally sandy and barren, but covered in some places with forests of oak and pine. Courts are held at Barnstable. Pop. in 1820, 24,046; in 1830, 15,310; in 1840, 32,548; in 1850, 35,276.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BARNWELL DISTRICT, situated in the southwest part of South Carolina, between Edisto and Savannah rivers. Length, 50 miles; mean breadth, 35; with an area of 1,680 square miles. The face of the country is hilly, and the soil of fair quality, suitable for growing cotton and grain. Courts are held at Barnwell. Pop in 1820, 14,750; in 1830, 19,236; in 1840, 21,471; in 1850, 26,608.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BARREN COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Kentucky. Length, 45 miles; mean width, 20; extending over an area of 900 square miles. The face of the country is generally level, and the soil of middling quality. Courts are held at Glasgow. Pop. in 1820, 10,328; in 1830, 15,079; in 1840, 17,288; and in 1850, 20,240.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BARRY COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Michigan, and drained by Thornapple river. Area, 576 square miles. Courts are held at Hastings. Pop. in 1840, 1,078; in 1850, 3,072.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BARRY COUNTY, in the southwest of Missouri, and drained by White river and branches of the Osage. Area, 830 miles. Courts are held at McDonald. Pop. in 1836, 2,504; in 1840, 4,795; in 1850, 3,467.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY, Ind., situated toward the southeasterly part of the state, and traversed by Driftwood fork of White river and its branches. Area, 480 square miles. Courts are held at Columbus. Pop. in 1830, 5,476; in 1840, 10,042; in 1850, 5,763.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 35.
    Body Summary:
    BATAVIA, p. t. Kane co., Ill., 184 ms. N. of Springfield; from W. 755 ms. Pop. 892.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 36.
    Body Summary:
    BATES COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Missouri, and traversed by Osage river and tributaries. Area, 1,160 square miles. Seat of justice, Batesville. Pop. in 1850, 3,669.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 36.
    Body Summary:
    BATH COUNTY, Ky., situated in the northeast part of the state, on the westerly side of Licking river. Length, 34 miles; mean breadth, 10; with an area of 340 square miles. Seat of justice, Owingsville. Pop. in 1810, 7,961; in 1820, 8,799; in 1840, 9,763; in 1850, 12,115.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 37.
    Body Summary:
    BEAUFORT COUNTY, situated in the easterly of North Carolina, on Pamlico sound, and traversed by Pamlico river. Length, 40 miles; mean breadth, 17; with an area of 670 square miles. The face of the country is generally level. Seat of justice, Washington. Pop. in 1820, 9,900; in 1830, 10,969; in 1840, 12,225; in 1850, 13,816.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 37.
    Body Summary:
    BEAUFORT DISTRICT, situated at the southeast extremity of South Carolina, with Savannah river on the southwest, and Combahee river on the northeast. Length, 60 miles; mean breadth, 30; with an area of 1,800 square miles. The face of the country is generally level, and a considerable portion of the soil sandy and light. Much of it, however, is well adapted fur cotton, rice, and Indian corn. Seat of justice, Coosawhatcbee. Pop. in 1820, 32,199; in 1830, 37,032; in 1840, 35,794; in 1850, 38,805.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 37.
    Body Summary:
    BEAVER COUNTY, situated in the western boundary of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Ohio and Beaver rivers. Length, about 40 miles; mean breadth, 15; with an area of 600 square miles. The face of the country is broken and hilly; the soil generally fertile, well wooded and watered. Seat of justice, Beaver. Pop in 1820, 13,34O; in 1830, 24,183; in 1840, 29,368; in 1850, 26,689.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 37.
    Body Summary:
    BEDFORD COUNTY, situated in the southern boundary of Pennsylvania, and drained by branches of Juniata and Potomac rivers. Length, 52 miles; mean breadth, 31; with an area of 1,600 square miles. The face of the country is extremely diversified by mountains, hills, and valleys, with an equally varied soil-barren and rocky in the mountains, and fertile and well watered in the valleys. Seat of justice, Bedford. Pop. in 1820, 20,248; in 1830, 24,502; in 29,335; in 1850, 23,052.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 37.
    Body Summary:
    BEDFORD COUNTY, in the central part of Tennessee. Length, 35 miles; mean breadth, 25, with an area of 875 square miles. The face of the country is rolling, and the soil moderately fertile. Seat of justice, Shelbyville. Pop. in 1820, 16,006; in 1830, 30,444; in 1840, 10,546; in 1850, 21,512.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 38.
    Body Summary:
    BELKNAP COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of New Hampshire, with Lake Winnipisiogee on the northeast, and Pemigewasset river on the west. Winnipisiogee river intersects this county, which forms a portion of its southeast boundary. Area, 288 square miles. The face of the country is mountainous and hilly, and much of the soil highly fertile. Seat of justice, Gilford. Pop. in 1850, 17,721.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 39.
    Body Summary:
    BELMONT COUNTY, situated in the east part of Ohio, on the westerly side of Ohio river. Length, 25 miles; mean breadth, 20; with an area of 500 square miles. The face of the country is hilly; the soil generally very productive. Seat of justice, St. Clairsville. Pop. in 1820 2,329; in 1830, 28,627; in 1840, 30,901; in 1850 34,600.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 39.
    Body Summary:
    BENNINGTON COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Vermont. Length, 40 miles; mean width, 17; with an area of 680 square miles. The face of the country is mountainous and hilly; the soil generally productive, and particularly suited for grazing and fruit. Seats of justice at Bennington and Manchester. Pop. in 1820, 16,125; in 1830, 17,470; in 1840, 16,872; in 1850, 18,589.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Alabama, and watered by the Tallapoosa and a branch of Coosa river. Area, 1,060 square miles. Seat of justice, Jacksonville. Pop. in 1840, 14,260; in 1850, 17,163.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Arkansas, and watered by White river and branches of the Neosho. Area, 1,050 square miles. Seat of justice, Bentonville. Pop. in 1840, 2,228; in 1850, 3,710.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Indiana. Area, 520 square miles. Seat of justice, Oxford. Pop. in 1850, 1,144.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Iowa, and traversed by Cedar river. Area, 660 square miles. Seat of justice, Vinton. Pop. in 1850, 672.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Missouri, and traversed by Osage river. Area, 1,050 square miles. Face of the country generally uneven, and the soil fertile. Seat of justice, Warsaw. Pop. in 1836, 1,512; in 1840, 4,205; in 1850, 5,015.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BENTON COUNTY, Tenn., situated in the westerly part of the state, between Tennessee and Big Sandy rivers. Area, 375 square miles. Seat of justice, Camden. Pop. in 1840, 4,772; in 1850, 6,305.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BERKS COUNTY, situated in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania. Area, 1820 square miles. Seat of justice, Reading. Pop. in 1840, 64,569; in 1850, 77,129.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 40.
    Body Summary:
    BERKSHIRE COUNTY, situated on the western border of Massachusetts. Area, 1,400 square miles. Seat of justice, Lenox. Pop. in 1840, 41,745; in 1850, 49,591.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 41.
    Body Summary:
    BERRIEN COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Michigan, with Lake Michigan on the west, and watered by St. Joseph and Gallon rivers. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Berrien Spring. Pop. in 1830, 325; in 1840, 5,011; in 1850, 11,417.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 41.
    Body Summary:
    BERTIE COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of North Carolina, on the northerly side of Roanoke river. Watered also by Cashie and Chowan rivers. Length, 28 miles; mean width, 25; with an area of 700 square miles. The face of the country is generally level, in some parts low and marshy; the soil moderately fertile. Seat of justice, Windsor. Pop. in 1820, 10,805; in 1830, 12,262; in 1840, 12,175; in 1850, 12,851.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 42.
    Body Summary:
    BIBB COUNTY, in the central part of Alabama, and traversed by Cahawba river, with Coosa river on the east. Length, 45 ms. ; mean width, 25; extending over an area of 1,100 square miles. Seat of justice, Centreville. Pop. in 1820, 3,676; in 1830, 6,305; in 1840, 8,284; in 1850, 9,969.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 42.
    Body Summary:
    BIBB COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, and traversed by Ocmulgee river. Area, 450 square miles. Seat of justice, Macon. Pop. in 1830, 7,143; in 1840, 9,802; in 1850, 12,699.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 42.
    Body Summary:
    BIENVILLE PARISH, situated in the northwest of Louisiana, on the easterly side of Lake Bisteneau. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice --------- . Pop. in 1850, 5,539.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 43.
    Body Summary:
    BLACK HAWK COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Iowa, and traversed by Cedar and Black Hawk rivers. Area, 625 square miles. Cedar Falls is the chief town. Pop in 1850, 135.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 43.
    Body Summary:
    BLACKFORD COUNTY, situated toward the northeast of Indiana, and watered by Salamanic river, a branch of the Wabash. Area, 182 square miles. Seat of justice, Blackford. Pop. in 1840, 1,226; in 1850, 2,860.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 44.
    Body Summary:
    BLADEN COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of North Carolina, and traversed by Cape Fear river. Length, 50 miles; mean width, 30; with an area of 1,500 square miles. The face of the country is generally level; soil of moderate fertility. Seat of justice, Elizabethtown. Pop. in 1820, 7,276; in 1830, 7,814; in 1840, 8,022; in 1850, 9,767.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 44.
    Body Summary:
    BLAIR COUNTY, situated in the central part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by the Frankstown branch of Juniata river. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Hollidaysburgh. Pop. in 1850, 21,777.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 44.
    Body Summary:
    BLEDSOE COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Tennessee, and traversed by Sequatchic river. Length, 35 ms.; mean width, 13, with an area of 455 square miles. The face of the country is generally mountainous or hilly; soil varied, in many situations highly productive. Seat of justice, Pikeville. Pop. in 1820, 4,005; in 1830, 4,688; in 1840 5,676; in 1850, 5,959.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 45.
    Body Summary:
    BLOUNT COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Alabama. Length, 32 miles; breadth, 30; with an area of 960 square miles. The face of the country is generally hilly. Seat of justice, Blountsville. Pop. in 1820, 2,415; in 1830, 4,233; in 1840, 5,570; in 1850, 7,367.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 45.
    Body Summary:
    BLOUNT COUNTY, on the southeast boundary of Tennessee, with Tennessee river on the northwest. Area, 900 square miles. The face of the country is hilly and the soil varied. Seat of justice, Maryville. Pop. in 1820, 11,258; in 1830, 11,028; in 1840, 11,745; in 1850, 12,382.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOLIVAR COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Mississippi, on the east side of Mississippi river. Area, 1,700 square miles. Seat of justice, Bolivar. Pop. in 1840, 1,356; in 1850, 2,577.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOONE COUNTY, in the north boundary of Illinois, and drained by Kishwaukee river. Area, 400 square miles. Seat ot justice, Belvidere. Pop. in 1840, 1,705 ; in 1850, 7,626.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOONE COUNTY, in the central part of Indiana. Area, 408 square miles. Seat of justice, Lebanon. Pop. 1830, 621; in 1840, 8,121; in 1850, 11,631.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOONE COUNTY, in the central part of Iowa and traversed by Des Moines river. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Booneville. Pop. in 1850, 735.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOONE COUNTY, situated at the extreme north part of Kentucky, on the south side of Ohio river. Length, 25 miles; mean width, 12; with an area of 300 square miles. The face of the country is generally hilly, and the soil productive. Seat of justice, Burlington. Pop. in 1820, 6,582; in 1830, 9,075; in 1840, 10,034; in 1850, 11,125.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 46.
    Body Summary:
    BOONE COUNTY, in the central part of Missouri, on the northeasterly side of Missouri river. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country undulating. Soil, generally good. Seat of justice, Columbia. Pop. in 1830, 8,859; in 1840, 13,561; in 1850, 14,979.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 47.
    Body Summary:
    BOSSIER PARISH, situated near the northwest corner of Louisiana, between Red river and Lake Bisteneau, containing also Lake Bodeau. Area, 880 square miles. Seat of justice, Belleview. Pop., in 1850, 6,962.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 49.
    Body Summary:
    BOURBON COUNTY, situated in the northern of Kentucky, between Kentucky and Licking rivers. Length, 16 miles; mean breadth, 11; with an area 176 square miles. The face of the country is somewhat hilly, and the soil fertile and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Paris. Pop. in 1830, 18,434; in 1840, 14,478; in 1850, 14,466.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 49.
    Body Summary:
    BOYLE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky, on the southwest side of Dick's river. Area, 175 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Danville. Pop. in 1850, 9,116.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 49.
    Body Summary:
    BRACKEN COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Kentucky river, between Ohio and Licken rivers. Area, 220 square miles. Seat of justice, Augusta. Pop. in 1820, 5,280; in 1830, 6,518; in 1840, 7,053; in 1850, 8,903.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 49.
    Body Summary:
    BRADFORD COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Susquehanna river. Length, 38 miles; mean width, 35; with an area of 1,330 square miles. The face of the country rocky and hilly, and the soil varied, but not very fertile. Seat of justice, Towanda. Pop. in 1820, 11,554; in 1830, 19,669; in 1840, 32,769; in 1850, 42,839.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BRADLEY COUNTY, situated in the south part of Arkansas, north of the junction of Wachita and Saline rivers. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Warren. Pop., in 1850, 3,829.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BRADLEY COUNTY, in the southeast part of Tennessee, and drained by Hiawassee river. Area, -------- square miles. The face of the county is uneven. Seat of justice, Cleveland. Pop. in 1840, 7,385; in 1850, 12,259.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BRANCH COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Michigan, and drained by St. Joseph's river. Area, 528 square miles. Seat of justice, Branch Court House. Pop. in 1840, 5,715; in 1850, 18,472.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BRANDON, p. t., Rutland co., Vt., 14 ms S. W. of Montpelier; from W. 472 ms. Watered by Otter creek and Mill river. Pop. 2,835.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BREATHITT COUNTY, situated in the east part of Kentucky, and traversed by the north fork of Kentucky river. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Breathitt. Pop in 1840, 2,195; in 1850, 3,785.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 50.
    Body Summary:
    BRECKENRIDGE COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, on the southerly side of Ohio river. Length, 38 miles; mean breadth 20, with an area of 760 square miles. The face of the country is broken, and the soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Hardensburgh. Pop. in 1820, 7,485; in 1830, 7,345; 1840, 8,994; in 1850, 10,593.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 52.
    Body Summary:
    BRISTOL COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Massachusetts, on Buzzard's bay and Rhode Island line. Length, 35 miles; mean breadth 17, with an area of 600 square miles. The face of the county is generally level, though hilly in some parts. The soil is naturally of a fair quality, but somewhat worn. Seats of justice, New Bedford and Taunton. Pop. in 1820, 40,908; in 1830, 49,592; in 1840, 60,164; in 1850, 74,577.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROOME COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of New York, and traversed by Susquehanna river. Length, 43 miles; mean breadth, 20, with an area of 860 square miles. The face of the country is hilly, and the soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Binghamton, which is connected with Utica by the Chensngo canal. Pop. in 1820, 14,343; in 1830, 17,749; in 1840, 22,338; in 1850, 30,660.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROWN COUNTY, in the western part of Illinois, with Illinois river on the east, and Crooked river on the northeast. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Mount Sterling. Pop. in 1840, 4,183; in 1850, 7,198.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROWN COUNTY, situated towards the southerly part of Indiana. Area, 310 square miles. Seat of justice, Nashville. Pop. in 1840, 2,364; in 1850, 4,846.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROWN COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Ohio, on the north side of Ohio river. Length, 30 miles; mean width, 17, with an area of about 470 square miles. The face of the country is hilly, and the soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Georgetown. Pop in 1830, 17,857; in 1840, 22,715; in 1850, 27,332.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROWN COUNTY, in the northeast part of Wisconsin, intersected by Depere. Area, 1,150 square miles. Seat of justice, Green Bay. Pop. 1840, 2,107; in 1850, 6,215.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 54.
    Body Summary:
    BROWNSVILLE, p. o., Praire co., Ark.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 55.
    Body Summary:
    BRUNSWICK COUNTY, on the southern boundary of North Carolina, with Cape Fear river on the east, and the Atlantic ocean on the south. Area 1,344 square miles. The surface is level on the south level, abounding in marshes, and the soil is generally poor and thin. Seat of justice, Smithville. Pop in 1820 5,480; in 1830, 6,523; in 1840, 5,265; in 1850, 7,272.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 55.
    Body Summary:
    BRYAN COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the northeast, and the Atlantic ocean on the southeast. Drained by Connouchee river. Area, 480 square miles. Surface level, containing marshes, and the soil generally poor and thin. Seat of justice, Bryan courthouse. Pop. in 1830, 3,139; in 1840, 3,182; in 1850, 3,424.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 55.
    Body Summary:
    BUCHANAN COUNTY, in the easterly part of Iowa. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, Independence. Pop. in 1850, 517.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 55.
    Body Summary:
    BUCHANAN COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Missouri on the east side of Missouri river. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Sparta. Pop. in 1840, 6,237 ; in 1850, 12,975.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 56.
    Body Summary:
    BUCKS COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Pennsylvania, on the westerly side of Delaware river. Length, 37 miles; mean breadth, 16; with an area of about 600 square miles. The face of the country is somewhat hilly and rolling, and the soil generally good and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Doylestown. Pop. in 1820, 37,642; in 1830, 45,740; in 1840, 48,107; to 1850, 56,091.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 56-58.
    Body Summary:
    BULLITT COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Kentucky, on the northeasterly side of Salt river. Length, 30 miles; mean breadth, 10, with an area of 300 square miles. The face of the country is hilly; the soil varied, but generally productive. Seat of justice, Shepherdsville. Pop. in 1820, 5,381; in 1830, 5,642; in 1840, 6,334; in 1850, 6,774.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 58.
    Body Summary:
    BULLOCH COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Georgia, between Ogechee and Cannouehee rivers. Length, 45 miles; mean breadth, 12, with an area of 540 square miles. The face of the country is generally undulating and hilly; soil of a middling quality. Seat of justice, Statesborough. Pop. in 1820, 2,578; in 1830, 2,287; in 1840, 3,102; in 1850, 4,300.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 58.
    Body Summary:
    BUREAU COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Illinois, on the northwesterly side of Illinois river. Area, 648 square miles. Watered by Bureau creek and Winnebago lake. Seat of justice, Princeton. Pop. in 1840, 3,067; in 1850, 8,841.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 58.
    Body Summary:
    BURKE COUNTY, situated on the northeast boundary of Georgia, on the southwest side of Savannah river. Length, 40 miles; mean breadth, 24, with an area of 960 square miles. The face of the country is generally undulating, and the soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Waynesborough. Pop. in 1820, 11,576; in 1830, 17,888; in 1840, 13,176; in 1850, 16,100.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 58.
    Body Summary:
    BURKE COUNTY, in the western part of North Carolina, and traversed by Catawba river. Length, 6O miles; mean width, 22, with an area of 1,320 square miles. The surface is mountainous and hilly; soil varied. Seat of justice, Morgantown. Pop. in 1820, 13,411; in 1830, 17,727; in 1840, 15,799; in 1850, 7,772.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 58.
    Body Summary:
    BURLINGTON COUNTY, situated toward the southern part of New Jersey, between the river Delaware and the Atlantic ocean. Length, 40 miles; mean width, 12 ½; with an area of 500 square miles. The face of the country is generally level; the soil sandy, but productive. Seat of justice, Mount Holly. Pop. in 1830, 31,066; in 1840, 32,831; in 1850, 43,203.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 59.
    Body Summary:
    BUTLER COUNTY, situated toward the southern part of Alabama. Area, 1,000 square miles. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1830, 5,650; in 1840, 8,685; in 1850, 10,836.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 59.
    Body Summary:
    BUTLER COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Kentucky, and traversed by Green river. Area, 570 square miles. Seat of justice, Morgantown. Pop. in 1830, 3,058; in 1840, 3,898; in 1850, 5,754.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 56.
    Body Summary:
    BUTLER COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Missouri, and traversed by Big Black river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Cane creek. Pop. in 1850, 1,616.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 59.
    Body Summary:
    BUTLER COUNTY, in the southwest part of Ohio, and traversed by Miami river, and the Miami canal. Area, 480 square miles. Seat of justice, Hamilton. Pop. in 1830, 27,144; in 1840, 28,173; in 1850, 30,789.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 59.
    Body Summary:
    BUTLER COUNTY, situated in the western part of Pennsylvania. Length, 35 miles; mean width, 24; with an area of 840 square miles. The face of the country is generally hilly; soil fertile and well watered. Seat of justice, Butler. Pop. in 1820, 10,251; in 1830, 14,683; in 1840. 22,378; in 1850, 30,346.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 60.
    Body Summary:
    BUTTS COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, on the westerly side of Ocmulgee river. Area, 420 square miles. Seat of justice, Jackson. Pop. in 1830, 4,944; in 1840, 5,308; in 1850, 6,488.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 60.
    Body Summary:
    CABARRAS COUNTY, situated in the southern part of North Carolina. Area, 300 square miles. The face of the country is mountainous and broken, with a soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Concord. Pop. in 1820, 7,228; in 1830, 8,796; in 1840 9,259; in 1850 9,747.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CADDO PARISH, situated at the northwest corner of Louisiana, on the westerly side of Red river, and watered by Caddo lake. Area, 2,500 square miles. Seat of justice, Shrewsport [Shreveport]. Pop. in 1840, 5,282; in 1850, 8,884.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALCASIEU PARISH, situated on the southwest corner of Louisiana, on the east side of Sabine river, with the Gulf of Mexico on the south. Area, 5,000 square miles. Seat of justice, Lisbon. Pop. in 1840, 2,057; in 1850, 3,914.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALDWELL COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Kentucky, on the easterly side of Tennessee river, and traversed by the Cumberland. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Princeton. Pop. in 1820, 9,022; in 1830, 6,332; in 1840, 10,365; in 1850, 13,048.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALDWELL COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Kingston. Pop. in 1840, 1,458; in 1850, 2,316.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALDWELL COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of North Carolina, on the north side of Catawba river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Lenoir. Pop. in 1850, 6,317.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALDWELL PARISH, situated toward the north part of Louisiana, and traversed by Wachita river. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Columbia. Pop. in 1840 2,017; in 1850, 2,815.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALEDONIA COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Vermont, on the westerly side of Connecticut river, and traversed by Passumpsic river. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the county mountainous and hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Danville. Pop. in 1820, 16,670; in 1830, 20,967; in 1840, 21,891; in 1850, 23,086.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALHOUN COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Illinois, between Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Area, 240 square miles, containing a rich table land 37 miles long, and from 3 to 10 miles wide. Seat of justice, Gilead. Pop., in 1830, 1,092; in 1840, 1,741; in 1850, 3,231.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 61.
    Body Summary:
    CALHOUN COUNTY, situated in the southern part of Michigan, and drained by Kalamazoo and St. Joseph's rivers. Area, 720 square miles. Seat of justice, Marshall. Pop. in 1834, 3,280; in 1840, 10,599; in 1850, 19,162.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CALLAWAY COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, on the northerly side of Missouri river. Area, 760 square miles. Seat of justice, Fulton. Pop. in 1840, 11,765; in 1850, 13,827.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CALLOWAY COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Kentucky, on the westerly side of Tennessee river. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Wadesborouch. Pop. in 1840, 9,794; in 1850, 8,096.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CALUMET COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Wisconsin, on the east side of Lake Winnebago. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Pequot. Pop. in 1840, 275; in 1850, 1,743.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CALVERT COUNTY, situated in the south part of Maryland, between Patuxent river and Chesapeake bay.  Area, 264 square miles.  Seat of justice, Prince Frederick.  Pop. in 1840, 9,299; in 1850, 9,646.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CALVERT COUNTY, situated in the south part of Maryland, between Patuxent river and Chesapeake bay. Area, 264 square miles. Seat of justice, Prince Frederick. Pop. in 1840, 9,229; in 1850, 9,646.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 64.
    Body Summary:
    CAMBRIA COUNTY, situated in the central part of Pennsylvania, and drained by Connemaugh river. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country hilly and rocky, soil generally of fair quality. Seat of justice, Ebesnburgh. Pop. in 1820, 3,287; in 1830, 7,079; in 1840, 11,250; in 1850, 17,773.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMDEN COUNTY, situated at the southeast part of Georgia, on the northerly side of St. Mary's river, and separated from the ocean by Cumberland island. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the country flat; soil sandy, and in some places marshy. Seat of justice, Jeffersonton. Pop. in 1820, 3,402; in 1830, 4,578; in 1840, 6,075; in 1850, 6,319.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMDEN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, on the south side of Osage river. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Erie. Pop. in 1850, 2,338.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMDEN COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of New Jersey, on the northeasterly side of Delaware river. Area, ----- square miles. Face of the country level; soil of fair quality. Seat of justice, Camden. Pop. in 1850, 25,422.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMDEN COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of North Carolina, on the northeast side of Pasquotauk river. Area, 228 square miles. Face of the country level; soil thin and generally sterile. Seat of justice, Jonesburgh. Pop. in 1820, 6,305; in 1830, 6,721; in 1840, 5,663; in 1850, 6,049.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMPBELL COUNTY, situated in the western part of Georgia, and traversed by Chattahoochee river. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Campbellton. Pop. in 1830, 3,323; in 1840, 5,370; in 1850, 7,232.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMPBELL COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, on the southerly side of Ohio river. Area, 260 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Newport. Pop. in 1820, 9,022; in 1830, 9,893; in 1840, 5,214; in 1850, 13,127.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 65.
    Body Summary:
    CAMPBELL COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee, on the northwest side of Clinch river. Area, 672 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous; soil fertile in the valleys and along the streams. Seat of justice, Jacksborough. Pop. in 1820, 4,244; in 1830, 5,110; in 1840, 6,149; in 1850, 6,068.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 66.
    Body Summary:
    CAMPTI, p. o., Natchitotches [Natchitoches] parish, La.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 66.
    Body Summary:
    CANNON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Tennessee. Area, 100 square miles. Seat of justice, Woodbury. Pop. in 1840, 7,193; in 1850, 8,982.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 67.
    Body Summary:
    CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY, situated In the southeast part of Missouri, on the westerly side of Mississippi river. Area, 864 square miles. The face of the country is generally level, a part of which is subject to annual inundation. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Jackson. Pop in 1820, 5,968; in 1830, 7,430; in 1840, 9,359; in 1850; 13,912.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CAPE MAY COUNTY, situated in the extreme southeast part of New Jersey, with Tuckahoe river on the north, Delaware bay on the west, and the Atlantic ocean on the east. Area, 252 square miles. Face of the country level. Soil sandy; in some parts marshy. Seat of justice, Cape May Court House. Pop. in 1820, 4,265; in 1830, 4,945; in 1840, 5,324; in 1850, 6,433.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CAPE MAY. c. h., p. v., Middle township, seat of justice of Cape May со., N. J., 93 ms. S. of Trenton; from W. 203 ms. Watered by Atlantic ocean.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 67.
    Body Summary:
    CARBON COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Lehigh river. Area, -- square miles. Seat of justice, Mauch Chunk. Pop. in 1850, 15,686.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Maryland, on the northwest side of Patapsco river. Area, 500 square miles. Seat of justice, Westminster. Pop. in 1840, 17,241; in 1850, 20,616.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CAROLINE COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Maryland, on the eastern side of Choptauk river. Area, 240 square miles. Face of the country level; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Denton. Pop. in 1820, 10,108; in 1830, 9,070; in 1840, 7,806; in 1850, 9,962.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Arkansas. Area, 1,650 square miles. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop. in 1840, 2,844; in 1850, 4,614.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Illinois, on the east side of Mississippi river. Area, 445 square miles. Seat of justice, Mount Carroll. Pop. in 1840, 1,023; in 1850, 4,586.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Illinois, on tho east side of Mississippi river. Area, 445 square miles. Seat of justice Mount Carroll. Pop. in 1840, 1,023; in 1850, 4,586.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Indiana, and traversed by the Wabash river. Area, 380 square miles. Seat of justice, Delphi. Pop. in 1830, 1,614; in 1840, 7,819; in 1850, 11,015.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, on the south side of the Ohio river, and traversed by Kentucky river. Area, 140 square miles. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop. in 1840, 3,966; in 1850, 5,526.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Maryland, on the northwest side of Patapsco river. Area, 500 square miles. Seat of justice, Westminster. Pop. in 1840, 17,241 ; in 1850, 20,616.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 67.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated toward the northwestern part of Mississippi, on the east side of Yazoo river. Area, 950 square miles. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop. in 1840, 10,481; in 1850, 18,495.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Missouri, on the north side of the Missouri river. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop. in 1840, 2,423; in 1850, 5,441.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of New Hampshire, with Squam and Winnipisiogee lakes on the west and southwest. Area, 550 square miles. Face of the country generally mountainous and hilly; soil varied, much of which is highly fertile. Seat of justice, Ossipee. Pop. in 1850, 20,157.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Ohio. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop, in 1840, 18,108; in 1850, 17,685.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL COUNTY, situated in the western part of Tennessee, and drained by Big Sandy river. Area, 960 square miles. Seat of justice, Huntingdon. Pop. in 1830, 9,378; in 1840, 12,362; in 1850, 15,967.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARROLL PARISH, situated in the northeast comer of Louisiana, on the west side of Mississippi river. Area, 1,100 square miles. Seat of justice, Providence. Pop. in 1840, 4,237; in 1850, 8,789.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARTER COUNTY, situated on the northeast boundary of Kentucky, on the west side of Big Sandy river. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Grayson. Pop. in 1840, 2,905; in 1850, 6,241.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARTER COUNTY, situated near the northeast comer of Tennessee. Area, 540 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally sterile, but in some places good. Seat of justice, Elizabethtown. Pop. in 1820, 4,835; in 1830, 6,418; in 1840, 5,237; in 1850, 6,296.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 68.
    Body Summary:
    CARTERET COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of North Carolina, on the Atlantic ocean. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally sandy, but in part marshy. Seat of justice, Beaufort. Pop. in 1830, 5,609; in 1830, 6,607; in 1840, 6,591; in 1850, 6,803.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASEY COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky. Area, 448 square miles. Surface hilly, productive. Seat of justice, Liberty. Pop. in 1830, 4,342; in 1840, 4,939; in 1850, 6,556.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASS COUNTY, situated toward the western part of Illinois, on the southeast side of Illinois river. Area, 256 square miles. Seat of justice, Virginia. Pop in 1840, 2,981; in 1850, 3,253.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASS COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Indiana, and traversed by Wabash river. Area, 415 square miles. Seat of justice, Logansport. Pop. in 1840, 5,840; in 1850, 10,998.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASS COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Michigan. Area, 528 square miles. Seat of justice, Cassopolis. Pop. in 1840, 5,710; in 1850, 10,907.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASS COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Harrisonville. Pop. in 1850, 6,090.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CASWELL COUNTY, situated in the north boundary of North Carolina. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Yanceyville. Pop. in 1830, 15,499; in 1840, 14,639; in 1850, 15,269.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 69.
    Body Summary:
    CATAHOOLA PARISH, situated toward the easterly part of Louisiana, and watered by Catahoola lake, and Cataboola and Washita rivers. Area, 2,100 square miles. Face of the country generally flat, and partially subject to annual inundation. Seat of justice Harrisonburgh. Pop. in 1830, 2,581; in 1840, 4,955; in 1850, 6,982.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CATAWBA COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of North Carolina, on the southwest side of Catawba river. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, Newtown. Pop. in 1850, 8,862.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CATTARAUGUS COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of New York. Area, 1,232 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Ellicottville. Pop. in 1820, 4,090; in 1830, 16,726; in 1840, 28,872; in 1850, 38,950.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CAYUGA COUNTY, situated toward the western part of New York, with Cayuga lake on the west, Skaneateles lake on the east, and Lake Ontario on the north; watered, also, by Seneca river, Owasco lake, and the Erie canal. Area, 648 square miles. Face of the country somewhat hilly, with a very productive soil. Seat of justice, Auburn. Pop. in 1820, 38,897; in 1830, 47,947; in 1840, 50,338; in 1850, 55,460.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CECIL COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Maryland, with Susquehanna river and Chesapeake bay on the west and southwest. Area, 264 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil varied, with much good land along the streams. Seat of justice, Elkton. Pop. in 1820, 16,048; in 1830, 15,492; in 1840, 17,232; in 1850, 18,939.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CEDAR COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Fremont. Pop. in 1850, 3,361.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 71.
    Body Summary:
    CENTRE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Pennsylvania, with the west branch of Susquehanna river on the northwest. Area, 1,560 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous and hilly; soil generally rocky and sterile, but much good land along the streams. Seat of justice, Bellefonte. Pop. in 1820, 13 786; in 1830, 16,765; in 1840, 20,492; in 1850, 23,355.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 72-73.
    Body Summary:
    CHAMBERS COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Alabama, with Chattahoochee river on the east, and traversed by Tallapoosa river in the northwest section. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Lafayette. Pop. in 1840, 17,333; in 1850, 23,960.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 73.
    Body Summary:
    CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Illinois, and drained by Kaskaskia, Embarrass, Sangamon, and Vermilion rivers. Area, 792 square miles. Face of the country generally level, containing much prairie with fine timber. Seat of justice, Urbana. Pop. in 1840, 1,475; in 1850, 2,649.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 73.
    Body Summary:
    CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Ohio, and traversed by Mad river. Area, 450 square miles. Face of the country level, or gently undulating, with a soil exuberantly fertile. Seat of justice, Urbana. Pop. in 1820, 8,479; in 1830, 12,130; in 1840, 16,721; in 1850, 19,762.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 73.
    Body Summary:
    CHAPEL HILL, p. v., Orange со., N. С., 28 ms. N. W. of Raleigh; from W. 286 ms. Watered by New Hope river. Seat of the University of North Carolina.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 70.
    Body Summary:
    CHARITON COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the southwest, and Grand river on the west. Area, 832 square miles. Seat of justice, Keytesville. Pop. in 1840, 4,746; in 1850, 7,514.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 73.
    Body Summary:
    CHARLES COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Maryland, on the northeat side of Potomac river. Area, 450 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally of fair quality, but some parts sandy. Seat of justice, Port Tobacco. Pop. in 1820, 16,500; in 1830, 17,666; in 1840, 16,023; in 1850, 16,162.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 73.
    Body Summary:
    CHARLESTON DISTRICT, situated on the southeast boundary of South Carolina, on the Atlantic ocean, with Santee river on the northeast, and Combatree river on the southwest. Area, 2,244 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil, in parts highly productive, while in others it is marshy or sandy. Seat of justice, Charleston. Pop. in 1820, 80,212; in 1830, 86,338; in 1840, 82,661; in 1850, 72,805.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 75.
    Body Summary:
    CHARLESTON, p. t., Coles co., Ill., 78 ms. E. by S. of Springfield; from W. 707 ms. Pop. 2,262.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 75.
    Body Summary:
    CHARLESTOWN, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Jefferson co., Va., 168 ms. N. of Richmond ; from W. 65 ms. Pop. 1,507.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 75.
    Body Summary:
    CHARLOTTE, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Mecklenburgh co., N. C., 158 ms. S. W. of Raleigh; from W. 397 ms. Watered by Sugar creek.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 75.
    Body Summary:
    CHATHAM COUNTY, situated at the eastern angle of Georgia, on the Atlantic ocean, between Ogeechee and Savannah rivers. Area, 405 square miles. Face of the country level; soil in general sandy, or marshy, but in some parts fertile. Seat of justice, Savannah. Pop. in 1820, 14,737; in 1830, 14,230; in 1840, 18,801; in 1850, 23,901.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 75.
    Body Summary:
    CHATHAM COUNTY, situated in the central part of North Carolina, and traversed by Haw and Deep rivers. Area, 858 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil varied. Seat of justice, Pittsborough. Pop. in 1820, 12,661; in 1830, 15,499; in 1840, 16,242; in 1850, 18,449.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHATTOOGA COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Georgia. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Summerville. Pop. in 1840, 3,438; in 1850, 6,815.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHAUTAUQUE COUNTY, situated in the extreme southwest corner of New York, with Lake Eric on the northwest, and also contains Chautauque lake. Area, 1,017 square miles. Face of the country rocky and hilly, with a very productive soil. Seat of justice, Mayville. Pop. in 1820, 12,568; in 1830, 34,057; in 1840, 47,975; in 1850, 50,493.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEBOYGAN COUNTY, situated at the north part of the peninsula of Michigan, with the straits of Mackinaw on the north. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Duncan.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEMUNG COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of New York, and watered by Chemung river, Cayuta, and Newtown creeks, Seneca lake inlet, and Chemung canal. Area, 530 square miles. Seat of justice, Elmira. Pop. in 1840, 20,732; in 1850, 28,795.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHENANGO COUNTY, situated near the central part of New York, and watered by Chenango canal and the river of the same name. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly, with a productive soil. Seat of justice, Norwich. Pop. in 1820, 31,215; in 1830, 37,406; in 1840, 40,785; in 1850, 55,460.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEROKEE COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Alabama, and traversed by Coosa river. Seat of justice, Jefferson. Pop. in 1840, 8,773; in 1850, 13,881.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEROKEE COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Georgia, and traversed by Etowah river. Area, 620 square miles. Seat of justice, Canton. Pop. in 1840, 5,895; in 1850, 12,800.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEROKEE COUNTY, situated at the extreme westerly angle of North Carolina. Area, 1,000 square miles. Face of the country generally mountainous and hilly, with a fertile soil along the stream. Seat of justice, Murphy. Pop. in 1840, 3,427; in 1850, 6,838.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 76.
    Body Summary:
    CHEROKEE COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Texas, between Angelina and Neches rivers. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Rusk. Pop. in 1850, 5,057.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 77.
    Body Summary:
    CHESHIRE COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of New Hampshire, on the easterly side of Connecticut river. Area, 442 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally rocky, but productive and well watered. Seat of justice, Keene. Pop. in 1820, 45,376; in 1830, 27,016; in 1840, 26,429; in 1850, 28,344.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 77.
    Body Summary:
    CHESTER COUNTY, situated at the southeast corner of Pennsylvania, with Schuylkill river on the northeast. Area, 729 square miles. Face of the country extremely diversified by mountains, hills, valleys and plains, with a soil equally varied, changing from rocky to the productive limestone valley, and the fertile loamy plain. Seat of justice, Westchester. Pop. in 1820, 44,455; in 1830, 50,910; in 1840. 57,515; in 1850, 66,438.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 77.
    Body Summary:
    CHESTER DISTRICT, situated in the northern part of South Carolina, between Broad and Catawba rivers. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified by hill and dale; soil of fair quality and well watered. Seat of justice, Chesterville. Pop. in 1820, 11,389; in 1830, 17,182; in 1840 17,747; in 1850, 18,038.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 77.
    Body Summary:
    CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT, situated on the north boundary of South Carolina, Great Pedee river, and Lynch creek. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil sandy and generally of fair quality. Seat of justice, Chesterfield Court House. Pop. in 1820, 6,645; in 1830, 17,182; in 1840, 8,574; in 1850, 10,790.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 78.
    Body Summary:
    CHICKASAW COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Mississippi. Area, 970 square miles. Seat of justice, Houston. Pop. in 1840, 2,055; in 1850, 16,368.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 78.
    Body Summary:
    CHICOT COUNTY, situated at the southeast corner of Arkansas, on the westerly side of Mississippi river. Area, 1,800 square miles. Seat of justice, Columbia. Pop. in 1830, 1,165; in 1840, 3,806; in 1850, 5,115.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHIPPEWA COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Michigan. Area, 7,200 square miles. Seat of justice, Sault de St. Marie. Pop. in 1840, 534; in 1850, 898.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHIPPEWA COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Wisconsin, on the northeast side of Mississippi river, and traversed by Chippewa river. Area, ---------- square miles. Pop. in 1850, 615.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHITTENDEN COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Vermont, on the east side of Lake Champlain, and traversed by Onion river. Area, 500 square miles. The face of the country is undulating near the lake, but becomes mountainous and hilly at the east; much of the soil is highly productive. Seat of justice, Burlington. Pop. in 1830, 21,775; in 1840, 22,977; in 1850, 29,036.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHOCTAW COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Alabama, on the west side of Tombigbee river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Butler. Pop. in 1850, 8,384.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHOCTAW COUNTY, situated in the central part of Mississippi. Area, 920 square miles. Seat of justice, Greensborough. Pop. in 1840, 6,010; in 1850, 11,402.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHOWAN COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of North Carolina, on the northeast side of Albemarle sound. Area, 200 square miles. Face of the country flat; soil in general of middling quality, but in some parts swampy. Seat of justice, Edenton. Pop. in 1820, 6,464; in 1830, 6,688; in 1840, 6,690; in 1850, 6,721.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHRISTIAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois. Area, 350 square miles. Seat of justice, Edinburgh. Pop. in 1840, 1,878; in 1850, 3,203.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 80.
    Body Summary:
    CHRISTIAN COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Kentucky. Area, 612 square miles. Seat of justice, Hopkinsville. Pop. in 1820, 10,459; in 1830, 12,694; in 1840, 15,587; in 1850, 9,580.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLAIBORNE COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Mississippi, on the east side of Mississippi river, with Big Black river on the northwest. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country hilly, except along the stream. Soil varied from rich bottom lands to sterile hills and sandy pine plains. Seat of justice, Port Gibson. Pop. in 1820, 5,963; in 1830, 9,818; in 1840, 13,078; in 1850, 14,899.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLAIBORNE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee, on the north side of Clinch river, and drained by Powell's river. Area, 580 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly, except along the streams; soil of fair quality. Seat of justice, Tazewell. Pop. in 1820, 5,508; in 1830, 8,470; in 1840, 9,474; in 1850, 9,369.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLAIBORNE PARISH, situated on the north boundary of Louisiana, on the east side of Bayou Dorcheat. Area, ------- square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil, along the streams, fertile. Seat of justice, Oveston. Pop. in 1830, 1,764; in 1840, 6,185; in 1850, 7,471.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARION COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Pennsylvania, on the northeast side of Alleghany river, and traversed by Clarion river. Area, 530 square miles. Seat of justice, Clarion. Pop. in 185O, 23,565.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Arkansas, between Little Missouri and Wachita rivers. Area, 1,500 square miles. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1830, 1,369; in 1840, 2,309; in 1850, 4,011.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated on the eastern boundary of Illinois, on the west side of Wabash river. Area, 500 square miles. Seat of justice, Marshall. Pop. in 1830, 3,124; in 1840, 7,453; in 1850, 9,532.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLARKE COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Indiana, on the northwest side of Ohio river. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Charleston. Pop. in 1820, 8,079; in 1830, 10,686; in 1840, 14,595, in 1850, 15,828.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Kentucky, on the north side of Kentucky river. Area, 300 square miles. Face of the country moderately hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Winchester. Pop. in 1820, 11,449; in 1830, 13,051; in 1840, 10,802; in 1850, 12,683.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated at the northeast comer of Missouri, with Des Moines river on the northeast, and the Mississippi on the east. Soil generally fertile. Area, 560 square miles. Seat of justice, Waterloo. Pop. in 1840, 2,846; in 1850, 5,527.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Ohio. Area, 412 square miles. Face of the country beautifully undulating; soil exceedingly fertile. Seat of justice, Springfield. Pop. in 1830, 13,114; in 1840, 16,882; in 1850, 22,178.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLARKE COUNTY, situated in the northwestern part of Alabama, between Alabama and Tombigbee rivers. Area, 1,200 square miles. Face of the country somewhat hilly, except along the streams, where the soil is extremely fertile. Seat of justice, Clarksville. Pop. in 1830, 7,593; in 1840, 8,640; in 1850, 9,786.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARK COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Georgia, and watered by branches of Oconee river. Area, 414 square miles. Seat of justice, Athens. Pop. in 1820, 8,867; in 1830, 10,176; in 1840, 10,552; in 1850, 11,119.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLARKE COUNTY, situated on the cast boundary of Mississippi, and watered by Chickasaw river. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, Quitman. Pop. in 1840, 2,986; in 1850, 5,477.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 82.
    Body Summary:
    CLARKE COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Virginia, and traversed by Shenandoah river. Area, 225 square miles. Seat of justice, Berryville. Pop. in 1840, 6,353; in 1850, 7,352.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLAY COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Illinois. Area, 475 square miles. Seat of justice, Lewisville. Pop. in 1830, 755; in 1840, 3,228; in 1850, 4,289.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLAY COUNTY, situated in the western part of Indiana. Area, 360 square miles. Seat of justice, Bowling Green. Pop. in 1830, 1,616; in 1840, 5,567; in 1850, 7,947.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLAY COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Kentucky. Area, 880 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil very rocky, but in some parts productive. Seat of justice, Manchester. Pop. in 1820, 4,393; in 1830, 3,549; in 1840, 4,607; in 1850, 5,421.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 83.
    Body Summary:
    CLAY COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Missouri, on the north side of Missouri river. Area, 432 square miles. Seat of justice, Liberty. Pop. in 1830, 5,338; in 1840, 8,282; in 1850, 10,332.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 84.
    Body Summary:
    CLEARFIELD COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by the west branch of Susquehanna river. Area, 1,425 square miles. Although much of the soil of this county is excellent, it is truly an Alpine region, rich in the most varied scenery, the surface being generally broken, and much of it mountainous. It is well watered, and has a salubrious climate. Seat of justice, Clearfield. Pop. in 1820, 2,342; in 1830, 4,803; in 1840. 7,834; in 1850, 12,586.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 84.
    Body Summary:
    CLERMONT COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Ohio, on the north side of Ohio river. Area, 450 square miles. Much of the soil of this county is of an excellent quality. Seat of justice, Batavia. Pop. in 1820, 15,820; in 1830, 20,466; in 1840, 23,106; in 1850, 30,455.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 84.
    Body Summary:
    CLEVELAND COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of North Carolina. Area, 550 square miles. Seat of justice, Shelby. Pop. in 1850, 10,396.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated in the southern part of Illinois, and traversed by Kaskaskia river. Area, 480 square miles. This county is well-watered, and contains both timber and prairie lands. Seat of justice, Carlyle. Pop., in 1830, 2,330; in 1840, 3,718; in 1850, 5,139.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Indiana. Area, 432 square miles. Seat of justice, Frankfort. Pop. in 1830, 1,423; in 1840, 7,508; in 1850, 11,869.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Kentucky. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Albany. Pop. in 1840, 3,863; in 1850, 4,889.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Michigan, and watered by Grand, Maple, and Lookinglass rivers. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, De Witt. Pop. in 1840, 1,614; in 1850, 5,102.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated toward the northwestern part of Missouri. Area, 425 square miles. Soil fertile, and generally prairie. Seat of justice, Plattsburgh. Pop. in 1836, 1,890; in 1840, 2,724; in 1850, 3,786.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated at the northeast part of New York, on the west side of Lake Champlain. Area, 932 square miles. Face of the county mountainous and hilly; soil generally inferior. Seat of justice, Plattsburgh. Pop. in 1820, 12,070; in 1830, 19,344; in 1840, 28,157; in 1850, 40,048.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated toward the southwest comer of Ohio, and drained by tributaries of Little Miami river. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country generally level, but sufficiently undulated for cultivating. The soil in general is rich and easily cultivated or reclaimed. Seat of justice, Wilmington. Pop. in 1820, 8,085; in 1830, 11,436; in 1840, 15,719; in 1850, 18,838.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 85.
    Body Summary:
    CLINTON COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by the west branch of Susquehanna river. Area, 840 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly. Soil varied. Seat of justice, Lock Haven. Pop. in 1840, 8,323; in 1850, 11,207.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 86.
    Body Summary:
    COAHOMA COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Mississippi river, and watered by Sunflower river. Area, 680 square miles. Seat of justice, Coahoma Court House. Pop. in 1840, 1,290; in 1850, 3,724.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 86.
    Body Summary:
    COBB COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Georgia, on the northwest side of Chattahoochie river. Area, 480 square miles. Seat of justice, Marietta. Pop. in 1840, 7,539; in 1850, 13,843.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 86.
    Body Summary:
    COCKE COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Tennessee, with Nolachucky river on the north. Area, 374 square miles. Seat of justice, Newport. Pop. in 1820, 4,892; in 1830, 6,048; in 1840, 6,992; in 1850, 8,200.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 86.
    Body Summary:
    COFFEE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Alabama, and traversed by Pea river. Seat of justice, Wellborn. Pop. in 1850, 5,940.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 86.
    Body Summary:
    COFFEE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Tennessee. Area, 170 square miles. Seat of justice, Manchester. Pop. in 1840, 8,184; in 1850 8,350.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 87.
    Body Summary:
    COLE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, on the southerly side of Missouri river, with Osage river on the southeast. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, Jefferson City. Pop in 1830, 3,023; in 1840, 9,286; in 1850, 6,696.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 87.
    Body Summary:
    COLES COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Illinois. Area, 1,248 square miles. Seat of justice, Charleston. Pop. in 1840, 9,616 ; in 1850, 9,335.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 87.
    Body Summary:
    COLLETON DISTRICT, situated in the southeast of South Carolina, with St. Helena sound and Cambahee river on the southwest. Area, 2,100 square miles. Seat of justice, Waterborough. Pop. in 1820, 26,373; in 1830, 27,256; in 1840, 25,548 in 1850, 39,508.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 88.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBIA COUNTY, situated on the northeast boundary of Georgia, on the southwest side of Savannah river. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Applington. Pop. in 1830, 12,606; in 1840, 11,356; in 1850, 11,961.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 88.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBIA COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of New York, with Hudson river on the west. Area, 624 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally favorable to agriculture. Seat of justice, Hudson. Pop. in 1830, 39,952; in 1840, 43,252; in 1850, 43,092.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 88.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBIA COUNTY, situated in the central part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by the east branch of Susquehanna river. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly, with much excellent soil. Seat of justice, Danville. Pop. in 1830, 20,049; In 1840, 24,267; in 1850, 17,710.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 88.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBIA COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Wisconsin, and traversed by Wisconsin river. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, De Korra. Pop. in 1850, 9,565.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 89.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBIANA COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Ohio, with Ohio river on the southeast. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country generally rolling and hilly, except along the streams where it is level and the soil is highly productive. Seat of justice, New Lisbon. Pop. in 1820, 22,033; in 1830, 35,508; in 1840, 40,378; in 1850, 33,621.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 89.
    Body Summary:
    COLUMBUS COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of North Carolina. Area, 600 square miles. Faсе of the country generally flat; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Whitesville. Pop. in 1820, 1,912; in 1830, 4,141; in 1840, 3,941; in 1850, 5,909.

    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 89.

    Body Summary:
    COLUMBUS, city, seat of justice of Franklin co., and capital of O., occupies a gentle slope on the east side of the Scioto river, 110 miles northeast of Cincinnati, and 863 miles from Washington. A large public square of 10 acres, in the centre of the city, is formed by the intersection of rectangular streets, and contains the statehouse, an imposing edifice of brick, with a cupola 106 feet above the ground, which displays an interesting view of a wide surface of country. Fronting this square, are also the federal courthouse, and a building for state purposes. The penitentiary is a solid and extensive structure of limestone. There are also asylums for the insane, and for the blind, deaf, and dumb; banks, churches, and numerous other prominent buildings. Columbus owes much of its prosperity to the circumstance of its being the seat of state government; but manufactures and trade are increasing with the facilities of communication. The Columbus Branch canal   extends 10 miles, to the Ohio and Erie canal, which traverses the state from Portsmouth, on the Ohio, to Cleveland, on Lake Erie, a distance of 307 miles. The Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus railroad communicates with this place.

    The population in 1820, was 1,400; in 1830, 2,435; in 1840, 6,048; in 1850, 16,893.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 90.
    Body Summary:
    CONCORDIA PARISH, situated on the east boundary of Louisiana, between Tensas and Mississippi rivers. Area, 1,300 square miles. Face of the country a universal alluvial flat partially subject to annual inundation. Seat of justice, Vidalia. Pop in 1820, 2,626; in 1830, 4,662; in 1840, 9,414; in 1850, 7,758.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 90.
    Body Summary:
    CONECUH COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Alabama, and traversed by Conecuh river. Area, 1,531 square miles. Face of the country undulating rather than hilly; soil sterile, except along the streams. Seat of justice, Sparta. Pop. in 1820, 5,713; in 1830, 7,444; in 1840, 8,197; in 1850, 9,322.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 90-92.
    Body Summary:

    CONNECTICUT, one of the United States, so called from its principal river, lies between 41° and 42° north latitude, and 71° 20' and 73° 15' west longitude from Greenwich, and is bounded north by Massachusetts; еast by Rhode Island ; south by Long Island sound; and west by New York, containing 4,674 sq. miles.

    Physical Aspect
    — The surface is uneven, and greatly diversified by hills and valleys. The soil is grnerallr fertile, particularly so in Fairfield county, and the alluvial meadows in the valley of the Connecticut are uncommonly fine, and well adapted for tillage; but a large portion of the state is better suited to the purpose of grazing.

    — Strictly speaking, there are three mountain ranges in this state; one running a few miles east of the Connecticut, as far south as Chatham, where it is cut off by that river, and reappears again on the western side, and terminates at East Haven. Another range, which extends from Mount Tom, in Маssachusetts, runs through the whole state, on the westerly side of the Connecticut, and terminates at New Haven, in a bold bluff called East Rock. A third range, still farther west, extends from the Green Mountains, in Vermont, across the state to New Haven, and terminates in a similar bluff called West Rock. The Blue hills, in Southington, belonging to this range, are the most elevated land in the state, being at least 1,000 feet in height. At the westward of Hartford is Talcott mountain, belonging also to this range.

    Rivers, Bays, Harbors, etc. — The principal riversare, the Connecticut, Housatonic, Тhames, Farmington, Naugatuck, and the Quinnebaug. The shores of Connecticut are penetrated by numerous bays and creeks, which afford many safe harbors for small vessels. The three best harbors in the state are those of New London, Bridgeport, and New Haven.
    Climate — The climate is generally healthy, though subject to sudden сhanges of temperature, and extreme degrees of heat and cold. In winter, the northwest winds are piercing and keen, while those which blow from the south are more mild. Near the coast the whether ia particularly variable, usually changing with the wind, as it blows from the land or the sea. In the western and northerly parts of the state, the temperature is more uniform and mild.
    Productive Resources. — Among the staple products may be enumerated, horses, mules, meat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, eggs, fish, beef, pork, milk, butter, cheese, silk, wool, tobacco, hemp, flax, hay, straw, wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, Indian corn, potatoes, garden vegatables, fruits, cider and wine. Iron ore of superior quality, is found in Salisbury and Kent, that of the former being particularly adapted for the manufacture of wire. At Stafford, a bog iron ore is found, from which excellent casting and hollow ware are made. Lead and copper mines exist in different parts of the state, but in general they have not been worked to much extent. A lead mine, near Middletown, was wrought with somе success during the revolutionary war. At Simsbury there is also a mine of copper. In Chatham, and Haddam, a reddish-brown freestone is quarried, which is easily wrought, and is highly esteemed in modern architecture, wherever it can economically be obtained. Fine variegated marble is found at Mílford, resembling verd-antique.

    Manufactures. — A large proportion of the people of Connecticut are engaged in manufactures, more particularly those of cotton and woollens; also, iron, hats, paper, leather, tinware, buttons, cutlery, carriages, shipbuilding, &c.

    Railroads and Canals. — Connecticut has over 600 miles of railroad in operation, and others projected, which will undoubtedly be carried through at an early day. The only canals in the state now in operation are those which have been constructed to facilitate navigation on the Connecticut river.

    Commerce. — The commerce of Connecticut is mostly with the southern states and the West Indies. The imports and exports of 1850 amounted to $614,320, one half of which entered and cleared at New Haven, and one fourth at New London. The shipping owned within the state amounts to about 130,000 tons. The foreign commerce of Connecticut has decreased, owing to the facilities afforded by railroad communication for shipping at New York and Boston.

    Education. — There are three colleges in Connecticut; Yale college, at New Haven, one of the most flourishing in the Union; Trinity college, at Hartford; and the Wesleyan university, at Middletown. There are in the state 150 academies, and over 2,000 common schools. Connecticut haa a large school fund, amounting to about $2,000,000. The asylum for the deaf and dumb at Hartford, is the oldest and most respectable institution of the kind in the United States.

    Population. — In 1790, 237,946; in 1800, 251,002; in 1810, 261,942; in 1820, 275,248; in 1830, 297,711; in 1840, 310,015; in 1850, 370.791. Number of slaves in 1790, 2,759; in 1800, 951; in 1810, 310; in 1820, 97; in 1830, 25, who were not emancipated, on account of advanced age or infirmities.

    History. — Connecticut comprises a part of the territory of the Plymouth colony, and was granted to the earl of Warwick, in 1630, extending westward from the Atlantic to the "South sea." The first permanent settlement was made in 1633, by English emigrants from Massachusetts Bay, who located at Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield. In 1635, another puritan colony was also established at the mouth of the Connecticut, called the "Sayhrook," in honor of Lords Sау and Brook, to whom, in 1631, the earl of Warwick had conveyed his title. In 1638, a third puritan colony was formed at New Haven, and remained in force until 1665. In 1639, the inhabitants of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, formed a separate government for themselves, as one public state, or commonwealth, to which the Saybrook colony was annexed, by purchase, in 1644, and with which the New Haven colony united, under the royal charter, in 1665. In 1662, the royal charter of Connecticut was granted by Charles II, embracing the territory extending westward from Narraganset buy to the Pacific, embracing within its limits the New Haven colony, and most of the present state of Rhode Island. In 1687, Sir Edmund Andros came to Hartford with a body of troops, and, by royal authority, as governor-general of all New England, demanded the surrender of this charter, and a dissolution of the existing government. The Connecticut assembly being in session at the time, were not disposed to make the surrender, and while the subject was under discussion, the lights were extinguished, and the charter secretly conveyed away, and concealed in the cavity of a hollow oak-tree, which is still standing, and bears the name of the "Charter Oak." This charter formed the basin of the government until 1818, when the present constitution was adopted. Within this charter was embraced the "Connecticut Western Reserve," consisting of about 3,300,000 acres of land in the northeast part of Ohio, which, as a compromise, was ceded to the United States, in 1796. It was sold to the Connecticut Land Company, for $1,200,000, and was the foundation of the state school fund. The constitution of the United States was adopted in 1788. The motto of the state seal is, Qui transtulit sustinet — "He who brought us hither still preserves."

    Government. — The government is vested in a governor, lieutenant-governor, senate, and house of representatives, all chosen annually by the people, on the first Monday in April. The senate consist of not less than 18, nor more than 24 members. The sessions of the legislature are held annually, alternately, at Hartford and New Haven. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court of errors, superior court, and such inferior courts as the legislature may establish. Judges are chosen by the legislature, and hold office during good behavior, or till seventy years of age. The right of suffrage is enjoyed by every white male citizen of the United States, who has resided in the town six months immediately preceding, and has a freehold of the yearly value of seven dollars, or shall have performed, or been excused from, military duty, or shall have paid a state tax one year next preceding the election, and who is of good moral character.

    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 92.
    Body Summary:
    CONWAY COUNTY, situated in the central part of Arkansas, on the northerly side of Arkansas river. Area, 1,025 square miles. Seat of justice, Lewisburgh. Pop. in 1830, 982; in 1840 2,892; in 1850 3,583.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 93.
    Body Summary:
    COOK COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Illinois, on the west side of Lake Michigan, and watered by Des Plaines, Chicago, and Du Page rivers. Area, 864 square miles. Face of the country generally level, containing prairies; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Chicago. Pop. in 1835, 7,500; in 1840, 10,201; in 1850, 43,385.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 93.
    Body Summary:
    COOPER COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, on the south side of Missouri river. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country generally level, with rich and fertile prairies. The alluvial soil along the streams is also of first rate quality. Seat of justice, Bonneville. Pop. in 1820, 6,959; in 1830, 6,019; in 1840, 10,848; in 1850, 12,950.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 93.
    Body Summary:
    COOS COUNTY, situated at the extreme north part of New Hampshire, on the easterly side of Connecticut river. Area, 1,600 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and generally broken; soil in many parts productive in grain and pasturage. Seat of justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1820, 5,549; in 1830, 8,390; in 1840, 9,849; in 1850, 11,713.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 93.
    Body Summary:
    COOSA COUNTY, situated near the central part of Alabama, on the east side of Coosa river. Area, 870 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly, with extensive forests of pine. Seat of justice, Rockford. Pop. in 1840, 6,995; in 1850, 14,533.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 93.
    Body Summary:
    COPIAH COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Mississippi, with Pearl river on the northeast. Area, 900 square miles. Seat of justice, Gallatin. Pop. in 1830, 7,001; in 1840, 8,954; in 1850, 11,794.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 94.
    Body Summary:
    CORTLAND COUNTY, situated southwest of the central part of New York, and traversed by Toughnioga river. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive well watered and wooded. Seat of justice, Cortland. Pop. in 1820, 16,507; in 1830, 23,791; in 1840, 24,607; in 1850, 25,140.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 94.
    Body Summary:
    COSHOCTON COUNTY, situated near the central part of Ohio. Area, 562 square miles. Face of the county diversified and hilly; soil in the valleys highly fertile. Seat of justice, Coshocton. Pop. in 1820, 7,086; in 1830, 11,161; in 1840, 21,590; in 1850, 25,674.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 95.
    Body Summary:
    COVINGTON COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Alabama. Area, 1,664 square miles. Seat of justice, Montezuma. Pop. in 1830, 1,522; in 1840, 2,435; in 1850, 3,645.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 95.
    Body Summary:
    COWETA COUNTY, situated in the western part of Georgia, on the southeast side of Chattahoochee river. Area, 532 square miles. Seat of justice, Newman. Pop in 1830, 5,003; in 1840, 10,364; in 1850, 13,635.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 95.
    Body Summary:
    CRAVEN COUNTY, situated on the southeast part of North Carolina, and traversed by the river Neuse. Area, 1,100 square miles. Face of the country generally flat; soil in part sandy and marshy. Seat of justice, Newbern. Pop. in 1820, 13,394; in 1830, 13,734; in 1840, 14,438; in 1850, 14,709.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Arkansas, and traversed by Arkansas river. Area, 780 square miles. Seat of justice, Van Buren. Pop. in 1830, 2,440; in 1840 4,266; in 1850 7,960.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated toward the west part of Georgia, with Flint river on the southwest. Area, 360 square miles. Seat of justice, Knoxville. Pop. in 1830, 5,313; in 1840, 7,981; in 1850, 8,984.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Illinois, with Wabash river on the east, and Embarrass river on the southwest. Area, 426 square miles. Face of the county variegated by hills and plains; soil productive. Seat of justice, Palestine. Pop. in 1820, 3,024 ; in 1830, 3,117 ; in 1840, 4,422 ; in 1850, 7,135.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated in the southern part of Indiana. Area, 300 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Fredonia. Pop. in 1820, 2,583; in 1830, 3,238; in 1840, 5,282; in 1850, 6,356.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Missouri, and watered by Maramec river. Area, 1,650 square ms. The face of the country is partly level, and partly hilly; soil generally poor, and abounds in iron. Seat of justice, Steelville. Pop. in 1830, 1,721; in 1840, 3,561; in 1850, 6,397.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Ohio, and drained by Sandusky river. Area, 590 square miles. Face of the country generally flat, containing several large prairies or swamps. Seat of justice, Bucyrus. Pop. in 1830, 4,791; in 1840, 13,152; 1850, 18,177.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Pennsylvania. Area, 1,016 square miles. Face of the country moderately hilly; soil generally productive of grain, pasturage, and fruits. Seat of justice, Meadville. Pop. in 1820, 9,397; in 1830, 16,005; in 1840, 31,724; in 1850, 37,849.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRAWFORD COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Wisconsin, between Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Prairie du Chien. Pop. in 1834, 810; in 1840, 1,502; in 1850, 2,498.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRITTENDEN COUNTY, situated on the eastern boundary of Arkansas, between Mississippi and St. Francis rivers. Area, 2,100 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil fertile, and in many parts subject to annual inundation. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1830, 1,272; in 1840, 1,501; in 1850, 2,648.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CRITTENDEN COUNTY, situated on the northwest boundary of Kentucky, on the easterly side of Ohio river. Area, 540 square miles. Surface level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1850, 6,351.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated near the easterly part of Illinois. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Greenup. Pop. in 1850, 3,720.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Kentucky, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 270 square miles. Face of the county undulating and hilly on the east, and not much cultivated. Seat of justice, Burkesville. Pop. in 1830, 8,624; in 1840, 6,090; in 1850, 7,005.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Maine with the Atlantic ocean on the southeast, and watered by Saco, Androscoggin, and Kennebec rivers. Area, 990 square miles. Face of the country, somewhat varied, being much indented by bays on the seaboard, and hilly in the interior; soil productive in pasturage, but generally poor in quality for other purposes.  Seat of justice, Portland. Pop. in 1820, 49,445; in 1830, 60,113; in 1840, 68,658; in 1850, 77,549.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 96.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of New Jersey on Delaware bay. Area, 524 square miles. Face of the county generally level; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Bridgetown. Pop. in 1820, 12,668; in 1830, 14,091; in 1840, 14,374; in 1850, 17,189.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated near the central part of North Carolina, and traversed by Cape Fear river. Area, 1,300 square miles. The soil in many places is fertile. Seat of justice, Fayetteville. Pop. in 1830, 14,824; in 1840, 15,284; in 1850, 20,610.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    CUMBERLAND COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Pennsylvania, with Susquehanna river on the northeast. Area, 544 square miles. This county lies in the fine valley between the north and south range of mountains. The face of the country is generally, and the soil productive of grain, pasturage, and fruit. Seat of justice, Carlisle. Pop. in 1820, 23,606; in 1830, 29,218; in 1840, 30,953; in 1850, 34,327.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 98.
    Body Summary:
    CURRITUCK COUNTY, situated at the northeast part of North Carolina, divided by Currituck sound, and comprehending Currituck inland. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally sandy and barren, but much of it is profitably cultivated with rice. Seat of justice, Currituck. Pop. in 1820, 8,090; in 1830, 7,654; in 1840, 6,703; in 1850, 7,236.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 98.
    Body Summary:
    CUYAHOGA COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Ohio, on Lake Erie, and traversed by Cuyahoga river. Area, 475 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil generally good. Seat of justice, Cleveland. Pop. in 1810, 1,495; in 1820, 6,328; in 1830, 10,361; in 1840, 26,506; in 1850, 48,099.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 97.
    Body Summary:
    DADE COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Florida, with the Gulf stream on the south and east, including several islands, or keys, near the adjacent coast. Area, 5,000 square miles. Face of the country flat, a large portion of which consists of "everglades," or a body of savannas, covered with water several feet deep, containing many small islets of fertile land, and cypress swamps. Seat of justice, Key Biscayune. Pop. in 1840, 446; in 1850, 159.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 98.
    Body Summary:
    DADE COUNTY, situated in the northwest corner of Georgia. Area, 225 square miles. Face of the country mountainous, with fertile valleys. Seat of justice, Trenton. Pop. in 1840, 1,364; in 1850, 2,680.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 98.
    Body Summary:
    DADE COUNTY, situated near the southwest part of Missouri. Area, 960 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Greenfield. Pop. in 1850, 4,246.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 98.
    Body Summary:
    DALE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Alabama, and drained by tributaries of Choctawhatchie river. Area, 1,064 square miles. Face of the country generally level. The river swamps and hammocks are very productive, but the soil is mostly poor covered with pines. Seat of justice, Daleville. Pop. in 1830, 2,031; in 1840, 7,397; in 1850, 6,346.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 99.
    Body Summary:
    DALLAS COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Alabama, and watered by Alabama and Cahawba rivers. Area, 925 square miles. Soil fertile along the streams. Seat of justice, Cahawba. Pop. in 1830, 14,017; in 1840, 25,199; in 1850, 29,727.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 99.
    Body Summary:
    DALLAS COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Arkansas, between Wachita and Saline rivers. Area, ---- square miles. Seat of justice, Princeton. Pop. in 1850, 6,877.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 99.
    Body Summary:
    DALLAS COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Missouri. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Buffalo. Pop. in 1850, 3,648.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 99.
    Body Summary:
    DANE COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Wisconsin, with Wisconsin river on the northwest, and contains the “Four Lakes.” Area, 234 square miles. Seat of justice, Madison, which is also the capital of the state. Pop. in 1840, 314; in 1850, 9,366.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DARKE COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Ohio. Area, 714 square miles. Face of the country diversified, but generally level; soil productive. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1820, 3,717; in 1830, 6,203; in 1840, 13,282; in 1850, 20,274.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DARLINGTON DISTRICT, situated toward tho northeast part of South Carolina, between Great Peedee river and Lynch's creek. Area, 1,050 square miles. Face of the country agreeably undulating; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Darlington. Pop. in 1820, 10,949; in 1830, 12,000; in 1840, 14,822; in 1850, 16,830.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAUPHIN COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Pennsylvania, with Susquehanna river on the west. Area, 608 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Harrisburgh, which is also the capital of the state. Pop. in 1820, 21,663; in 1830, 25,303; in 1840, 30,118; in 1850, 35,754.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIDSON COUNTY, situated in the central of North Carolina. Area, 790 square miles. Seat of justice, Lexington. Pop. in 1830, 13,389; in 1840, 14,606; in 1850, 15,320.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIDSON COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Tennessee, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 640 square miles. Face of the country moderately hilly; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Nashville, which is also capital of the state. Pop. in 1820, 20,154; in 1830, 28,122; in 1840, 30,509; in 1850, 38,881.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of North Carolina. Area, 175 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil highly fertile. Seat of justice, Mocksville. Pop. in 1840, 5,574; in 1850, 7,866.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIES COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Indiana, between the forks of White river. Area, 420 square miles. Seat of justice, Washington. Pop. in 1830, 4,512; in 1840, 6,720; in 1850, 10,354.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIESS COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Kentucky, Ohio, and Green rivers. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country hilly, except along the streams; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Owensborough. Pop. in 1830, 5,218; in 1840, 8,331; in 1850, 12,361.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 100.
    Body Summary:
    DAVIESS COUNTY, situated in the northwest part of Missouri, and traversed by long branch of Grand river. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Gallatin. Pop. in 1840, 2,736; in 1850, 5,298.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DE SOTO PARISH, situated on the westerly boundary of Louisiana, with Sabine river on the west. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Mansfield. Pop. in 1850, 8,019.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DE WITT COUNTY, situated near the central part of Illinois. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Clinton. Pop. in 1850, 5,002.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 101.
    Body Summary:
    DEARBORN COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Indiana, on the northwesterly side of Ohio river. Area, 380 square miles. Face of the country rough and hilly; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Lawrenceville. Pop. in 1820, 11,468; in 1830, 13,974; in 1840, 19,327; in 1850, 20,165.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 101.
    Body Summary:
    DECATUR COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Georgia, with Chattahoochee river on the west, and traversed by the main branch of Flint river. Area, 1,675 square miles. Seat of justice, Bainbridge. Pop. in 1830, 3,854; in 1840, 5,872; in 1850, 8,262.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 101.
    Body Summary:
    DECATUR COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Indiana. Area, 340 square miles. Seat of justice, Greensburgh. Pop. in 1830, 5,887; in 1840, 12,171; in 1850, 15,107.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 101.
    Body Summary:
    DECATUR COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Tennessee, on the west side of Tennessee river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Derryville. Pop. in 1850, 6,003.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 101.
    Body Summary:
    DECATUR, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Macon co., Ill., 40 ms. E. of Springfield ; from W. 749 ms. Watered by north fork of Sangamon river.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DEFIANCE COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Ohio, and traversed by Maumee river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Defiance. Pop in 1850, 6,966.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DEKALB COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Alabama. Area, 1,500 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly, but level along the streams; soil varied. Seat of justice, Lebanon. Pop. in 1840, 5,929; in 1850, 8,245.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DE KALB COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Georgia, with Chattachoochee river on the northwest. Area, 360 square miles. This county consists principally of an elevated table land. Seat of justice, Decatur. Pop. in 1830, 10,047; in 1840, 10,467; in 1850, 14,328.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DEKALB COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Illinois. Area, 648 square miles. Seat of justice, Sycamore. Pop. in 1840, 1,697; in 1850, 7,450.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DE KALB COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Indiana, and traversed by St. Joseph's river. Area, 365 square miles. Seat of justice, Auburn. Pop. in 1840, 1,697; in 1850, 8,251.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DE KALB COUNTY, situated In the northwest part of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Maysville. Pop. in 1850, 2,076.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 102.
    Body Summary:
    DE KALB COUNTY, situated in the central part of Tennessee, and traversed by Caney fork of Cumberland river. Area, 275 square miles. Seat of justice, Smithville. Pop. in 1840, 5,868; in 1850, 8,016.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELAWARE COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Indiana. Area, 384 square miles. Seat of justice, Muncietown. Pop. in 1830, 2,372; in 1840, 8,843; in 1850, 10,843.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELAWARE COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Iowa. Area, 576 square miles, Seat of justice, Delhi. Pop. in 1840, 168 ; in 1850, 1,759.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELAWARE COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of New York, with Delaware river on the southwest. Area, 460 square miles. Face of the country rough and hilly; soil fertile in the valleys. Seat of justice, Delhi. Pop. in 1820, 26,587; in 1830, 32,933; in 1840, 35,396; in 1850, 39,835.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELAWARE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Ohio. Area, 610 square miles. Watered by Scioto and Whetstone rivers. Face of the country flat or rolling; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Delaware. Pop. in 1820, 7,639; in 1830, 11,523; in 1840, 23,060; in 1850, 21,817.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELAWARE COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Pennsylvania, with Delaware river on the southeast. Area, 220 square miles. Seat of justice, Chester. Pop. in 1820, 4,810; in 1830, 17,361; in 1840, 19,791; In 1850, 24,679.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 104.
    Body Summary:
    DELHI, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Delaware со., Iowa, 55 ms S. of Iowa city ; from W. 875 ms.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DES ARC, p. o., Prairie co., Ark.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DES MOINES COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Iowa, with Mississippi river on the east, and Chickahoma river on the southwest. Area, 410 square miles. Seat of justice, Burlington. Pop. in 1840,6,577 ; in 1850, 12,987.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DESHA COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Arkansas, with Mississippi river on the east, and traversed by Arkansas and White rivers. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country level. Seat of justice, Bellville. Pop. in 1840, 1,598; in 1850 2,920.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    De SOTO COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Mississippi. Area, 925 square miles. Seat of justice, Hernando. Pop in 1840, 7,002; in 1850, 19,042.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 105.
    Body Summary:
    DETROIT, city, and seat of justice of Wayne co., Mich., occupies a pleasant and commanding situation on the west bank of Detroit river, 18 miles from Lake Erie, and 7 miles from Lake St. Clair. Between the two great lakes, Huron and Erie, upon both of which, its vessels carry on an extensive trade, through Lakes Superior and Michigan, and with Canada, Pennsylvania, and New York. It is an important metropolis of the western states, and is destined to a still higher rank than it now holds. The city is agreeably laid out with broad streets, some of which converge at the “Circus,” a spacious public ground. Among the other parks, is the “Campus Martius,” near the centre of the city. Parallel with the river, at the foot of the imminence upon which the town is built, is a street lined with warehouses and stores. Above this, another street rune in the same direction, and still further to the west, is the principal business street, which is closely built with stores, dwellings, and public buildings. Here, until 1847, when the seat of government was removed to Lansing, stood the statehouse, from the high dome of which appears an enchanting prospect of the river, Lake St. Clair, and their picturesque and romantic shores. Other buildings are the city hall, bank of Michigan, churches, markets, schools, and various scientific and literary institutions. Several hundred steamboats and other vessels, from various places on the lakes, visit Detroit during the season of navigation, which lasts about two thirds of the year.

    The Michigan Central railroad extends 281 miles toward Chicago, on Lake Michigan; and the Detroit and Pontiac railroad is 25 miles long.

    The population in 1810 was 770; in 1820, 1,422; in 1830, 2,222; in 1840, 9,102; in 1850, 21,119.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DICKSON COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Tennessee, with Cumberland river on the northeast. Area, 1,000 square miles. Face of the country level; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Charlotte. Pop. in 1810, 4,516; in 1820, 5,190; in 1830, 7,265; in 1840, 7,074; in 1850, 8,404.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DINWIDDIE COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Virginia, with Notaway river on the south, and Appomattox river on the north. Area, 616 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil varied. Seat of justice, Dinwiddie. Pop. in 1810, 12,524; in 1820, 13,792; in 1830, 18,637; in 1840, 22,558; in 1850, 25,118.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DODGE COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Missouri. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, St. John. Pop. in 1850, 353.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DODGE COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Wisconsin. Area, 756 square miles. Face of the country level, with prairies and swamps. Pop. in 1840, 67; in 1850, 3,892.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DORCHESTER COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Maryland, with Chesapeake bay on the west. Area, 640 square miles. Face of the country level and marshy; soil sandy and of middling quality. Seat of justice, Cambridge. Pop. in 1810, 18,108; in 1820, 17,700; in 1830, 18,0686; in 1840, 18,843; in 1850, 18,887.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 106.
    Body Summary:
    DORCHESTER COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Maryland, with Chesapeak bay on the west. Area 640 square miles. Face of the country level and marshy; soil sandy and of middling quality. Seat of justice; Cambrdige. Pop. in 1810, 18,109; in 1820, 17,700; in 1830, 18,683; in 1840, 18,843; in 1850, 18,877.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 107.
    Body Summary:
    DOVER, Dover Hundred, the capital of Del., and seat of justice of Kent co., is a borough on Jones' creek, 10 ms from its entrance into Delaware bay, 50 ms s. of Wilmington; from W. 120 ms. It is built on four principal streets, which, intersecting, form a square in the centre of the town. Here is an elegant statehouse, and several churches, banks, and other public buildings, are in the vicinity. The buildings are neat, and generally of brick. It contains a monument erected to the memory of Col. John Haslett, who fell at the battle of Princeton, in 1777. The population, in 1810, was about 900; in 1820, 600; in 1830, 1,300; in 1840, 3,790; in 1850, 4,207.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 107.
    Body Summary:
    DREW COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Arkansas, with Sabine river on the west. Area, ---- square miles. Seat of justice, Monticello. Pop. in 1850, 3,275.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 108.
    Body Summary:
    DUBOIS COUNTY situated in the southern part of Indiana, with east fork of White river on the north. Area, 432 square miles. Face of the country undulating and hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Jasper. Pop, in 1820, 1,168; in 1830, 1,774; in 1840, 3,632; in 1850, 6,321.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 108.
    Body Summary:
    DUKES COUNTY, situated at the southeasterly part of Massachusetts, and comprehends Martha’s Vineyard, Chippequiddick, Noman’s Land, and Elizabeth islands in the Atlantic ocean. Area, 120 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally poor, much of it overgrown with scrub oaks. Seat of justice, Edgarton. Pop. in 1810, 3,290; in 1820, 3,292; in 1830, 3,518; in 1840, 3,958; in 1850, 4,540.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 109.
    Body Summary:
    DUNKLIN COUNTY, situated at the southeasterly corner of Missouri, with St. Francis river on the west, and Lake Pemisco, and a part of Mississippi river, on the southeast. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Chillitecaux. Pop. in 1850, 1,229.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 109.
    Body Summary:
    DUPAGE COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Illinois.  Area, 396 square miles.  Seat of justice, Napierville.  Pop. in 1840, 3,535; in 1850, 9,290.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 109.
    Body Summary:
    DUPLIN COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of North Carolina. Area, 640 square miles. Surface level, or moderately hilly; soil, sterile. Seat of justice, Kenansville. Pop. in 1810, 7,863; in 1820, 9,744; in 1830, 11,373; in 1840, 11,182; in 1850, 13,514.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 109.
    Body Summary:
    DUTCHESS COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of New York, with Hudson river on the west. Area, 340 square miles. Face of the country diversified with valleys, hills, and mountains; soil rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Poughkeepsie. Pop. in 1810, 41,141; in 1820, 46,615; in 1830, 50,926; in 1840, 52,398; in 1850, 58,992.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 109.
    Body Summary:
    DYER COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Tennessee, with Mississippi river on the west. Area, 840 square miles. Seat of justice, Dyersburgh. Pop. in 1830, 1,904; in 1840, 4,484; in 1850, 6,361.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 110.
    Body Summary:
    EARLY COUNTY, situated in the southwesterly part of Georgia, with Chattahoochee river on the west. Area, 1,280 square miles. Seat of justice, Blakely. Pop. in 1830, 2,081; in 1840, 5,444; in 1850, 7,246.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 110.
    Body Summary:
    EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH, situated toward the southeasterly part of Louisiana, with the Mississippi on the west. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Baton Rouge. Pop. in 1820, 2,220; in 1830, 6,698; in 1840, 8,138; in 1850, 11,977.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 111.
    Body Summary:
    EAST FELICIANA PARISH, situated on the northerly boundary of that portion of Louisiana which lies east of Mississippi river. Area, 560 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Clinton. Pop. in 1830, 8,247; in 1840, 11,893; in 1850, 13,598.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 113.
    Body Summary:
    EATON COUNTY, situated near the central part of Michigan. Area, 576 square miles. Soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Eaton. Pop. in [1840], 2,379; in 1850, 7,058.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EDGAR COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Illinois. Area, 630 square miles. Soil rich. Seat of justice, Paris. Pop. in 1830, 4,076; in 1840, 8,335; in 1850, 10,692.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EDGECOMBE COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of North Carolina. Traversed by Tar river. Area, 650 square miles. Face of the country level; soil sandy and of inferior quality. Seat of justice, Tarborough. Pop in 1810, 12,423; in 1830, 13,276; in 1830, 14,933; in 1840, 15,708; in 1850, 17,189.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, situated on the southwesterly boundary of South Carolina, with Savannah river on the southwest. Area, 1,840 square miles. Face of the country uneven. Soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Edgefield. Pop. in 1810, 23,160; in 1820, 85,179; in 1830, 30,511; in 1840, 32,852; in 1850, 39,262.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EDMONSON COUNTY, situated toward the central part of Kentucky, and traversed by Green river. Area, 250 square miles. Soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Brownsville. Pop. in 1830, 2,642; in 1840, 2,914; in 1850, 4,088.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EDWARDS COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Illinois. Area, 200 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Albion. Pop. in 1820, 3,444; in 1830, 1,649; in 1840, 3,070; in 1850, 3,524.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EFFINGHAM COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Georgia, southwest of Savannah river. Area, 396 square miles. Face of the country level; soil, sandy, but productive in cotton. Seat of justice, Springfield. Pop. in 1810, 2,586; in 1820, 3,018; in 1830, 2,969; in 1840, 3,075; in 1850, 3,864.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    EFFINGHAM COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Illinois. Area, 486 square miles. Soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Ewington. Pop in 1840, 1,675; in 1850, 3,799.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 115.
    Body Summary:
    ELBERT COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Georgia, with Savannah river on the northeast. Area, 560 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Elberton. Pop in 1810, 12,156; in 1820, 11,788; in 1830, 12,354; in 1840, 11,125; in 1850, 12,959.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 115.
    Body Summary:
    ELK COUNTY, situated in the northwesterly part of Pennsylvania. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Ridgeway. Pop. in 1850, 3,496.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 115.
    Body Summary:
    ELKHART COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Indiana, and traversed by St. Joseph’s river. Area, 460 square miles. Seat of justice, Goshen. Pop. in 1830, 935; in 1840, 6,660; in 1850, 12,690.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 116-117.
    Body Summary:
    EMANUEL COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Georgia. Area, 1,100 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Swainsborough. Pop. in 1820, 2,928; In 1830, 2,681; in 1840, 3,129; in 1850, 4,577.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 117.
    Body Summary:
    ERIE COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of New York, with Lake Erie and Niagara river on the west. Area, 876 square miles. Face of the country, in the easterly part, hilly, in the westerly part, level. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Buffalo. Pop. in 1820,.15,668; in 1830, 35,710; in 1840, 62,465; in 1850, 100,993.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 117.
    Body Summary:
    ERIE COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Ohio, south of Lake Erie. Area, 150 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Sandusky City. Pop. in 1840, 12,599; in 1850, 18,568.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 117.
    Body Summary:
    ERIE COUNTY, situated at the northwesterly corner of Pennsylvania, south of Lake Erie. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Erie. Pop. in 1810, 3,758; in 1820, 8,553; in 1830, 16,906; in 1840, 31,344; in 1850, 38,742. 
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 117.
    Body Summary:
    ERIE, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Erie co., Pa., 270 ms. N. W. of Harrisburgh; from W. 343 ms. Watered by Presque Isle bay, Lake Erie. Pop. 5,858.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 118.
    Body Summary:
    ESSEX COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Massachusetts, with the Atlantic ocean and Massachusetts bay on the east, and traversed by Merrimac river. Face of the country hilly; soil of middling quality. Seats of justice, Ipswich, Salem, and Newburyport. Pop. in 1810, 71,883; in 1820, 74,655; in 1830, 82,887; in 1840, 94,987; in 1850, 131,300.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 118.
    Body Summary:
    ESSEX COUNTY, situated toward the part of New Jersey. Area, 241 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Newark. Pop. in 1810, 25,984; in 1820, 30,793; in 1830, 41,928; in 1840, 44.621; in 1850, 73,944.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 118.
    Body Summary:
    ESSEX COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of New York, on the westerly side of Lake Champlain. Area, 1,779 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous; soil generally sterile. Seat of justice, Elizabethtown. Pop. in 1810, 9,477; in 1820, 12,811; in 1830, 19,387; in 1840, 23,634; in 1850, 30,993.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 118.
    Body Summary:
    ESSEX COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Vermont, with Connecticut river on the east. Area, 225 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous; soil, on the streams, fertile. Seat of justice, Guildhall. Pop. in 1810, 3,087; in 1820, 3,284; in 1830, 3,981; in 1840, 4,226; in 1850, 4,650.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 114.
    Body Summary:
    ESTILL COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Kentucky, and traversed by Kentucky river. Area, 864 square miles. Seat of justice, Irvine. Pop. in 1810, 2,082; in 1820, 3,507; in 1830, 4,618; in 1840, 5,535; in 1850, 5,985.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 118.
    Body Summary:
    EVANSVILLE, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Vanderburgh co., Ind., 172 ms. s. w. of Indianapolis. Watered by Ohio river. Pop. 3,663.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 119.
    Body Summary:
    FAIRFIELD COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Connecticut, with Long lsland sound on the south. Area, 630 square miles. Face of the country diversified with hills and valleys; soil well cultivated and productive. Seats of justice, Fairfield and Danbury. Pop. in 1810, 40,950; in 1820, 42,739; in 1830, 46,950; in 1840, 49,917; in 1850, 59,775.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 119.
    Body Summary:
    FAIRFIELD COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Ohio. Area, 540 square miles. Face of the country level, interspersed with broken rocky ranges; soil varied. In the northern, alluvial part rich; toward the south, less fertile. Seat of justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1810, 11,361; in 1820, 16,633; in 1830, 24,788; in 1840, 31,924; in 1850, 30,264.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 119.
    Body Summary:
    FAIRFIELD DISTRICT, situated toward the central part of South Carolina, with Broad river on the west. Area, 796 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Winnsborough. Pop. in 1810, 11,857; in 1820, 17,174; in 1830, 21,546; in 1840, 20,165; in 1850, 21,404.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 120.
    Body Summary:
    FARMER, p. t., Defiance co., O. Pop. 894.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Georgia. Area, 545 square miles. Seat of justice, Fayetteville. Pop. in 1830, 5,501; in 1840, 6,191; in 1850, 8,709.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated toward the central part of Illinois, and traversed by the Kaskaskia River. Area, 648 square miles. Seat of justice, Vandalia. Pop. in 1830, 2,704; in 1840, 6,328; in 1850, 8,075.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Indiana, and traversed by White Water river. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Connersville. Pop. in 1830, 9,112; in 1840, 9,837; in 1850, 10,216.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the southeast. Area, 275 square miles. Face of the country level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Lexington. Pop. in 1810, 21,370; in 1820, 23,250; in 1830, 25,174; in 1840, 22,194; in 1850, 22,735.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Ohio. Area, 415 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Washington. Pop. in 1810, 1,854; in 1820, 6,316; in 1830, 8,180; in 1840, 10,984; in 1850, 12,726.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated in the southwesterly part of Pennsylvania, with Monongahela river on the west. Area, 824 square miles. Face of the country broken with hills and mountains; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Union. Pop. in 1810, 24,714; in 1820, 27,285; in 1830, 29,237; in 1840, 33,574; in 1850, 39,312. 
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 121.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTE COUNTY, situated in the southwestern part of Tennessee. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Somerville. Pop. in 1830, 8,652; in 1840, 21,501; in 1850, 26,719.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 122.
    Body Summary:
    FAYETTEVILLE, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Cumberland co., N. C., 159 ms. N. E. of Columbia; from W. 348 ms. Watered by Cape Fear river. Pop. in 1830, 2,868; in 1840, 4,285; in 1850, 4,648.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 122.
    Body Summary:
    FENTRESS COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Tennessee. Area, 560 square miles. Seat of justice, Jamestown. Pop. in 1830, 2,748; in 1840, 3,550; in 1850, 4,454.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 123.
    Body Summary:
    FLEMING COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Kentucky, with Licking river on the southwest. Area, 570 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Flemingsburgh. Pop. in 1810, 8,947; in 1820, 12,186; in 1830, 13,500; in 1840, 13,268; in 1850, 13,916.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 126.
    Body Summary:
    FLOYD COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Georgia, and traversed by Coosa river. Area, 460 square miles. Seat of justice, Rowe. Pop. in 1840, 4,441; in 1850, 8,205.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 126.
    Body Summary:
    FLOYD COUNTY, situated in the southerly part Indiana, with the Ohio river on the southeast. Area, 144 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil inferior. Seat of justice, New Albany. Pop in 1820, 2,776; in 1830, 6,363; in 1840, 9,444; in 1850, 14,875.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 126.
    Body Summary:
    FLOYD COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Kentucky, and traversed by west fork of Big Sandy river. Area, 1,400 square miles. Face of the country broken with hills and mountains; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Prestonburgh. Pop. in 1810, 3,485; in 1820, 8,207; in 1830, 4,266; in 1840, 6,302; in 1850, 5,714.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 127.
    Body Summary:
    FOND DU LAC COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Wisconsin, with the southern part of Lake Winnebago on the north. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Fond du Lac. Pop. in 1840, 139; in 1850, 2,024.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 127.
    Body Summary:
    FORSYTH COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Georgia, with Chattahoochee river on the southeast. Area, 290 square miles. Seat of justice, Cumming. Pop. in 1840, 5,619; in 1850, 8,850.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 127.
    Body Summary:
    FORSYTH COUNTY, situated in the northern part of North Carolina. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Winston. Pop. in 1850, 11,168.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 128.
    Body Summary:
    FOUNTAIN COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Indiana, with Wabash river on the west and northwest. Area, 390 square miles. Seat of justice, Covington. Pop. in 1830, 7,619; in 1840, 11,218; in 1850, 13,262.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the north. Area, 648 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken; soil productive. Seat of justice, Russellville. Pop. in 1820, 4,988; in 1830, 11,078; in 1840, 14,270; in 1850, 19,610.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated in the northwesterly part of Arkansas, and traversed by Arkansas river. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Ozark. Pop. in 1840, 2,665; in 1850, 3,500.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly boundary of Georgia. Area, 680 square miles. Face of the country broken; soil varied. Seat of justice, Carnesville. Pop. in 1820, 9,040; in 1830, 10,135; in 1840, 9 886; in 1850, 11,513.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Illinois. Area, 866 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil productive. Seat of justice, Benton. Pop. in 1820, 1,763; in 1830, 4,083; in 1840, 3,682; in 1850, 5,681.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Indiana, and traversed by White Water river. Area, 540 square miles. Face of the country moderately hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Brookville. Pop. in 1820, 10,763; in 1830, 10,199; in 1840, 13,349; in 1850, 5,768.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Kentucky, and traversed by Kentucky river. Area, 200 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Frankfort. Pop. in 1810, 8,013; in 1820, 11,024; in 1830, 9,254; in 1840, 9,420; in 1850, 12,462.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Maine. Area, 1,803 square miles. Seat of justice, Farmington. Pop. in 1840, 20,801; in 1850, 20,027.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Massachusetts, and traversed by Connecticut river. Area, 650 square miles. Face of the country agreeably diversified with mountains, hills, and valleys; soil generally fertile, on the streams rich and productive. Seat of justice, Greenfield. Pop. in 1810, 27,201; in 1820, 29,268; in 1830, 29,344; in 1840, 28,812; in 1850, 30,870.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated in the southwesterly part of Mississippi. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil, on the streams, very productive. Other parts contain open pine woods. Seat of justice, Meadville. Pop. in 1820, 3,881; in 1830, 4,622; in 1840, 4,775; in 1850, 5,904.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the north. Area, 850 square miles. Face of the country broken and hilly; soil mostly sterile. Seat of justice, Newport. Pop. in 1820, 2,379; in 1830, 3,484; in 1840, 7,515; in 1850, 11,021.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of New York. Area, 1,527 square miles. Face of the country, in the southern part, mountainous, toward the north, uneven. Seat of justice, Malone. Pop. in 1810, 2,717; in 1820, 4,439; in 1830, 11,332; in 1840, 16,518; in 1850, 25,102.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of North Carolina, and traversed by Tar river. Area, 40 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil in the valleys generally fertile. Seat of justice, Louisburgh. Pop. in 1810, 10,166; in 1820, 9,741; in 1830, 10,665; in 1840, 10,980; in 1850, 11,713.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Ohio and traversed by Scioto river. Area, 529 square miles. Face of the country even, inclined to the south; soil mostly alluvial, or mixed sand, pebbles and clay, and in general better suited for grazing than tillage. Seat of justice, Columbus. Pop in 1810, 3,486; in 1820, 10,300 in 1830, 14,756; in 1840, 25,049; in 1850, 42,910.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Pennsylvania. Area, 734 square miles. Face of the country diversified with mountains, hills, and valleys; soil varied, consisting principally of two formations; one of slate, extending through the northwesterly part, and is much more of a productive soil. Seat of justice, Hambersburgh. Pop. in 1810, 23,083; in 1820, 31,192; in 1830, 35,103; in 1840, 37,739; in 1850, 39,904.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Tennessee. Area, 840 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Winchester. Pop. in 1810, 5,730; in 1820, 16,571; in 1830, 15,620; in 1840, 12,033; in 1850, 13,768.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Vermont, with Lake Champlain on the west. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous; soil, on the streams, fertile. Seat of justice, St. Albans. Pop. in 1810, 16,427; in 1820, 17,192; in 1830, 24,525; in 1840, 24,531; in 1850, 28,586.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 129.
    Body Summary:
    FRANKLIN PARISH, situated toward the northeasterly part of Louisiana. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Winnsborough. Pop. in 1850, 3,251.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 130.
    Body Summary:
    FREDERICK COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Maryland with Potomac river on the southwest. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country moderatley even, inclined toward the south. Soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Fredericktown. Pop. in 1810, 34,437; in 1820, 40450; in 1830, 45,793; in 1840, 36,405; in 1850, 40,987.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Arkansas. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Pilot Hill. Pop. in 1850, 1,819.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Illinois, with Illinois river on the sotheast. Area, 874 square miles. Seat of justice, Lewiston. Pop. in 1830, 1,841; in 1840, 13,142; in 1850, 22,508.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Indiana. Area, 350 square miles. Seat of justice, Rochester. Pop. in 1840, 1,993; in 1850, 5,981.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Kentucky, with Mississippi river on the west. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Hickman. Pop. in 1850, 4,446.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of New York. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Johnstown. Pop. in 1840, 18,049; in 1850, 20,171.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 132.
    Body Summary:
    FULTON COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Ohio. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, Gorham. Pop. in 1850, 7,781.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 133.
    Body Summary:
    GALLATIN COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Illinois, with Ohio and Wabash rivers on the east. Area, 760 square miles. Face of the country, undulating; soil, productive. Seat of justice, Equality. Pop. in 1820, 3,155; in 1830, 7,405; in 1840, [illegible]; in 1850, 5,137.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 133.
    Body Summary:
    GALLATIN COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the northwest. Area, 175 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil, generally fertile. Seat of justice, Warsaw. Pop. in 1810, 3,307; in 1820, 6,674; in 1830, 6,680; in 1840, 4,093; in 1850, 5,137.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 133.
    Body Summary:
    GALLIA COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly boundary of Ohio, with Ohio river on the east. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country, uneven; soil, inferior, except along the streams where it is rich. Seat justice, Gallipolis. Pop. in 1830, 9,773; in 1840, 13,444; in 1850, 17,063.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GARRARD COUNTY, situated toward the central part of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the north. Area, 240 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1810, 9,186; in 1820, 10,851; in 1830, 11,870; in 1840, 10,480; in 1850, 10,237.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GASCONADE COUNTY, situated between the eastern and central parts of Missouri, on the southerly side of Missouri river, and traversed by Gasconade river. Area, 1,260 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil, on the lowlands, fertile. Seat of justice, Hermann. Pop. in 1830, 1,545; in 1840, 5,330; in 1850, 4,996.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GASTON COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of North Carolina. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Hoylesville. Pop. in 1850, 8,073.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GEAUGA COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Ohio. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Chardon. Pop. in 1810, 9,217; in 1820, 7,791; in 1830, 15,813; in 1840, 16,279; in 1850, 17,827.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GENESEE COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Michigan, and traversed by Flint river. Area, 504 square miles. Seat of justice, Flint. Pop. in 1840, 4,268; in 1850, 11,632.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GENESEE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of New York, and traversed by the Erie canal. Area, 473 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Batavia. Pop. in 1810, 12,588; in 1820, 58,693; in 1830, 51,992; in 1840, 59,587; in 1850, 28,490.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 134.
    Body Summary:
    GEORGETOWN DISTRICT, situated on the eastern boundary of South Carolina, with Atlantic ocean on the southeast, and Santee river on the southwest. Area, 1,040 square miles. Face of the country level, and toward the coast, swampy soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Georgetown. Pop. in 1810, 15,679; in 1820, 17,603; in 1830, 19,943; in 1840, 18,274; in 1850, 20,647.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 136-137.
    Body Summary:
    GEORGIA, so called in honor of its royal grantor, George II. of England, and the most southern of the original thirteen States, lies between 30° 19' and 35° north latitude, and 80° 50' and 85° 40' west longitude from Greenwich; and bounded north by North Carolina and Tennessee, northeast by Savannah river, which separates it from South Carolina, southeast by the Atlantic, south by Florida, and west by Alabama. Its superficial area is 61,500 square miles.
    Physical Aspect. — This state occupies a large proportion of the great inclined plain, from which the peninsula of Florida protrudes, and down which several rivers flow into the Atlantic and the Mexicam gulf. From the Atlantic border of this state, this acclivity gradually rises to an elevation of 1,200 feet above the level of the sea, without estimating the mountain ridges. Like the Carolinas, it may be divided into three zones. First, the flat sea-border, including numerous small islands; second, the sand-hill zone; and third, a hilly and partly mountainous tract, beyond the lower falls of the rivers. The soil on the islands, called hummock land is very rich, producing the celebrated S'ea-island cotton. The seacoast on the main land counts of a belt of salt marsh, four or five miles in widrh. In the rear оf this margin commence the "pine barrens," which extend 60 to 90 miles from the ocean. The river and creeks are generally bordered with swamps, or marshes, which at every tide, are either wholly or partially overflowed for 15 or 20 miles from the coast. These constitute the principal rice plantations. Beyond the pine barrens the country becomes uneven, diversified with hills and mountains, of a strong rich soil. The northwestern part of the state is mountainous, and abounds in beautiful scenery. The soil of Georgia, though varied, is a large portion of it, productive. At a distance from the sea it changes from gray to red; in some places it is gravelly, but fertile : and farther back in the country its color is gradually deepened, till it becomes what is called the "mulatto soil," consisting of black mould and reddish earth. This is succeeded in its turn by a soil that is nearly black, and very rich. In the southwest portion of the state is Okefenokee swamp, about 170 miles in circumference.
    Mountains. — This state is traversed on the north by a spur of the Alleghanies, among which are Yonah and Currahee mountains. Pine mountain lies near the western boundary.
    Rivers and Sounds. — The principal rivers are, the Savannah, Ogeechee. Altamaha, Satilla, Ocmulgee, Oconee, St. Mary's, Flint, Chattahoochee, Tallapoosa, and Coosa. The coast of Georgia is indented by numerous sounds and inlets, which occur at the mouths of the principal rivers.
    Islands. — Along the Atlantic coast there is a chain of islands, which are separated from the main by rivers, creeks, and inlets, forming an inland navigation of more than 100 miles. The principal of these islands are Ту-bee, Wassaw, Ossabaw, St. Catherine's, Sapelo, St Simon's, Jykill, and Cumberland.
    Climate. — The climate, from the difference of elevation, is varied, one section producing wheat, and another sugar-cane. The winters are usually mild and pleasant; snow is seldom seen, nor is vegetation often interrupted by severe frosts. The temperature of winter usually fluctuates from 40° to 60° Fahrenheit, although it occasionally falls as low as 16°. In the low country, in the vicinity of swamps, fevers and bilious attacks are common, owing partly to the badness of the water, but principally to the noxious vapors which arise from stagnant water, and putrid matter in the rice swamps. In the "upper country" the air is pure and salubrious throughout the year, and the water is abundant and good.
    Productive Resources.—The staple products of this state consist of horses, mules, neat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, silk, wool, butter, cheese, cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, wine, wheat, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, and Indian corn. Among the mineral resources are, copper, iron, and gold. The latter occurs in considerable abundance in the northern part of the state, on both sides of Chattahoochee river, as far north as the Blue Ridge.
    — The people of Georgia arе more engaged in manufactures than those of any other southern state. It has quite a number of large cotton factories, which are worked by slave labor. It has also extensive tanneries, and mills of various descriptions.
    Railroads and Canals. — There are about 1,000 miles of railroad already in successful operation in Georgia, and more in process of construction. T he cost of the railroads already completed in this state is over $15,000,000. T he principal canals in Georgia are, one from Savannah to the Ogeechee river, 16 miles, and another from Altamaha to Brunswick, 12 miles.
    Commerce. — The foreign commerce of Georgia amounts to about $9,000,000 annually. The coasting trade is also considerable.
    Education. — The university of Georgia, founded in 1785, in Athens, is the principal literary institution in the state. There are also, the Oglethorpe university, at Medina, near Milledgeville. The Mercer university, at Penfield, the Georgia Female college, near Macon, and the Georgia medical college, at Augusta. There are about 250 academies scattered through the state, and some 1,500 primary and common schools.
    Population — In 1749, 6,000; in 1790, 82,584; in 1800, 162,686; in 1810, 252,433; in 1820, 348,9899; in 1830, 516,567; in 1840, 692,392; in 1850, 905,999. Number of slaves in 1790, 29,264; in 1800, 59,404; in 1810, 105,218; in 1820, 149,656; in 1830, 217,531; in 1840, 280,944; in 1850, 381,681.
    Government. — The governor is elected by the people, and holds his office two years. The senate consiets of 47 members, elected from forty-four districts of two counties each, two districts of three counties each, and one district comprising but a single county. The house of representatives is composed of 130 members : the 35 counties having the largest number of inhabitants are entitled to two members each, and the remainder one each. State election biennially, first Monday in October. The legislature meets biennially, on the first Monday in November (odd years), at Mllledgeville. The judges of the superior court are elected for three years by the legislature, and the judges of the inferior courts and justices of the peace are elected quadrennially by the people. All the free white male inhabitants, who shall have resided within the county in which they vote six months preceding the election, and shall have paid taxes in the state for the year previous, have the right of suffrage.
    History. — The state of Georgia embraces a part of Virginia, as granted to Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1584; or a portion of South Virginia, as granted by James I., of England in 1606. A portion of its present territory also embraces a part of the ancient Georgia colony, chartered in 1732, to a corporation "in trust for the poor," for twenty-one years, including the country between the Savannah and Altahama rivers, extending westward from their sources to the "South sea;" also a portion of the northern part of Florida, as claimed at the time by Spain. The first permanent settlement in Geargia was made under this çrant at Savannah, by Oglethorpe, in 1732, who brought out a band of colonists, collected from among the poor and vicious population, as an experimental effort for their reformation, by providing them with the means of self-support. This benevolent design failing of success, the trustees of the colony sent out a better class of emigrants in 1735 from Scotland, Switzerland, and Germany. In the year following Oglethorpe extended his settlements as far south as St. John's river, in Florida, but was repulsed by the Spaniards. He retained his fortification at the mouth of the St. Mary's, and this river afterward became the boundary between Georgia and Florida. In the year 1752, the trustees of the colony surrendered their charter to the king, and their province was forced into a royal government. А general representative assembly was established in 1755; and in 1763, all the territory between the Altamaha and St. Mary's was annexed. In 1775, Georgia acceded to the union of the colonies, and sent deputies to Congress. When military operations were transferred to the southern states, from 1779 to 1781, Georgia became a portion of the bloody arena. It was at the siege of Savannah, Sept. 23, 1779, that Count Pulaski, the brave and patriotic Pole, was killed. In 1777, the first state constitution was adopted, and the parishes then existing were formed into counties. A second constitution was adopted in 1785, and the one now in force in 1708. In 1788, it adopted the constitution of the United States by a unanimous vote. By different conventions, all of the new states, Alabama and Mississippi, lying north of thirty-one degrees, have been yielded to the general government. Motto of the state seal of Georgia, "Constitution" supported by "Wisdom," "Justice," "Moderation," and " Agriculture and Commerce."
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 137.
    Body Summary:
    GETTYSBURG, c. h., p. b., seat of justice of Adams co., Pa., 35 ms N. E. of Harisburgh; from 75 ms. Pop. 2,180.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 137.
    Body Summary:
    GIBSON COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Indiana, with Wabash river on the west. Area, 450 square miles. Seat of justice, Princeton. Pop. in 1830, 5,418; in 1840, 8,977; in 1850, 10,771.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 137.
    Body Summary:
    GIBSON COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Tennessee. Area, 630 square miles. Seat of justice, Trenton. Pop. in 1830, 5,801; in 1840, 13,689; in 1850, 19,548.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 138.
    Body Summary:
    GILES COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of Tennessee. Area, 625 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Pulaski. Pop. in 1810, 4,546; in 1820, 12,558; in 1830, 18,920; in 1840, 21,494; in 1850, 25,949.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 138.
    Body Summary:
    GILMER COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Georgia. Area, 680 square miles. Face of the country mountainous. Seat of justice, Ellijay. Pop. in 1840, 2,536; in 1850, 4,933.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 138.
    Body Summary:
    GLADWIN COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Michigan, and traversed by Tittibawasee river. Area, ---------- square miles. Seat of justice, ---------- . Pop. in 1850, ---------- .
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 139.
    Body Summary:
    GLOUCESTER COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of New Jersey, with Delaware river on the northwest. Area, 580 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Woodbury. Pop. in 1810, 19,744; in 1820, 23,090; in 1830, 28,431; in 1840, 25,438; in 1850, 14,655.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 139.
    Body Summary:
    GLYNN COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly boundary of Georgia, with the Atlantic ocean on the southeast, and Altamaha river on the northeast. Area, 625 square miles. Face of the country level, and in some parts marshy; soil adapted to cotton and sugar. Seat of justice, Brunswick. Pop. in 1810, 3,417; in 1820, 3,418; in 1830, 4,467; in 1840, 5,302; in 1850, 4,933.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 139.
    Body Summary:
    GORDON COUNTY, Georgia. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Fair Mount. Pop. in 1850, 5,984.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 140.
    Body Summary:
    GRAFTON COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of New Hampshire with Connecticut river on the west. Area, 1,740 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous and broken; soil productive. Seats of justice, Haverhill and Plymouth. Pop. in 1810, 28,462; in 1820, 32,989; in 1830, 38,691; in 1840, 42,311; in 1850, 41,343.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 140.
    Body Summary:
    GRANGER COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Tennessee, with Holston river on tho southeast, and Clinch river on the northwest. Area, 320 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous; soil, along the streams, fertile; elsewhere unproductive. Seat of justice, Rutledge. Pop. in 1820, 7,650; in 1830, 10,066; in 1840, 10,572; in 1850, 12,370.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 140.
    Body Summary:
    GRAND ECORE, p. o., Natchitoches parish, La.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 140.
    Body Summary:
    GRAND ISLE COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Vermont, and comprises Alburg peninsula and several islands in the northern part of Lake Champlain, the two principal of which are North and South Hero. Area, 82 square mile. Face of the country, gently undulating; soil, rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, North Hero. Pop. in 1810, 4,445; in 1820, 3,527; in 1830, 3,696; in 1840, 3,883; in 1850, 4,145.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRANT COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Indiana. Area, 415 square miles. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1840, 4,875; in 1850, 11,092.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRANT COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Kentucky. Area, 184 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Williamstown. Pop. in 1820, 1,805; in 1830, 2,987; in 1840, 4,192; in 1850, 6,531.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRANT COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Wisconsin, with Mississippi river on the southwest, and the Wisconsin on the northwest. Face of the country generally level, or undulating; soil productive. Seat of justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1840, 3,926; in 1850, 9,107.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRANVILLE COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of North Carolina, and traversed by Tar river. Area, 828 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Oxford. Pop. in 1810, 15,576; in 1820, 18,216; in 1830, 19,343; in 1840, 18,817; in 1850, 21,249.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRATIOT COUNTY, situated in the central part of Michigan. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, ---------- .
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GRAYSON COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Kentucky. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country broken; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Litchfield. Pop. in 1810, 2,301; in 1820, 4,055; in 1830. 2,504; in 1840. 4,461; in 1850. 6,837.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREEN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky, and traversed by Greene river. Area, 460 square miles. Face of the country undulating and level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Greensburgh. Pop. in 1810, 6,735; in 1820, 11,943; in 1830, 13,138; in 1840, 14,212; in 1850, 9,060.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREEN COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of Wisconsin. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Monroe. Pop. in 1840, 933; in 1850, 6,179.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Alabama, traversed by Black Warrior river, and bounded by Tombigbee river on the southwest. Area, 836 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil on the bottom lands rich; in the other parts generally unproductive. Seat of justice, Eutaw. Pop. in 1820, 4,554; in 1830, 15,026; in 1840, 24,024; in 1850, 31,441.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Arkansas, with St. Francis river on the east, and Cache river on the west. Area, 1,025 square miles. Face of the country level. Seat of justice, Gainesville. Pop. in 1840, 1,586; in 1850, 2,593.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Georgia, with Oconee river on the west. Area, 504 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Greensborough. Pop. in 1820, 1,445; in 1830, 12,551; in 1840, 11,690; in 1850, 13,068.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Illinois, with Illinois river on the west. Area, 942 square miles. Face of the country rolling; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Carrollton. Pop. in 1830, 7,674; in 1840, 11,951; in 1850, 3,658.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of Indiana, and traversed by west fork of White river. Area, 456 square miles. Seat of justice, Bloomfield. Pop. in 1830, 4,242; in 1840, 8,321; in 1850, 11,424.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated on the eastern boundary of Mississippi, and traversed by Chickasawha river. Area, 864 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil unproductive and covered with pine forests. Seat of justice, Leakesville. Pop. in 1820, 1,445; in 1830, 1,854; in 1840, 1,636; in 1850, 2,018.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of Missouri, and traversed by White river. Area, 1,000 square miles. Face of the country level, and in some parts hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Springfield. Pop. in 1840, 5,372; in 1850, 12,785.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of New York, on the west side of Hudson river. Area, 583 square miles. Face of the country beautifully varied, with high mountains and fruitful valleys; soil rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Catskill. Pop. in 1810, 19,536; in 1820, 22,996; in 1830, 29,525; in 1840, 30,446; in 1850, 33,126.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of North Carolina. Face of the country uneven; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Snow Hill. Pop. in 1820, 4,553; in 1830, 6,313; in 1840, 6,595; in 1850, 6,619.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of Ohio, and traversed by Little Miami and Mad rivers. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified; soil fertile, and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Xenia. Pop. in 1830, 14,801; in 1840, 17,528; in 1850, 22,946.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 141.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Pennsylvania, with Monongahela  river on the east. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Waynesburgh. Pop. in 1810, 12,544; in 1820, 15,554; in 1830, 18,028; in 1840, 19,147; in 1850, 22,136.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 142.
    Body Summary:
    GREENE COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Tennessee, with Stony mountains on the southeast, and traversed by Nolichucky river. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the country diversified with mountains, hills, and valleys; soil along the streams fertile. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1810, 9,713; in 1820, 11,328; in 1830, 14,410; in 1840, 16,076; in 1850, 17,824.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 144.
    Body Summary:
    GREENUP COUNTY, situated at the northeasterly corner of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north and northeast, and Sandy river on the southeast. Area, 768 square miles. Face of the country, hilly and broken; soil inferior. Seat of justice, Greenupsburgh. Pop. in 1820, 4,311; in 1830, 5,853; in 1840, 6,279; in 1850, 9,654.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 144.
    Body Summary:
    GREENVILLE DISTRICT, situated on the northerly boundary of South Carolina, with Saluda river on the southwest. Area, 705 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous and diversified; soil, generally fertile and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1810, 13,133; in 1820, 14,530; in 1830, 16,476; in 1840, 17,839; in 1850, 20,156.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 145.
    Body Summary:
    GRUNDY COUNTY, situated toward the northeastern part of Illinois, and traversed by Des Plaines river. Area, 324 square miles. Seat of justice, Morris. Pop. in 1850, 3,023.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 145.
    Body Summary:
    GRUNDY COUNTY, situated toward the northern part of Missouri, and traversed by numerous branches of Grand river. Seat of justice, Trenton. Pop. in 1850, 3,006.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 145.
    Body Summary:
    GRUNDY COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Tennessee. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, Altamont. Pop. in 1850, 2,773.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 145.
    Body Summary:
    GUERNSEY COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Ohio. Area, 676 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil of middling quality; along the valley of Wells creek, its principal stream, excellent. Seat of justice, Cambridge. Pop. in 1810, 3,051; in 1820 9,292; in 1830, 18,036; in 1840, 27,748; in 1850, 30,438.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 145.
    Body Summary:
    GUILFORD COUNTY, situated toward the northerly of North Carolina. Area, 672 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Greensborough. Pop. in 1820, 14,511; in 1830, 18,735; in 1840, 19,175; in 1850, 19,754.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 146.
    Body Summary:
    GWINNETT COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Georgia, with Chattahoochee river on the northwest. Area, 648 square miles. Seat of justice, Lawrenceville. Pop. in 1820, 4,589; in 1830, 12,220; in 1840, 10,804; in 1850, 11,257.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 146.
    Body Summary:
    HABERSHAM COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly boundary of Georgia, and traversed by Chattahoochee river. Area, 760 square miles. Face of the country hilly, and the eastern part is traversed by the Blue Ridge. Seat of justice, Clarksville. Pop. in 1820, 3,171; in 1830, 10,648; in 1840, 7,961; in 1850, 8,895.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 146.
    Body Summary:
    HALIFAX COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of North Carolina, with Roanoke river on the northeast. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country, generally level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Halifax. Pop. in 1810, 15,620; in 1820, 17,237; in 1830, 17,738; 1840, 16,865; in 1850, 16,589.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HALL COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Georgia, and traversed by Chattahoochee river. Area, 525 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly. Seat of justice, Gainesville. Pop. in 1820, 5,086; in 1830, 11,755; in 1840, 7,875; in 1850, 8,713.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMBURGH, p. v., Edgefield district, S. C., 79 ms. S. W. of Columbia; from W. 574 ms. Watered by Savannah river.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMILTON COUNTY, situated in the south easterly part of Illinois. Area, 432 square miles. Seat of justice, McLeansborough. Pop. in 1830, 2,616; in 1840, 3,945; in 1850, 6,362.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMILTON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Indiana, and traversed by west fork of White river. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Noblesville. Pop. in 1830, 1,757; in 1840, 9,855; in 1850, 12,683.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMILTON COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of New York. Area, 1,064 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous, broken, and swampy. Soil, generally unproductive. Seat of justice, Lake Pleasant. Pop. in 1820, 1,251; in 1830, 1,324; in 1840, 1,907; in 1850, 2,188.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMILTON COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Ohio, with Ohio river on the south, and traversed by Miami and Little Miami rivers, and the Miami canal. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country, diversified with hills and vales. Soil, rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Cincinnati. Pop. in 1810, 15,258; in 1820, 31,764; in 1830, 52,321; in 1840, 80,145; in 1850, 156,843.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 147.
    Body Summary:
    HAMILTON COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 464 square miles. Face of the country hilly and partly mountainous. Seat of justice, Harrison. Pop. in 1820, 821; in 1830, 2,276; in 1840, 8,175; in 1850, 10,075.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HAMPDEN COUNTY, situated in the southwest part of Massachusetts, and watered by Connecticut river. Area, 585 square miles. Seat of justice, Springfield. Pop. in 1830, 31,639; in 1840, 37,336; in 1850, 51,281.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Massachusetts, and traversed by Connecticut river. Area, 532 square miles. Face of the country greatly diversified; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Northampton. Pop. in 1830, 30,210; in 1840, 30,897; in 1850, 24,084.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HAMPTON, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Elizabeth City co., Va., 94 ms. S. E. of Richmond; from W. 209 ms. Watered by Hampton river.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Georgia, with Oconee river on the west, and the Ogeechee on the east. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Sparta. Pop. in 1810, 13,339; in 1820, 12,734; in 1830, 11,822; in 1840, 9,659; in 1850, 11,578.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Illinois, with Mississippi river on the west. Area, 775 square miles. Face of the country even, consisting of prairie land; soil productive. Seat of justice, Carthage. Pop. in 1830, 483; in 1840, 9,946; in 1850, 14,652.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Indiana. Area, 310 square miles. Seat of justice, Greenfield. Pop. in 1830, 1,436; in 1840, 7,535; in 1850, 9,698.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the northeast and northwest. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Hawesville. Pop. in 1830, 1,494; in 1840, 2,581; in 1850, 3,853.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Maine, on the Atlantic ocean, with Penobscot river and bay on the west. Area, 1,850 square miles. Seat of justice, Castine. Pop. in 1810, 30,031; in 1820, 31,290; in 1830, 24,347; in 1840, 28,605; in 1850, 34,372.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Mississippi, with Pearl river on the west and Gulf of Mexico on the south. Area, 1,680 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil generally barren, and covered with pines. Seat of justice, Shieldsborough. Pop. in 1830, 1,961; in 1840, 3,367; in 1850, 3,672.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated toward the northwesterly part of Ohio. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country even; soil productive. Seat of justice, Finley. Pop in 1830, 813; in 1840, 9,986; in 1850, 11,751.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 148.
    Body Summary:
    HANCOCK COUNTY, situated in the northeastern part of Tennessee. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, --------- . Pop. in 1850, 5,660.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HANOVER COUNTY, situated in the extern part of Virginia, with Pamunky river on the northeast. Area, 630 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil sandy, except along the streams, where it is rich. Seat of justice, Hanover. Pop. in 1810m 15,082; in 1820, 15,267; in 1830, 16,253; in 1840, 14,968; in 1850, 15,153.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HANOVER, p. b., Heidelberg township, York co., Pa., 35 ms. S. of Harrisburgh; from W. 82 ms. Watered by a branch of Conewago creek. Pop. 1,210.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARDEMAN COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Tennessee and traversed by Big Hatchee river. Area, 720 square miles. Seat of justice, Bolivar. Pop. in 1830, 11,628; in 1840, 14,563; in 1850, 17,456.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARDIN COUNTY, situated in the southeastern part of Illinois, bounded on the east and south by Ohio river. Area, 100 square miles. Seat of justice, Elizabethtown. Pop. in 1840, 1,378; in 1850, 2,887.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARDIN COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Kentucky. Area, 1,200 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken. Seat of justice, Elizabethtown. Pop. in 1810, 7,581; in 1820, 10,498; in 1830, 13,148; in 1840, 16,357; in 1850, 14,525.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARDIN COUNTY, situated toward the northwesterly part of Ohio. Area, 480 square miles. Face of the country generally even, consisting of an elevated table land; soil, productive. Seat of justice, Kenton. Pop. in 1830, 500; in 1840 4,598; in 1850, 8,265.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARDIN COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Savannah. Pop. in 1820, 1,462; in 1830, 4,867; in 1840, 8,245; in 1850, 10,328.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 149.
    Body Summary:
    HARFORD COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Maryland, with Susquehanna river on the northeast, and Chesapeake bay on the southeast.  Area, 480 square miles.  Face of the country undulating; soil, good for grain, pasturage, and fruit.  Seat of justice, Beslair.  Pop. in 1810, 21,258; in 1820, 15,924; in 1830, 16,315; in 1840, 17,120; in 1850, 19,356.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 150.
    Body Summary:
    HARLAN COUNTY, situated on the southeastern boundary of Kentucky, traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 480 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous. Cumberland mountains form its southeastern boundary, and Laurel Ridge crosses its northwest part. Seat of justice, Mount Pleasant. Pop. in 1830, 2,929; in 1840, 3,015; in 1850, 4,268.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 150.
    Body Summary:
    HARRIS COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Georgia, with Chattahoochee river on the west. Area, 410 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; Seat of justice, Hamilton. Pop. in 1830, 5,105; in 1840, 13,933; in 1850, 14,721.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 150.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISBURGH, the seat of justice of Dauphin co., and capital of Pa., is situated on the east bank of Susquehanna river, 97 miles northwest of Philadelphia, and 110 miles from Washington. It is a borough, built on rising ground, which subsides toward Paxton creek into a plain. From the elevation upon which the Statehouse stands, appears a wide and varied prospect of hills, fertile vales, and winding streams. Across the Susquehanna and the island which here divides it, extends the Harrisburgh bridge, nearly a mile in length, and not far below, the bridge of the Cumberland Valley railroad. The channels of communication, the Pennsylvania lines of railroad and canal, besides a way to the remote part of the state, convey to Harrisburgh the products of the neighboring fertile region, of which it is a profitable market. The Susquehanna, with its large volume of water, is not navigable, except for timber rafts, which can only descend with its swift current.

    The capitol is an imposing structure, consisting of a main building and two wings, each adorned with a portico and Ionic pillars. The central edifice is 180 feet wide, 80 feet deep, and 108 feet from the ground to the top of the dome. The whole is surrounded by an open space, adorned with trees, walks, and an iron-railing. The other prominent buildings, are a Masonic-hall, two banks, a prison, and 11 number of churches.

    By the Mount Airy water-works, water is elevated from the Susquehanna into a reservoir, on a hill above the borough, and thence is distributed through iron pipes.

    Manufactures, to a considerable extent, are produced in Harrisburgh, and the town is gradually increasing in population and wealth.

    The population in 1810, was 2,287; in 1820, 2,990; in 1830, 4,311; in 1840, 6,020; in 1850. 8,173.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISON COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Indiana, with Ohio river on the south. Area, 470 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Croydon. Pop. in 1810, 3,595; in 1820, 7,875; in 1830, 10,273; in 1840, 12,459; in 1850, 15,286.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISON COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Kentucky, and traversed by Licking river. Area, 356 square miles. Soil generally very fertile. Seat of justice, Cynthiana. Pop. in 1810, 7,552; in 1820, 12,271; in 1830, 13,180; in 1840, 12,472; in 1850, 13,064.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISON COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of Mississippi, with the gulf of Mexico on the south, and Pearl river on the west. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Mississippi city. Pop. in 1850, 4,875.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISON COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Bethany. Pop. in 1850, 2,447.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARRISON COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of Ohio. Area, 486 square miles. Face of the country broken and hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Cadiz. Pop. in 1820, 14,345; in 1830, 20,916; in 1840, 20,099; in 1850, 20,158.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HART COUNTY, situated near the central part of Kentucky, and traversed by Green river. Area, 432 square miles. Face of the country level; soil unproductive, chiefly consisting of barrens. Seat of justice, Mumfordsville. Pop. in 1820, 4,184; in 1830, 5,191; in 1840, 7,031; in 1850, 9,093.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 151.
    Body Summary:
    HARTFORD COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Connecticut, and traversed by Connecticut and Farmington rivers. Area, 727 square miles. Face of the country beautifully diversified with mountains and rich valleys; soil fertile, especially on the rivers. Seat of justice, Hartford. Pop. in 1810, 44,733; in 1820, 47,264; in 1830, 51,141; in 1840, 55,629; in 1850, 69,966.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 153.
    Body Summary:
    HAWKINS COUNTY, situated on the northern boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Holston and Clinch rivers. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country broken with hills and mountains; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Rogersville. Pop. 1810, 7,643; in 1820, 10,949; in 1830, 13,683; in 1840, 15,035; in 1850, 13,370.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 153.
    Body Summary:
    HAYWOOD COUNTY, situated on the northwesterly boundary of North Carolina. Area, 1,200 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally sterile, but near the streams, rich. Seat of justice, Waynesville. Pop. in 1810, 2,780; in 1820, 4,073; in 1830, 4,578; in 1840, 4,975; in 1850, 7,074.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 153.
    Body Summary:
    HAYWOOD COUNTY, situated in the southwestern part of Tennessee, and traversed by Big Hatchee river. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Brownsville. Pop. in 1830, 5,334; in 1840, 13,870; in 1850, 17,259.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 153.
    Body Summary:
    HEARD COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Georgia, and traversed by Chattahoochee river. Area, 175 square miles. Seat of justice, Franklin. Pop. in 1840, 5,329; in 1850, 6,923.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HELENA, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Philips co., Ark., 122 ms. E. of Little Rock ; from W. 1,011 ms. Watered by Mississippi river. Pop. 614.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HEMPSTEAD COUNTY, situated in the southwestern part of Arkansas, with Little Missouri on the northeast, and Red river on the southwest. Area, 1,150 square miles. Soil, generally sterile. Seat of justice, Washington. Pop. in 1820, 2,489; in 1830, 2,512; in 1840, 4,921; in 1850, 7,672.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HENDERSON COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Illinois, with Mississippi river on the west. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of Justice, Oquawka. Pop. in 1850, 4,612.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HENDERSON COUNTY, situated in the northwesterly part of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north, and Green river on the east. Area, 725 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Henderson. Pop. in 1810, 4,703; in 1820, 5,714; in 1830, 6,659; in 1840, 9,548; in 1850, 12,171.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HENDERSON COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of North Carolina. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous, the Blue Ridge traversing the east and south. Seat of justice, Hendersonville. Pop. in 1840, 5,129; in 1850, 6,853.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HENDERSON COUNTY, situated toward the western part of Tennessee. Area, 665 square miles. Seat of justice, Lexington. Pop. in 1830, 8,741; in 1840, 11,875; in 1850, 13,164.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 154.
    Body Summary:
    HENDRICKS COUNTY, situated near the centre of Indiana, and watered by Eel river, and White Lick and Mud creeks. The surface of the county is undulating, and soil productive. Area, about 400 square miles. Pop. in 1840, 11,264; in 1850, 14,083.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated at the southeast comer of Alabama, with Chattahoochee river on the east. Area, 975 square miles. Seat of justice, Abbeville. Pop. in 1830, 2,638; in 1830, 3,955; in 1840, 5,787; in 1850 9,019.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the northeast. Area, 594 square miles. Seat of justice, McDonough. Pop. in 1830, 10,567; in 1840, 11,756; in 1850, 14,726.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated in the northwesterly part of Illinois, with Rock river on the northwest. Area, 840 square miles. Seat of justice, Cambridge. Pop. in 1840, 1,260; in 1850, 3,807.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated toward the easterly part of Indiana. Area, 380 square miles. Seat of justice, Newcastle. Pop. in 1830, 6,498; in 1840, 15,128; in 1850, 17,604.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the northeast. Area, 260 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Newcastle. Pop. in 1810, 6,777; in 1820, 10,816; in 1830, 11,395; in 1840, 10,015; in 1850, 11,442.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated in the western part of Missouri, and traversed by South Grand river. Area, 750 square miles. Seat of justice, Clinton. Pop. in 1840, 4,726; in 1850, 4,052.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated in the northwestern part of Ohio and traversed by Maumee river. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Napoleon. Pop. in 1830, 260; in 1840, 2,503; in 1850, 3,435.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HENRY COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee, with Tennessee and Big Sandy rivers on the east. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Paris. Pop. in 1830, 12,230; in 1840, 14,906; in 1850, 18,233.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 156.
    Body Summary:
    HERKIMER COUNTY, situated In the central part of New York, and traversed by Mohawk river, and the Erie canal. Area, 1,370 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and diversified; soil on the Mohawk and other streams alluvial and rich, in other parts varied. Seat of justice, Herkimer. Pop. in 1810, 22,046; in 1820, 31,017; in 1830, 55,689; in 1840, 37,477; in 1850, 38,244.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HERTFORD COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of North Carolina, with Chowan river on the northeast and traversed by Meherrin river. Area, 356 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally poor. Seat of justice, Winton. Pop. in 1810, 1,052; in 1820, 7,712; in 1830, 8,541; in 1840, 7,484; in 1850, 8,142.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HICKMAN COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of Kentucky, with Mississippi river on the west. Area, 350 square miles. Seat of justice, Clinton. Pop. in 1830, 5,193; in 1840, 8,968; in 1850, 4,791.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HICKMAN COUNTY, situated toward the western part of Tennessee. Area, 726 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil varied. Seat of justice, Centreville. Pop. in 1810, 2.563; in 1820, 6,080; in 1830, 8,132; in 1840, 8,618; in 1850, 9,397.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 155.
    Body Summary:
    HICKORY COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of Missouri. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Hermitage. Pop. in 1850, 2,329.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 156.
    Body Summary:
    HIGHLAND COUNTY, situated in the southern part of Ohio. Area, 555 square miles. Face of the country an elevated, moderately undulated table-land; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Hillsborough. Pop. in 1810, 5,766; in 1820, 12,308; in 1830, 16,347; in 1840, 22,269; in 1850, 25,781.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 157.
    Body Summary:
    HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of New Hampshire, and traversed by Merrimack river. Area, 1,245 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Amherst. Pop. in 1810, 49,249; in 1820, 35,761; in 1830, 37,762; in 1840, 42,494; in 1850, 57,373.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 157.
    Body Summary:
    HILLSBOROUGH, с. h., p. v., seat of justice of Orange co., N. С., 40 ms. N. W. of Raleigh; from W. 274 ms. Watered by Eno river.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 157.
    Body Summary:
    HILLSDALE COUNTY, situated on the southern boundary of Michigan. Area, 576 square miles. Soil rich. Seat of justice, Hillsdale. Pop. in 1840, 7,240; in 1850, 16,159.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 157.
    Body Summary:
    HINDS COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Mississippi, with Pearl river on the east, and Big Black river on the west. Area, 875 square miles. Seat of justice, Raymond. Pop. in 1830, 8,645; in 1840, 19,098; in 1850, 25,340.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 157.
    Body Summary:
    HOCKING COUNTY, situated toward the southern part of Ohio, and traversed by Hocking river. Area, 432 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken; soil in many parts fertile. Seat of justice, Logan. Pop. in 1820, 2,130; in 1830, 4,008; in 1840, 9,741; in 1850, 14,119.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 158.
    Body Summary:
    HOLMES COUNTY, situated toward the western part of Mississippi, with Big Black river on the east, and the Yazoo on the west. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Lexington. Pop. in 1840, 9,452; in 1850, 13,928.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 158.
    Body Summary:
    HOLMES COUNTY, situated toward the northeastern part of Ohio. Area, 422 square miles. Soil, generally productive. Seat of justice, Millersburgh. Pop. in 1830 9,133; in 1840, 18,088; in 1850, 20,452.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 158.
    Body Summary:
    HOLT COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Missouri, with Missouri river on the southwest. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Oregon. Pop. in 1850, 3,957.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 159.
    Body Summary:
    HOPKINS COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Kentucky, with Green river on the northeast. Area, 750 square miles. Seat of justice, Madisonville. Pop. in 1810, 2,964; in 1820, 5,322; in 1830, 6,763; in 1840, 9,171; in 1850, 12,441.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 159.
    Body Summary:
    HORRY DISTRICT, situated on the northeastern boundary of South Carolina, with the Atlantic on the southeast, and Little Pedee river on the west. Area, 1,000 square miles. Face of the country, level; soil, sterile. Seat of justice, Conwayborough. Pop. in 1810, 4,349; in 1820, 5,025; in 1830, 5,323; in 1840, 5,755; in 1850, 7,646.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HOT SPRINGS COUNTY, situated near the central part of Arkansas, with Saline river on the east, and traversed by Wachita river. Area, 1,980 square miles. Seat of justice, Hot Springs. Pop. in 1830, 6,116; in 1840, 1,907; in 1850, 3,609.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HOUGHTON COUNTY, situated in the northwestern part of Michigan on Lake Superior. Seat of justice, Eagle Harbor. Pop. in 1850, 708.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HOUSTON COUNTY, situated toward the southern part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the northeast. Area, 510 square miles. Seat of justice, Perry. Pop. in 1830, 7,369; in 1840, 9,711; in 1850, 16,450.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HOWARD COUNTY, Indiana. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Kokomo. Pop. in 1850, 6,657.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HOWARD COUNTY, situated toward the northern part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the south and west. Area, 398 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Fayette. Pop. in 1830, 10,844; in 1840, 13,108; in 1850, 13,969.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 160.
    Body Summary:
    HUDSON COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of New Jersey, with Hudson river on the east. Area, 75 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Bergen. Pop. in 1840, 6,483; in 1850, 21,819.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HUMPRHEYS COUNTY, situated toward the western part of Tennessee, with Tennessee river on the west. Area, 475 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Waverly. Pop. in 1820 4,057; in 1830, 6,189; in 1840, 5,195; in 1850, 6,422.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HUNTERDON COUNTY, situated on the western boundary of New Jersey, with Delaware river on the southwest. Area, 345 square miles. Face of the country mountainous and hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Flemington. Pop. in 1810, 24,553; in 1820, 28,604; in 1830, 31,066; in 1840, 24,789; in 1850, 28,981.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HUNTINGDON COUNTY, situated toward the southern part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Juniata river. Area, 1,276 square miles. Face of the country mountainous; soil barren, except on the streams. Seat of justice, Huntingdon. Pop. in 1810, 14,778; in 1820, 20,142; in 1830, 27,159; in 1840, 35,484; in 1850, 24,786.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HUNTINGTON COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Indiana, and traversed by Wabash river. Area, 384 square miles. Seat of justice, Huntington. Pop. in 1840, 1,579; in 1850, 7,850.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HURON COUNTY, situated on the eastern boundary of Michigan, with Lake Michigan on the east, and Saganaw bay on the north. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, -------- . Pop. in 1850, 210.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 161.
    Body Summary:
    HURON COUNTY, situated in the northern part of Ohio. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country generally even; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Norwalk. Pop in 1820, 6,676; in 1830, 13,485; in 1840 23,933; in 1850, 26,203.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 162.
    Body Summary:
    HYDE COUNTY, situated in the eastern part of North Carolina, on Pamlico sound. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country low, flat, and marshy; soil, generally unproductive. Seat of justice, Swan Quarter. Pop. in 1810, 6,029; in 1820, 4,967; in 1830, 6,177; in 1840, 6,458; in 1850, 7,636.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 162.
    Body Summary:
    IBERVILLE PARISH, situated toward the southeastern part of Louisiana, and traversed by Mississippi river. Area, 350 square miles. Face of the country flat; soil rich, but generally subject to inundation. Seat of justice, Plaquemine. Pop. in 1810, 2,679; in 1820, 4,414; in 1830, 7,049; in 1840, 8,495; in 1850, 12,216.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 162-164.
    Body Summary:

    ILLINOIS, sometimes called the " Prairie State," is situated between 37° and 42° 30' north latitude, and 87° 49' and 91°30' longitude west from Greenwich; it is bounded north by Wisconsin, east by Lake Michigan and Indiana, south by the Ohio river, which separates it from Kentucky, and west by the Mississippi river, which separates it from Missouri and Iowa. Its superficial area is 55,400 square miles.

    Physical Aspect. — The general surface of this state may be regarded as a gentle plain, more or less rolling inclined in the direction of its rivers. The northern and southern sections, however, are somewhat broken, but no portion of the territory is traversed by ranges of mountains, or hills. It is estimated that Illinois contains more arable land than any state in the Union. In that portion north of Kaskasia river the prairie country dominates; and it is computed that two thirds of the state is covered with this class of lands.  Many portions of them are undulating, entirely dry, and abound in wholesome springs; but as a general rule, they consist of plains; and in the true meaning of the term, in French, they are " meadows," presenting every degree of fertility, down to extreme barrenness. Many of them exhibit alluvial deposites, which prove that they have once been morasses, and perhaps lakes. In numerous instances, there are thickets, or groves of timber, amid these prairies, containing from 100 to 2,000 acres each, which resemble oases in the desert, or islands in the sea. Along the borders of many of the streams are rich " bottoms," or alluvial deposites. The "American bottom" commences at the confluence of the Mississippi and Kaskaskia rivers, extending northward to the mouth of the Missouri, a distance of about eighty miles, and comprises an area of 288,000 acres. It is bounded on the east by a chain of ' bluffs," some of which occur in parallel ridges, while others are of a conical shape, formed of lime-rock, from 50 to 200 feet in height

    Rivers and Lakes. — The principal rivers are, the Mississippi, which bounds the state on the west, the Ohio, which bounds it on the south, Kankokee, Kaskaskia, Sangamon Little Wabash, Muddy, Saline, Rock, Embarras, Fox, the Wahash, the principal river in the state, which forms a portion of the eastern boundary, Des Plaines, and Vermilion. Besides Lake Michican, which lies on the northeast corner, this state contains Peoria lake, an expansion of Illinois river.

    Climate. — The climate of this state is generally healthy, and the air pure and serene, except in the vicinity of wet, low lands, or stagnant pools. The winters, which are cold, are somewhat milder than those of the Atlantic states in the same latitude. Snow seldom falls to the depth of six inches, and it as rarely remains on the ground more than ten or twelve days. The Mississippi is sometimes frozen over as far down as St. Louis, sufficiently strong to be crossed on the ice. The summers are warm, particularly in the southern part, but the intensity of the heat is modified by the breeze.

    Productive Resources. — The staple products are, horses, mules, neat cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, hatter, cheese, wool, cotton, hemp, flax, hops, hay, wine, wheat, barley, buckwheat, potatoes, and Indian corn.  Among the mineral resources are, zinc, copper, iron, and lime. Bituminous coal may be found in nearly every county in the state. Common salt is procured by evaporating the water of salt springs. The lead mines in the vicinity of Galena are very extensive, and of great value to the state. The mineral has been found in every portion of a tract of more than fifty miles in extent. The ore lies in beds, or horizontal strata, varying in thickness from one inch to several feet.

    Manufactures. — In 1850 there were, in Illinois, 3,099 manufacturing establishments, producing each $500 and upward annually. The manufactures consist mostly of woollen fabrics, machinery, saddlery, agrcultural implements, &c.

    Railroads and Canals. — There are about 1,200 miles of railroad completed and in course of construction in this state; some off them, particularly the Central railroad, are verу important. The Illinois and Michigan canal, connecting the waters of Lake Erie, at Chicago, with those of the Illinois river at Peru, is one of the most important works of internal improvement in the country. It is the connecting link of an unbroken internal water communication from the Atlantic, off Sandy Hook, New York, by the way of the lakes, the Illinois and Mississippi river, to the gulf of Mexico. The canal is 113 miles long, 60 feet wide, and 6 feet deep, and designed for boats of 120 tons. It cost over $8,000,000.

    Commerce. — The direct foreign commerce of Illinois is, of course, from its insular position, very small; but its coasting and lake trade is important, amounting, in 1850, to over $10,000.000.

    Education. — The principal collegiate institutions in Illinois are, the Illinois college, at Jacksonville, founded in 1829; the McKendree college, at Lebanon, in 1831; the Shurtleff college, at Upper Alton, in 1815; the Knox Manual Labor college, in Galesburg, in 1837; and the College of St. Mary of the Lakes, at Chicago, in 1846. There are about 100 academies, and 2,000 common schools in the state.

    Government. — The legislative authority is vested in a senate, the members of which, 25 in number, are elected for four уеars, оne half every two years; and a house of representatives, 75 in number, elected for two years. Senators must be thirty years of age, and five years inhabitants of the state.  Representatives must be twenty-five years of age, citizens of the United States, and three years inhabitants of the state. The executive power is vested in a governor and lieutenant-governor, chosen by a plurality of votes, once in four уears, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, who must be thirty-five years of age, citizens of the United States for fourteen years, and residents of the state for ten years. The governor is not eligible for two consecutive terms. A majority of members elected to both houses may defeat the governor's veto. A majority of the members elected to each house is required for the passage of any law. The legislature meets biennially at Springfield, on the first Monday in January. The judicial power ie vested in a Supreme court, of three judges, elected by the people, for a term of nine years, one being chosen triennially; also in circuit courts, of one judge each, elected by the people in nine judicial circuits, into which the state is divided, for six years; and county courts, of one judge each, elected by the people for four years. All white male citizens, 21 years of age, resident in the state for one year, may vote at elections.  No state bank can be created or revived. Acts creating banks must be submitted to the people. Stockholders are individually liable to the amount of their shares.

    Population. — In 1810, 12,282; in 1820, 55,211; in 1830, 157,455; in 1840, 476,183; in 1850, 851,470.

    History. — This state embraces a part of Upper Louisiana, as held by the French prior to 1763, when it was ceded to England, together with Canada and Acadia. The first permanent settlement was made at Kaskaskia, in 1685, although La Salle had built a fort, called Crevecœur, on Illinois river, five years before. At the close of the revolutionary war, in 1783, this country was claimed under the charter of Virginia, and held by that state until ceded to the United States, in 1787.  It was then made a part of the territory northwest of Ohio river.  When Ohio was made a separate territory, in 1800, Illinois and Indiana were formed into another territory, and remained as such until 1809, when they were divided into two. In 1812, a territorial government was formed, with a legislature and one delegate to Соngress. In 1818 a state constitution was formed, and Illinois admitted into the Union as an independent state. The present constitution of the state was adopted by a state convention in August, 1847, and accepted by the people in March, 1818.  "Motto of the seal, "State Sovereignty; National Union."

    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 164.
    Body Summary:
    INDEPENDENCE COUNTY, situated toward the northeastern part of Arkansas, with Big Black river on the east, and traversed by White river. Area, 1,250 square miles. Seat of justice, Batesville. Pop. in 1830, 2,032; in 1840, 3,3669; in 1850, 7,767.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 166.
    Body Summary:
    INDIANA COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Pennsylvania, with Kiskiminitas river on the southwest. Area, 770 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil, mostly sterile. Seat of justice, Indiana. Pop in 1810, 6,214; in 1820, 8,882; in 1830, 14,251; in 1840, 20,782; in 1850, 27,070.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 167.
    Body Summary:
    INGHAM COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Michigan. Area, 560 square miles. Seat of justice, Lansing, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1840, 2,498; in 1850, 8,631.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 167.
    Body Summary:
    IONIA COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Michigan, and traversed by Grand river. Area, 576 square miles. Soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Ionia. Pop. in 1840, 1,923; in 1850, 7,597.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 169.
    Body Summary:
    IOWA COUNTY, situated toward the southwesterly part of Wisconsin, with Wisconsin river on the north. Area, 1,300 square miles. Seat of justice, Mineral Point. Pop. in 1830, 1,576; in 1840, 3,978; in 1850, 5,672.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 169.
    Body Summary:
    IREDELL COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of North Carolina, with Catawba river on the southwest. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country, hilly and mountainous; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Statesville. Pop. in 1810, 10,972; in 1820 13,071; in 1830 15,202; in 1840, 15,685; in 1850, 14,719.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 169.
    Body Summary:
    IROQUOIS COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Illinois, and traversed by the Iroquois river. Area, 1,428 square miles. Seat of justice, Middleport. Pop. in 1840, 1,695; in 1850, 4,149.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 169.
    Body Summary:
    IRWIN COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the northeast. Area, 2,079 square miles. Face of the country, generally level. Seat of justice, Irwinville. Pop. in 1820, 411; in 1830, 1,180; in 1840, 2,038; in 1850, 3,334.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 169.
    Body Summary:
    ISABELLA COUNTY, situated in the central part of Michigan, and traversed by Chippewa river. Area, 579 square miles. Seat of justice, -------- .
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    ISSAQUENA COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Mississippi, with Mississippi river on the west, and the Yazoo on the southeast. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Tallulah. Pop. in 1850, 4,478.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    ITAWAMBA COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Mississippi, and traversed by Little Tombigbee river. Area, 900 square miles. Seat of justice, Fulton. Pop. in 1840, 5,375; in 1850, 13,528.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    IZARD COUNTY, situated in the north part of Arkansas, and traversed by White river. Area, 1,600 square miles. Seat of justice, Izard. Pop. in 1830, 1,266; in 1840, 2,240; in 1850, 3,213.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Alabama, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 975 square miles. Seat of justice, Bellefonte. Pop. in 1840, 15,715; in 1850, 14,088.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Arkansas, with Big Black and White rivers on the west, and the Cache on the east. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Elizabeth. Pop. in 1830, 333; in 1840, 1,540; in 1850, 3,086.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Georgia. Area, 432 square miles. Seat of justice, Jefferson. Pop. in 1810, 10,569; in 1820, 8,355; in 1830, 9,004; in 1840, 8,522; in 1850, 9,768.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated on the southwest boundary of Illinois, on Mississippi river. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country, even. Seat of justice, Brownsville. Pop. in 1820, 1,542; in 1830, 1,872; in 1840, 3,566; in 1850, 5,862.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Indiana, and traversed by east fork of White river. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country, even; soil, fertile; seat of justice, Brownstown. Pop. in 1820, 4,010; in 1830, 4,894; in 1840, 8,961; in 1850, 11,048.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Michigan. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country, even; soil, rich. Seat of justice, Jackson. Pop. in 1840, 13,130; in 1850, 19,431.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated at the southeast corner of Mississippi, on the gulf of Mexico, and traversed by Pascagoula river. Area, 1,175 square miles. Face of the county varied; soil, sterile. Seat of justice, Jackson C. H. Pop. in 1840, 1,965; in 1850, 3,196.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Missouri, with Missouri river on the north. Area, 525 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Independence. Pop. in 1840, 7,612; in 1850, 14,000.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Ohio. Area, 400 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil productive. Seat of justice, Jackson. Pop. in 1820, 3,746; in 1830, 5,974; in 1840, 9,744; in 1850, 12,621.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 625 square miles. Face of the country, undulating. Soil productive. Seat of justice, Gainesborough. Pop. in 1820, 7,593; in 1830, 9,698; in 1840, 12,872; in 1850, 15,673.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 170.
    Body Summary:
    JACKSON PARISH, situated toward the north part of Louisiana. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, -------- . Pop. in 1850, 5,566.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JASPER COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the southwest. Area, 480 square miles. Seat of justice, Monticello. Pop. in 1810, 7,573; in 1820, 13,614; in 1830, 13,131; in 1840, 11,111; in 1850, 11,486.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JASPER COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Illinois. Area, 475 square miles. Soil poor. Seat of justice, Newton. Pop. in 1840, 1,472; in 1850, 3,220.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JASPER COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Indiana, and traversed by Iroquois river. Area, 980 square miles. Seat of justice, Rensselaer. Pop. in 1840, 1,267; in 1850, 3,540.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JASPER COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Mississippi. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, Paulding. Pop. in 1840, 2,958; in 1850, 6,184.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JASPER COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Missouri. Area, 980 square miles. Seat of justice, Jasper. Pop. in 1850, 4,223.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JAY COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Indiana. Area, 370 square miles. Seat of justice, Jay. Pop. in 1840, 3,863; in 1850, 7,065.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the northerly part of Alabama. Area, 1,040 square miles. Seat of justice, Elyton. Pop. in 1830, 6,865; in 1840, 7,131; in 1850, 8,989.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Arkansas, and traversed by Arkansas river. Area, 1,180 square miles. Seat of justice, Pine Bluffs. Pop. in 1830, 772; in 1840, 2,566; in 1850, 5,834.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Georgia, and traversed by Ogeechee river. Area, 660 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Louisville. Pop. in 1810, 6,111; in 1820, 7,058; in 1830, 7,309; in 1840, 7,254; in 1850, 9,131.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Illinois. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country level. Seat of justice, Mount Vernon. Pop. in 1820, 691; in 1830, 2,555; in 1840, 5,762; in 1850, 8,109.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Indiana, on Ohio river. Area, 360 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Madison. Pop. in 1820, 8,030; in 1830, 11,465; in 1840, 16,614; in 1850, 23,914.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Kentucky, on Ohio river. Area, 504 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil rich. Seat of justice, Louisville. Pop. in 1810, 13,399; in 1820, 20,768; in 1830 23,979; in 1840. 36,346; in 1850, 59,829.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Mississippi, on the easterly side of Mississippi river. Area, 630 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Fayette. Pop. in 1810, 4,001; in 1820, 6,822; in 1830, 9,755; in 1840, 11,650; in 1850, 13,193.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Missouri, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country broken; soil generally sterile. Seat of justice, Hillsborough. Pop. in 1820, 1,835; in 1830, 2,586; in 1840, 4,296; in 1850, 6,928.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of New York, with Lake Ontario on the west, and St. Lawrence river on the northwest. Area, 1,125 square miles. Face of the country, broken, in the interior, but even toward Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence river; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Watertown. Pop. in 1810, 15,140; in 1820, 32,952; in 1830, 48,515; in 1840, 60,984; in 1850, 68,153.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Ohio, on the Ohio river. Area, 396 square miles. Soil fertile. Seat of justice, Steubenville. Pop. in 1810 17,260; in 1820, 18,531; in 1830, 22,489; in 1840, 25,030; in 1850, 29,132.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the westerly part of Pennsylvania. Area, 1,200 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Brookville. Pop. in 1810, 161; in 1820, 561; in 1830, 2,225; in 1840, 7,253; in 1830, 13,516.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the northeasterly part of Tennessee, with Holston river on the northwest, and traversed by the Nolichucky river. Area, 356 square miles. Soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Danbridge. Pop. in 1820, 8,953; in 1830, 11,801; in 1840, 12,076; in 1850, 13,204.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly boundary of Virginia, with the Potomac river on the northeast, and traversed by the Shenandoah. Area, 225 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified with hills and valleys; soil rich and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Charleston. Pop. in 1810, 11,851; in 1820, 13,087; in 1830, 12,927; in 1840, 14,082; in 1850, 15,357.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 173.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Wisconsin, and traversed by Rock river. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Jefferson. Pop. in 1840, 914; in 1850, 6 955.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 172.
    Body Summary:
    JEFFERSON PARISH, situated in the southeasterly part of Louisiana, traversed by the Mississippi, and bounded by bayous and inlets of the gulf of Mexico. Area, 720 square miles. Face of the country low and level; soil generally unproductive. Seat of justice, La Fayette. Pop. in 1830, 6,846; in 1840, 10,470; in 1850, 25,091.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JENNINGS COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Indiana. Area, 380 square miles. Face of the country, undulating; soil, productive. Seat of justice, Vernon. Pop. in 1820, 2,000; in 1830, 3,950; in 1840, 8,829; in 1850, 3,422.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 174-175.
    Body Summary:
    JESSAMINE COUNTY, situated in the central of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the southwest. Area, 256 square miles. Face of the country level; soil fertile Seat of justice, Nicholasville. Pop. in 1820, 9,297; in 1830, 9,960; in 1840, 9,396; in 1850, 10,249.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JO-DAVIESS COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Illinois, on the Mississippi river. Area, 724 square miles. Soil rich. Seat of justice, Galena. Pop. in 1830, 2,111; in 1840, 6,180; in 1850, 18,604.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Arkansas, and traversed by Arkansas river. Area, 900 square miles. Seat of justice, Clarksville. Pop. in 1840, 3,433; in 1850, 5,227.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated in the south part of Illinois. Area, 486 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Vienna. Pop. in 1820, 843; in 1830, 1,596; in 1840, 3,626; in 1850, 4,113.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Indiana. Area, 320 square miles. Seat of justice, Franklin. Pop. in 1830, 4,019; in 1840, 9,352; in 1850, 12,101.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Kentucky. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Paintsville. Pop. in 1850, 3,873.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Missouri. Area, 785 square miles. Seat of justice, Warrensburgh. Pop. in 1840, 4,471; in 1850, 7,464.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated toward the east part of North Carolina, and traversed by Neuse river. Area, 660 square miles. Face of the country undulating. Seat of justice, Smithfield. Pop. in 1810, 6,867; in 1820, 9,607; in 1830, 10,938; in 1840, 10,600; in 1850, 13,726.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSON COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Tennessee. Area, 300 square miles. Seat of justice, Taylorsville. Pop. in 1840, 2,658; in 1850, 3,499.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JOHNSTOWN, c. h. p. t., Fulton co., N. Y., 46 ms. N. W. of Albany; from W. 410 ms. Watered by Garoga and Cuyadutta creeks. Pop. in 1840, 5,409; in 1850, 6,131.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JONES COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the west. Area, 360 square miles. Seat of justice, Clinton. Pop. in 1810, 8,597; in 1820, 17,411; in 1830, 13,342; in 1840, 10,065; in 1850, 10,224.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JONES COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Mississippi. Area, 672 square miles. Seat of justice, Ellisville. Pop. in 1830, 1,471; in 1840, 1,258; in 1850, 2,164.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 175.
    Body Summary:
    JONES COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of North Carolina. Area, 380 square miles. Face of the country, level; soil, sandy or marshy. Seat of justice, Trenton. Pop. in 1810, 4,968; in 1820, 5,216; in 1830, 5,628; in 1840, 4,945; in 1850, 5,083.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 176.
    Body Summary:
    JUNIATA COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Pennsylvania. Area, 360 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Mifflintown. Pop. in 1830, 7,672; in 1840, 11,080; in 1850, 13,029.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 176.
    Body Summary:
    KALAMAZOO COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Michigan. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country, generally even; soil, rich. Seat of justice, Kalamazoo. Pop. in 1840, 7,380; in 1850, 13,179.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 176.
    Body Summary:
    KANE COUNTY, situated in the northeast part of Illinois, and traversed by Fox river. Area, 1,296 square miles. Seat of justice, Geneva. Pop. in 1840, 6,501; in 1850, 16,703.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KEMPER COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Mississippi. Area, 750 square miles. Seat of justice. De Kalb. Pop. in 1840, 7,663; in 1850, 12,517.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENDALL COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly part of Illinois, and traversed by Fox river. Area, 324 square miles. Seat of justice, Yorkville. Pop. in 1850, 7,730.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENNEBEC COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Maine, and traversed by Kennebec river. Area, 1,050 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Augusta, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1810, 32,564; in 1820, 42,623; in 1830, 52,491; in 1840, 56,823; in 1850, 62,520.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENOSHA COUNTY, situated at the southeast corner of Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Kenozha. Pop. in 1850, 10,734.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENT COUNTY, situated in the central part of Delaware, on Delaware bay. Area, 640 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Dover, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1810, 20,495; in 1820, 20,793; in 1830, 19,911; in 1840, 19,872; in 1850, 22,816.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENT COUNTY, situated in the central part of Delaware, on Delaware bay. Area, 640 square mile. Face of the country generally level; soil of middleing quality. Seat of justice, Dover, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1810, 20,495; in 1820, 20,793; in 1830, 19,911; in 1840, 19,872; in 1850, 22,816.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENT COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Michigan, and traversed by Grand river. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Kent or Grand Rapids. Pop. in 1840, 2,587; in 1850, 12,016.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 177.
    Body Summary:
    KENTON COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, on Ohio river. Area, 150 square miles. Seat of justice, Independence. Pop. in 1840, 7,816; in 1850, 17,038.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 179.
    Body Summary:
    KERSHAW DISTRICT, situated toward the north part of South Carolina, and traversed by Wateree river. Area, 792 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Camden. Pop, in 1830, 13,545; in 1840, 12,181; in 1850, 14,473.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 180.
    Body Summary:
    KING'S COUNTY, situated in tho southeast part of New York, at the west end of Long Island. Area, 76 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil productive, and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Brooklyn. Pop. in 1810, 8,303; in 1820, 11,187; in 1830, 20,537; in 1840, 47,613; in 1850, 218,881.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated toward the west part of Illinois. Area, 792 square miles. Seat of justice, Knoxville. Pop. in 1830, 274; in 1840, 7,060; in 1850, 13,279.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Indiana, with the Wabash on the west, and White river on the southeast. Area, 540 square miles. Face of the country, toward the Wabash, even; in the interior, hilly; soil generally fertile. Seat of justice, Vincennes. Pop. in 1810, 7,945; in 1820, 5,437; in 1830, 6,557; in 1840, 10,657; in 1850, 11,084.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Kentucky, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 495 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous. Seat of justice, Barboursville. Pop. in 1810, 5,875; in 1820, 3,661; in 1830, 4,321; in 1840, 5,722; in 1850, 7,050.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Missouri. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Edina. Pop. in 1850, 2,894.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated in the central part of Ohio. Area, 618 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil productive. Seat of justice, Mount Vernon. Pop. in 1810, 2,149; in 1820, 8,326; in 1830, 17,124; in 1840, 29,579; in 1850, 28,773.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 181.
    Body Summary:
    KNOX COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Tennessee, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 864 square miles. Face of the country mountainous; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Knoxville. Pop. in 1810, 10,171; in 1820, 13,034; in 1830, 14,498; in 1840, 15,485; in 1850, 18,775.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    KOSCIUSKO COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Indiana. Area, 567 square miles. Seat of justice, Warsaw. Pop. in 1840, 4,170; in 1850, 10,243.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    KREIDERSVILLE, p. v., Northampton co, Pa., 103 ms. N. E. of Harrisburgh ; from W. 196 ms. Watered by Hockendocque creek.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LA SALLE COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Illinois, and traversed by Illinois river. Area, 1,864 square miles. Seat of justice, Ottawa. Pop. in 1840, 9,348; in 1850, 17,815.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LACLEDE COUNTY, situated in the south part of Missouri. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Cave Spring. Pop. in 1850, 2,498.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LAFAYETTE COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Arkansas, and traversed by Red river. Area, 1,260 square miles. Seat of justice, Lewisville. Pop. in 1830, 748; in 1840, 2,200; in 1850, 5,220.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LAFAYETTE COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Mississippi. Area, 790 square miles. Seat of justice, Oxford. Pop. in 1840, 6,531; in 1850, 14,069.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LAFAYETTE COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the north. Area, 450 square miles. Seat of justice, Lexington. Pop. in 1840, 6,815; in 1850, 13,690.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LAFAYETTE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Wisconsin. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, ---------- . Pop. in 1850, 11,531.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LAFAYETTE PARISH, situated in the southerly part of Louisiana, and traversed by Vermillion river. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Vermillionville. Pop. in 1830, 5,653; in 1840, 7,841; in 1850, 6,720.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LA FOURCHE INTERIOR PARISH, situated in the southeast part of Louisiana, with the gulf of Mexico on the south. Area, 1,100 square miles. Face of the country low and flat; soil marshy, except along the streams. Seat of justice, Thibodeauxville. Pop. in 1810, 4,467; in 1820, 3,755; in 1830, 5,503; in 1840, 7,303; in 1850, 9,533.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 182.
    Body Summary:
    LA GRANGE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Indiana. Area, 380 square miles. Watered by Fawn, Pigeon, and Little Elkhart rivers. Seat of justice, La Grange. Pop. in 1840, 3,364; 1850, 8,537.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LAKE COUNTY, situated at the northeast corner of Illinois, on Lake Michigan. Area, 425 square miles. Seat of justice, Waukegan. Pop. in 1840, 2,634; in 1850, 14,226.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LAKE COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Indiana, on Lake Michigan. Area, 468 square miles. Seat of justice, Lake c. h., Crown Point. Pop. in 1840, 1,468; in 1850, 3,991.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LAKE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Ohio on Lake Erie. Area, 820 square miles Seat of justice, Painesville. Pop. in 1840, 13,719; in 1850, 14,650.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LAMOILLE COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Vermont. Area, 420 square miles. Face of the country, mountainous. Seat of justice, Hyde Park. Pop. in 1840, 10,475; in 1850, 10,872.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 183.
    Body Summary:
    LANCASTER COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Pennsylvania, with Susquehanna river on the southwest. Area, 928 square miles. Face of the country, diversified with mountains, hills, and valleys; soil, generally productive. Seat of justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1810, 53,937; in 1820, 68,336; in 1830, 76,558; in 1840, 84,203; in 1850, 98,944.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LANCASTER DISTRICT, situated on the northerly boundary of South Carolina, with Catawba river on the west. Area, 524 square miles. Seat or justice, Lancaster. Pop. in 1810, 6,318; in 1820, 8,716; in 1830, 10,361; in 1840, 9,907; in 1850, 10,936.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LANCASTER, city, seat of justice of Lancaster co., Pa., is situated 36 miles southeast of Harrisburgh, and 62 miles west of Philadelphia. In 1812, the state government was transferred from this place to Harrisburgh. In the midst of the beautiful and fertile valley of Conestoga creek, it constitutes the centre of an extensive trade with the surrounding region, and a thoroughfare between Philadelphia and the west. This is one of those towns which are interesting for both age and prosperity. Some of its buildings are antiquated; others are modern; but generally all are neat and pleasant. By a series of dams and locks, forming the Conestoga canal, the navigation of the creek has been improved to the Susquehanna, a distance of 18 miles.

    The manufacturing establishments are various and flourishing.

    The Columbia and Philadelphia railroad communicates with Lancaster, and leads toward Harrisburgh; and here, the Westchester branch diverges toward York.

    The population in 1810, was 5,405; in 1820, 6,633; in 1830, 7,704; in 1840, 8,417; in 1850, 8,811.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LAPEER COUNTY, situated on the easterly part of Michigan. Area, 828 square miles. Seat of justice, Lapeer. Pop. in 1840, 4,265; in 1850, 7,029.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LA PORTE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Indiana, with Lake Michigan on the northwest. Area, 460 square miles. Seat of justice, La Porte. Pop. in 1840, 8,184; in 1850, 12,145.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 184.
    Body Summary:
    LARUE COUNTY, situated tn Kentucky. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, --------- . Pop. in 1850, 5,859.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAUDERDALE COUNTY, situated at the northwest comer of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the south. Area, 672 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil, productive. Pop. in 1820, 4,963; in 1830, 11,782; in 1840, 14,485; in 1850, 17,172.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAUDERDALE COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Mississippi. Area, 700 square miles. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1840, 5,358; in 1850, 8,708.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAUDERDALE COUNTY, situated on the boundary of Tennessee, with Mississippi river on west. Area, 375 square miles. Seat of justice, Ripley. Pop. in 1840, 3,435; 1850, 5,169.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAUREL COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Kentucky. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, London. Pop. in 1830, 2,206; in 1840, 3,079; in 1850, 4,145.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAUREL HILL, p. o., Richmond co., N. C. 99 ms. S. W. of Raleigh; from W. 387 ms.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAURENS COUNTY, situated toward the southeasterly part of Georgia, and traversed by Oconee river. Area, 780 square miles. Seat of justice, Dublin. Pop. in 1810, 2,210; in 1820, 5,436; in 1830, 5,589; In 1840, 5,585; in 1850, 6,422.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAURENS DISTRICT, situated toward the northwesterly part of South Carolina. Area, 920 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil productive. Seat justice, Laurenceville. Pop. in 1810, 14,982; in 1820, 17,682; in 1830, 20,263; in 1840, 21,584; in 1850, 23,407.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the north. Area, 725 square miles. Seat of justice, Moulton. Pop. in 1840, 13,313; in 1850, 15,258.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Arkansas, and traversed by Big Black river. Area, 1,300 square miles. Seat of justice, Smithville. Pop. in 1820, 5,602; in 1830, 2,806; in 1840, 2,835; in 1850, 5,271.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly boundary of Illinois, with Wabash river on the southeast. Area, 560 square miles. Seat of justice, Lawrenceville. Pop. in 1830, 3,668; in 1840, 7,092; in 1850, 6,122.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated toward the southerly part of Indiana, and traversed by east fork of White river. Area, 438 square miles. Seat of justice, Bedford. Pop. in [1820], 4,116; in 1830, 9,237; in 1840, 11,782; in 1850, 12,097.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Kentucky, with Big Sandy river on the east. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, ---------- . Pop. in 1830, 3,900; in 1840, 4,730; in 1850, 6,281.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Mississippi, and traversed by Pearl river. Area, 790 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally sterile. Seat of justice, Monticello. Pop. in 1820, 4,916; in 1830, 5,321; in 1840, 5,920; in 1850, 6,478.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated in the southwesterly part of Missouri. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Mount Vernon. Pop. in 1850, 4,859.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Ohio, with Ohio river on the south. Area, 430 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally unproductive. Seat of justice, Burlington. Pop in 1820, 3,499; in 1830, 5,367; in 1840, 9,738; in 1850, 15,726.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Pennsylvania. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, New Castle. Pop. in 1850, 21,079.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 185.
    Body Summary:
    LAWRENCE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Tennessee. Area, 680 square miles. Seat of justice, Lawrenceburgh. Pop. in 1820, 3,271; in 1830, 5,411; in 1840, 7,121; in 1850, 9,280.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 186.
    Body Summary:
    LEAKE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Mississippi. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Carthage. Pop. in 1840, 2,162; in 1850, 5,533.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 186.
    Body Summary:
    LEBANON COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Pennsylvania. Area, 348 square miles. Face of the country, diversified; soil productive. Seat of justice, Lebanon. Pop. in 1820, 16,988; in 1830, 20,546; in 1840, 21,872; in 1850, 26,071.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 186.
    Body Summary:
    LEE COUNTY, situated toward the southwest part of Georgia, with Flint river on the east. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Starkville. Pop. in 1830, 1,680; in 1840, 4,520; in 1850, 6,660.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 186.
    Body Summary:
    LEE COUNTY, situated in the north part of Illinois and traversed by Rock river. Area, 720 square miles. Seat of justice, Dixon. Pop. in 1840, 2,035; in 1850, 5,292.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 187.
    Body Summary:
    LEHIGH COUNTY, situated in the east part of Pennsylvania, with Lehigh river on the northeast. Area, 389 square miles. Face of the country, diversified and picturesque; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Allentown. Pop. in 1820, 18,895; in 1830, 22,256; in 1840, 25,787; in 1850, 32,479.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 187.
    Body Summary:
    LENAWEE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Michigan. Area, 735 square miles. Seat of justice, Adrian. Pop. in 1830, 1,491; in 1840, 17,889.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 187.
    Body Summary:
    LENOIR COUNTY, situated toward the southeast of North Carolina, and traversed by Neuse river. Area, 390 square miles. Face of the country level; soil moderately productive. Seat of justice, Kingston. Pop. in 1810, 5,572; in 1820, 6,800; in 1830, 7,723; in 1840, 7,605; in 1850, 7,828.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 188.
    Body Summary:
    LETCHER COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Kentucky. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Whitesburgh. Pop. in 1850, 2,512.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 188.
    Body Summary:
    LEWIS COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north. Area, 375 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Clarksburgh. Pop. in 1830, 5,206; in 1840, 6,303; in 1850, 7,202.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 188.
    Body Summary:
    LEWIS COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Missouri, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country, even; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Monticello. Pop. in 1840, 6,040; in 1850, 6,578.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 188.
    Body Summary:
    LEWIS COUNTY, situated toward the north part of New York. Area, 1,122 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Martinsburgh. Pop. in 1810, 6,438; in 1820, 9,227; in 1830, 14,958; in 1840, 17,830; in 1850, 24,464.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 188.
    Body Summary:
    LEWIS COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Tennessee. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Newburgh. Pop. in 1850, 4,438.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 189.
    Body Summary:
    LEXINGTON DISTRICT, situated in the central part of South Carolina, with Broad river on the northeast. Area, 900 square miles Seat of justice, Lexington C. H. Pop. in 1810, 6,641; in 1820 8,083; in 1830, 9,076; in 1840, 12,111; in 1850. 12,930.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 343.
    Body Summary:
    LEXINGTON, city, seat of justice of Fayette co., Ky., 24 ms. S. E. of Frankfort, situated on a branch of Elkhorn river, 70 miles from Louisville, and 515 from Washington. It is the oldest town in the state, and was formerly the capital. It has many handsome, paved streets. Main street being 75 feet wide, and 1 1/2 miles in length. The noble shade-trees that border the streets, give it a pleasing appearance. A large public square adorns the centre of the place, which is surrounded by stately private mansions. The public buildings are, a courthouse, Masonic hall, jail, state lunatic asylum, and the halls of the Transylvania university, together with several churches and academies, and the hospitality and intelligence of its citizens, and render it a desirable southern residence.

    The population in 1820, was 5,283; in 1830, 6,408; in 1840, 6,984; in 1850, ---.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 189.
    Body Summary:
    LIBERTY COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Georgia, with Altamaha river on the southwest, and the Atlantic on the southeast. Area, 660 square miles. Seat of justice, Hinesville. Pop. in 1810, 6,228; in 1820, 6,695; in 1830, 7,233; in 1840, 7,241; in 1850, 7,926.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 190.
    Body Summary:
    LICKING COUNTY, situated in the central part of Ohio. Area, 666 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified with hills and valleys; soil rich. Seat of justice, Newark. Pop. in 1820, 11,861; in 1830, 20,868; in 1840, 35,096; in 1850, 38,852.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 190.
    Body Summary:
    LIMESTONE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the south. Area, 575 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Athens. Pop. in 1820, 9,871; in 1830, 14,843; in 1840, 14,374; in 1850, 16.483.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly boundary of Georgia, with Savannah river on the northeast. Area, 220 square miles. Seat of justice, Lincolnton. Pop. in 1810, 4,555; in 1820, 6,458; in 1830, 6,145; in 1840, 5,895; in 1850, 5,998.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky. Area, 432 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Stanford. Pop. in 1810, 8,676; in 1820, 9,979; in 1830, 11,602; in 1840, 10,187; in 1850, 10,093.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 190.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Maine, on the Atlantic ocean, and traversed by Kennebec river. Face of the country diversified; soil productive. Area, 950 square miles. Seat of justice, Wiscasset. Pop. in 1810, 42,992; in 1820, 53,189; in 1830, 57,181; in 1840, 63,517; in 1850, 74,878.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Missouri, with the Mississippi river on the east. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Troy. Pop. in 1830, 4,060; in 1840, 7,449; in 1850, 9,421.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 190.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of North Carolina, with Catawba river on the east. Area, 1,200 quarter mile. Face of the country hilly; soil productive, especially on the streams. Seat of justice, Lincolnton. Pop. in 1810, 16,359; in 1820, 18,147; in 1830, 22,625; in 1840, 25,160; in 1850, 7,746.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINCOLN COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Tennessee. Area, 650 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil productive. Seat of justice, Fayetteville. Pop. in 1810, 6,104; in 1820, 14,761; in 1830, 22,086; in 1840, 21,493; in 1850, 23,492.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINN COUNTY, situated toward the east part of Iowa. Area, 720 square miles. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1840, 1,373 ; in 1850, 5,444.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LINN COUNTY, situated on the northerly part of Missouri. Area, 588 square miles. Seat of justice, Linneus. Pop. in 1840, 2,245; in 1850, 4,058.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 191.
    Body Summary:
    LITCHFIELD COUNTY, situated at the northwest corner of Connecticut. Area, 885 square miles. Face of country hilly; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Litchfield. Pop. in 1810, 41,375; in 1820, 41,266; in 1830, 42,855; in 1840, 40,448; in 1850, 42,253.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 192.
    Body Summary:
    LITCHFIELD, c. h., p. t., seat of justice of Litchfield co., Ct., 32 ms. W. of Hartford; from W. 326 ms. Watered by Naugatuck, Shepang, and Bantam rivers, and Bantam lake, or Great pond. Pop. in 1840, 4,038; in 1850, 3,953.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 192.
    Body Summary:
    LITTLE ROCK, city, seat of justice of Pulaski co., and capital of the state of Arkansas, is situated on a rock, or bluff, on the south side of Arkansas river, at the head of steamboat navigation, except during high water, when Fort Gibson 1,100 miles further up, may be reached. It is 300 miles by the river from the Mississippi, and 1,065 miles from W. The town is well laid out, and has the usual number of churches and other public buildings, among which may be mentioned the statehouse, courthouse, and penitentary. The population in 1840, was 3,000; in 1850, 4,138.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVERMORE, p. t., Oxford co., Me., 30 ms. W. of Augusta; from W. 596 ms. Watered by Androscoggin river. Pop. 1,764.
    Fanning's Ilustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Illinois. Area, 1.026 square, miles. Seat of justice. Pontiac.  Pop. in 1840, 759 ; in 1850, 1,558.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Kentucky, and traversed by Cumberland river, and bounded by the Mississippi on the west, and the Tennessee on the south. Area, 330 square miles. Face of the country, generally level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Salem. Pop. in 1810, 3,474; in 1820, 5,824; in 1830, 6,607; in 1840, 9,025; in 1850, 6,578.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON COUNTY, situated toward the east part of Michigan. Area, 576 miles. Seat of justice, Howell. Pop. in 1840, 7,430; in 1850, 13,485.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of Missouri, and traversed by Grand river. Area, 510 square miles. Seat of justice, Chillicothe. Pop. in 1840, 4,325; in 1850, 4,247.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON COUNTY, situated toward west part of New York, and traversed by Genesee river. Area, 509 square miles. Face of the country, diversified; soil, generally fertile. Seat of justice, Genesee. Pop. in 1820, 19,196; in 1830, 27,709; in 1840, 35,140; in 1850, 40,875.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 193.
    Body Summary:
    LIVINGSTON PARISH, situated toward the southeast part of Louisiana. Area, 730 square miles. Seat of justice, Springfield. Pop. in 1840, 2,315; in 1850, 3,385.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 194.
    Body Summary:
    LOGAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois. Area, 529 square miles. Seat of justice, Postville. Pop. in 1840, 2,333; in 1850, 5,128.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 194.
    Body Summary:
    LOGAN COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Kentucky. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country, undulating; soil, rich. Seat of justice, Russelville. Pop. in 1810, 12,123; in 1820, 14,423; in 1830, 13,002; in 1840, 12,615; in 1850, 16,581.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 194.
    Body Summary:
    LOGAN COUNTY, situated toward the west part Ohio. Area, 425 square miles. Face of the country, level; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Bellefontaine. Pop. in 1820, 3,181; in 1830, 6,442; in 1840, 14,015; in 1850, 19,162.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 195.
    Body Summary:
    LORAIN COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Ohio, on Lake Erie. Area, 540 square miles. Seat of justice, Elyria. Pop. in 1830, 5,696 ; in 1840, 18,467 ; in 1850, 26,086.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 195.
    Body Summary:
    LOUISA COUNTY, situated toward the east part of Virginia. Area, 570 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, Louisa c. h. Pop. in 1810, 11,900; in 1820, 13,746; in 1830, 16,515; in 1840, 15,433; in 1850, 16,691.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 198.
    Body Summary:
    LOUISVILLE, c. h., p. v. seat of justice of Jefferson co., Ga., 53 ms. E. of Milledgeville; from W. 634 ms. Watered by Rocky Comfort creek.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 199.
    Body Summary:
    LOWNDES COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Alabama, with Alabama river on the north. Area, 1,600 square miles. Seat of justice, Lowndesborough. Pop. in 1830, 9,410; in 1840, 19,539; in 1850, 21,915.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 199.
    Body Summary:
    LOWNDES COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Georgia. Area, 2,080 square miles. Seat of justice, Troupsville. Pop. in 1830, 2,453; in 1840, 5,574; 1850, 8,351.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 199.
    Body Summary:
    LOWNDES COUNTY, situated on the cast boundary of Mississippi, and traversed by Tombigbee river. Area, 384 square miles. Seat of justice, Columbus. Pop. 1810, 3,169; in 1840, 14,513; in 1850, 19,544.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 199.
    Body Summary:
    LUCAS COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Ohio, with Maumee river on the southeast. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Maumee City. Pop. in 1840, 9,382; in 1850, 12,263.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 199.
    Body Summary:
    LUMPKIN COUNTY, siltuated in the northern part of Georgia. Area, 700 square miles. Face of the country hilly. Seat of justice, Dahlonega. Pop. in 1840, 5,671; in 1850, 8,954.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 200.
    Body Summary:
    LUZERNE COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Susquehanna river. Area, 1,350 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous;  soil varied; in the valleys, generally rich. Seat of justice, Wilkesharre. Pop. in 1810, 18,109; in 1820, 20,027; in 1830, 27,304; in 1840, 44,006; in 1850, 56,072.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 200.
    Body Summary:
    LYCOMING COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by West branch of Susquehanna river. Area, 1,600 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken; soil in the valleys, fertile. Seat of justice, Williamsport. Pop. in 1810, 11,006; in 1820, 13,517; in 1830, 17,673; in 1840, 22,649; in 1850, 26,257.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACOMB COUNTY, situated in the east part of Michigan, on Lake St. Clair. Area, 485 square miles. Face of the country, undulating; soil, fertile. Seat of justice, Mount Clemens. Pop. in 1830, 2,413; in 1840, 9,716; in 1850, 15,530.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Alabama, with Tallapoosa river on the northwest. Area, 970 square miles. Seat of justice, Tuskegee. Pop. in 1840, 11,247; in 1850, 26,898.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated toward the south west part of Georgia, and traversed by Flint river. Area, 420 square miles. Seat of justice, Lanier. Pop. in 1840, 5,045; in 1850, 7,055.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois. Area, 1,400 square miles. Seat of justice, Decatur. Pop. in 1830, 1,122; in 1840, 3,039, in 1850, 3,988.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Missouri, and traversed by Chariton river. Area, 846 square miles. Seat of justice, Bloomington. Pop. in 1840, 6,034; in 1850, 6,565.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of North Carolina. Area, 900 square miles. Face of the country, elevated and mountainous. Seat of justice, Franklin. Pop. in 1830 5,333; in 1840, 4,869; in 1850, 6,389.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACON COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Lafayette. Pop. in 1850, 6,948.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MACOUPIN COUNTY, situated toward the western boundary of Illinois. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country level, and soil productive. Watered by Macoupin river. Seat of justice, Carlinville. Pop. in 1835, 5,554; in 1840, 7,826; in 1850, 12,355.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the south. Area, 760 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Huntsville. Pop. in 1820, 17,481; in 1830, 27,990; in 1840, 25,706; in 1850, 26,327.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Arkansas. Area, 1,050 square miles. Seat of justice, Huntsville. Pop. in 1840, 2,775; in 1850, 4,823.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Georgia. Area, 250 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Danielsville. Pop. in 1820, 3,745; in 1830, 4,626; in 1840, 4,510; in 1850, 5,703.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of Illinois, on the Mississippi river. Area, 760 square miles. Face of the country level; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Edwardsville. Pop. in 1830, 6,229; in 1840, 14,433; In 1850, 20,436.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated toward the east part of Indiana. Area, 390 square miles. Seat of justice, Andersontown. Pop. in 1830, 2,238; in 1840, 8,874; in 1850, 12,369.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated toward the east part of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the north. Area, 520 square miles. Seat of justice, Richmond. Pop. in 1820, 15,954; in 1830, 18,751; in 1840, 16,355; in 1850, 15,727.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Mississippi, with Big Black river on the northwest, and the Pearl river on the southwest. Area, 548 square miles. Seat of justice, Canton. Pop. in 1830, 4,973; in 1840, 15,530; in 1850, 18,173.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Missouri. Area, 780 square miles. Seat of justice, Fredericktown. Pop. in 1830, 2,371; in 1840, 3,395; in 1850, 6,003.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated in the central part of New York. Area, 582 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Morrisville. Pop. in 1810, 25,144; in 1820, 32,208; in 1830, 39,039; in 1840, 40,098; in 1850, 43,072.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated In the central part of Ohio. Area, 400 square miles. Soil productive. Seat of justice, London. Pop. in 1810, 1,603; in 1820, 4,799; in 1830, 6,190; in 1840, 9,025; in 1850, 10,046.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON COUNTY, situated in the west part of Tennessee. Area, 670 square miles. Seat of justice, Jackson. Pop. in 1830, 11,549; in 1840, 16,530; in 1850, 21,470.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 201-202.
    Body Summary:
    MADISON PARISH, situated on the east boundary of Louisiana, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Richmond. Pop. in 1840, 5,143; in 1850, 7,863.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 202.
    Body Summary:
    MAHONING COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Ohio. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Canfield. Pop. in 1850, 23,735.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 206.
    Body Summary:
    MANISTEE COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Michigan, on Lake Michigan, and traversed by Manistee river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Manitee. Pop. in 1850, 65.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 206.
    Body Summary:
    MANITOOWOC COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan. Area, 468 square miles. Seat of justice, Manitoowoc. Pop. in 1840, 235l in 1850, 3,702.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MANSFIELD, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of De Soto parish, La.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARENGO COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Alabama, with Tombigbee river on the west. Area, 975 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally barren. Seat of justice, Linden. Pop. in 1820, 3,933; in 1830, 7,742; in 1840, 17,264; in 1850, 27,831.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Alabama. Area, 1,144 square miles. Seat of justice, Pikeville. Pop. in 1830, 4,058; in 1840, 5,847; in 1850, 7,833.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Arkansas, and traversed by White river. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Yellville. Pop. in 1840, 1,325; in 1850 2,302.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated in the west part of Georgia. Area, 330 square miles. Seat of justice, Tazewell. Pop. in 1830, 1,436; in 1840, 4,812; in 1850, 10,280.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Illinois.  Area, 576 square miles.  Seat of justice, Salem.  Pop. in 1830, 2,125; in 1840, 4,742; in 1850, 6,720.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated in the centre of Indiana, and traversed by West Fork of White river. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Indianapolis, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1830, 7,192; in 1840, 16,080; in 1850, 24,100.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated in the central part of Iowa and traversed by Des Moines river. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Knoxville. Pop. in 1850, 5,482.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky. Area, 276 square miles. Seat of justice, Lebanon. Pop. in 1840, 11,032; in 1850, 11,765.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Mississippi, and traversed by Pearl river. Area, 1,476 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil mostly barren. Seat of justice, Columbia. Pop. in 1820, 3,116; in 1830, 3,701; in 1840, 3,830; in 1850, 4,410.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Missouri, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, 425 square miles. Seat of justice, Palmyra. Pop. in 1830, 4,837; in 1840, 9,623; in 1850, 12,230.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Ohio. Area, 460 square miles. Face of the country even; soil rich. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1830, 6,558; in 1840 14,765; in 1850, 12,618.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country hilly and mountainous. Seat of justice, Jasper. Pop. in 1820, 3,888; in 1830, 5,516; in 1840, 6,070; in 1850, 6,314.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MARION DISTRICT, situated on the northeast boundary of South Carolina, and traversed by Great Pedee river. Area, 1,200 square miles. Face of the country generally level; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1810, 8,884; in 1820, 10,201; in 1830, 11,208; in 1840, 13,932; in 1850, 17,407.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT, situated at the northeast corner of South Carolina, with Great Pedee river on the southwest. Area, 480 square miles. Soil, sandy, and in many places productive. Seat of justice, Bennettsville. Pop. in 1810, 4,966; in 1820, 6,425; in 1830, 8,578; in 1840, 8,408; in 1850, 10,789.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARQUETTE COUNTY, situated in the northwest part of the northerly peninsula of Michigan, on Lake Superior. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, ---------- . Pop. in 1850, 136.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARQUETTE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Wisconsin. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Marquette. Pop. in 1840, 18; in 1850, 8,642.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Alabama, and traversed by Tennessee river. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Warrenton. Pop. in 1840, 7,553; in 1850, 8,846.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Illinois, and traversed by Illinois river.  Area 384 square miles.  Seat of justice, Lacon.  Pop. in 1840, 1,849; in 1850, 5,180.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated in the northeasterly part of Indiana. Area, 440 square miles. Seat of justice, Plymouth. Pop. in 1840, 1,651; in 1850, 5,348.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated in the west part of Kentucky, with Tennessee river on the northeast. Seat of justice, Benton. Pop. in 1850, 5,269.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Mississippi. Area, 800 square miles. Seat of justice, Holly Springs. Pop. in 1840, 17,526; in 1850, 29,689.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 208.
    Body Summary:
    MARSHALL COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Tennessee. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Lewisburgh. Pop. in 1840, 14,555; in 1850, 15,616.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 209.
    Body Summary:
    MARTIN COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of Indiana, and traversed by east fork of White river. Area, 300 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil good. Seat of justice, Mount Pleasant. Pop. in 1820, 1,032; in 1830, 2,010; in 1840, 3,875; in 1850, 5,941.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 209.
    Body Summary:
    MARTIN COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of North Carolina, on Roanoke river. Area, 481 square miles. Face of the country level; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Williamston. Pop. in 1820, 6,320; in 1830, 8,539; in 1840, 7,637; in 1850, 8,307.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 211.
    Body Summary:
    MASON COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois, with Illinois river on the northwest, and the Sangamon on the south.  Area,          square miles.  Seat of justice, Bath.  Pop. in 1850, 5,921.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 211.
    Body Summary:
    MASON COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north. Area, 260 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil near the streams fertile. Seat of justice, Washington. Pop. in 1810, 12,459; in 1820, 13,588; in 1830, 16,203; in 1840, 15,719; in 1850, 18,344.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 211.
    Body Summary:
    MASON COUNTY, situated on the northwesterly boundary of Virginia, with Ohio river on the northwest, and traversed by Great Kanawha river. Area, 875 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil near the rivers fertile. Seat of justice Point Pleasant. Pop. in 1810, 1,991; in 1820, 4,868; in 1830, 6,534; in 1840, 6,777; in 1850, 7,539.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 211.
    Body Summary:
    MASSAC COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of Illinois, with Ohio river on the south.  Area     square miles.  Seat of justice, Metropolis.  Pop. in 1850, 4,092.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 214.
    Body Summary:
    MAURY COUNTY, situated in the central part off Tennessee. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Columbia. Pop. in 1810, 10,359; in 1820, 22,141; in 1830, 28,153; in 1840, 28,186; in 1850, 29,520.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McCRACKEN COUNTY, situated on the northwesterly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north, and the Tennessee river on the northeast. Area, 200 square miles. Seat of justice, Paducah. Pop. in 1830 1,297; in 1840, 4,745; in 1850, 6,067.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McDONALD COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Missouri. Area, --------- square miles. Seat of justice, Rutledge. Pop. in 1850, 2,236.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McDONOUGH COUNTY, situated on the west part of Illinois. Are, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Macomb. Pop. in 1840, 5,308; in 1850, 7,615.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McDOWELL COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of North Carolina. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Marion. Pop. in 1850, 6,246.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McHENRY COUNTY, situated on the norht boundary of Illinois.  Area, 960 square miles.  Seat of justice, Dorr.  Pop. in 1840, 2,578; in 1850, 14,979.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McINTOSH COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Georgia, with the Atlantic on the southeast, and Altamaha river on the southwest. Area, 600 square miles. Face of the country level; soil sandy. Seat of justice, Darien. Pop. in 1810, 3,730; in 1820, 5,129; in 1830, 4,998; in 1840, 5,360; in 1850, 6,028.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McKEAN COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Pennsylvania. Area, 1,470 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil of middling quality. Seat of justice, Smithport. Pop. in 1810, 144; in 1820, 728; in 1830, 1,439; in 1840, 2,975; in 1850, 5,254.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McLEAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois.  Area, 1,296 square miles.  Seat of justice, Bloomington.  Pop. in 1840, 6,565; in 1850, 10,163.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McLEAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois. Area, 1,296 square miles. Seat of justice, Bloomington. Pop. in 1840, 6,565; in 1850, 10,163.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McMINN COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Tennessee. Area, 608 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil varied. Seat of justice, Athens. Pop. in 1820, 1,623; in 1830, 14,497; in 1840,12,719; in 1850, 13,906.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    McNAIRY COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Tennessee. Area, 960 square miles. Seat of justice, Purdy. Pop. in 1830, 5,697; in 1840, 9,385; in 1850, 12,864.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 215.
    Body Summary:
    MEAD COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Kentucky, with Ohio river on the north. Area, 360 square miles. Seat of justice, Brandenburgh. Pop. in 1840, 5,780; in 1850, 7,393.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 216.
    Body Summary:
    MECKLENBURGH COUNTY, situated on the southerly boundary of North Carolina, with Catawba river on the west. Area, 900 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil, near the streams, fertile. Seat of Justice, Charlotte. Pop. in 1810, 14,272; in 1820, 16,895; to 1830, 20,076; in 1840, 18,273; in 1850, 13,914.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 216.
    Body Summary:
    MEDFORD, p. v., Evesham township, Burlington co., N. J., 31 ms. S. E. of Trenton; from W. 155 ms. Pop. 3,022.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 216.
    Body Summary:
    MEDINA COUNTY, situated in the north part of Ohio. Area, 450 square miles. Seat of justice, Medina. Pop. in 1820, 3,082; in 1830, 7,560; in 1840, 18,352; in 1850, 24,441.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 216.
    Body Summary:
    MEIGS COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly boundary of Ohio, on Ohio river. Area, 425 square miles. Face of the country broken soil generally productive Seat of justice, Pomeroy. Pop. in 1820, 4,480; in 1830, 6,159; in 1840, 11,452; in 1850, 17,969.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 216.
    Body Summary:
    MEIGS COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Tennessee, with Tennessee river on the northwest. Area, 215 square miles. Seat of justice, Decatur. Pop. in 1840, 4,794; in 1850, 4,879.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MENARD COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois, and traversed by Sangamon river.  Area, 260 square miles.  Seat of justice, Petersburgh.  Pop. in 1840, 4,431 ; in 1850, 6,349.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Illinois, with the Mississippi river on the west.  Area, 550 square miles.  Seat of justice, Millersburgh.  Pop. in 1840, 2,352; in 1850, 5,246.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated in the central part of Kentucky, with Kentucky river on the northeast. Area, 350 square miles. Seat of justice, Harrisburgh. Pop. in 1810, 12,430; in 1820, 15,587; in 1830, 17,706; in 1840, 18,720; in 1850, 17,067.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Missouri. Area, ----------- square miles. Seat of justice, Princeton. Pop. in 1850, 2,691.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated on the westerly boundary of New Jersey, with Delaware river on the west. Area, 260 square miles. Seat of justice, Trenton, which is also the capital of the state. Pop. in 1840, 21,502; in 1850, 27,986.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Ohio. Area, 576 square miles. Face of the country, level; soil, productive where not marshy. Seat of justice Cetina. Pop. in 1830, 1,110; in 1840, 6,277; in 1850, 7,712.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERCER COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Pennsylvania. Area, 850 square miles. Face of the country, uneven ; soil, productive. Seat of justice, Mercer. Pop. in 1810, 8,277; in 1820, 11,681; in 1830, 19,731; in 1840, 32,873 ; in 1850, 33,172.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERRIWETHER COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Georgia. Area, 400 square miles. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1830, 4,422; in 1840, 14,132; in 1850, 16,476.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 217.
    Body Summary:
    MERRIMACK COUNTY, situated toward the south part of New Hampshire, and traversed by Merrimack river. Area, 816 square miles. Face of the country, undulating and hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Concord, which is also the state capital. Pop. in 1830, 34,619; in 1840, 36,253; in 1850, 40,377.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 218.
    Body Summary:
    MIAMI COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Indiana and traversed by Wabash river. Area, 380 square miles. Seat of justice, Peru. Pop. in 1840, 3,048; in 1850, 11,304.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 218.
    Body Summary:
    MIAMI COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Ohio, and traversed by Miami river. Area, 410 square miles. Seat of justice, Troy. Pop. in 1830, 12,806; in 1840, 19,688; in 1850, 24,996.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 221.
    Body Summary:
    MIDDLESEX COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Connecticut, with Long Island sound on the south, and traversed by Connecticut river. Area, 342 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil varied, but generally productive. Seat of justice, Middletown. Pop. in 1810, 20,723; in 1820, 22,408; in 1830, 24,845; in 1840, 24,879; in 1850, 27,216.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 221.
    Body Summary:
    MIDDLESEX COUNTY, situated in the east part of Massachusetts, with Massachusetts bay on the east and traversed by the Merrimack river. Area, 800 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil generally stony or sandy, but productive from cultivation. Seats of justice, Cambridge, Lowell, and Concord. Pop. in 1810, 52,789; in 1820, 61,476; in 1830, 77,968; in 1840, 106,611; in 1850, 161,383.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 221.
    Body Summary:
    MIDDLESEX COUNTY, situated in the central of New Jersey. Area, 339 square miles. Face of country uneven; soil generally productive. Seat of justice, New Brunswick. Pop. in 1810, 20,381; 1820, 21,470; in 1830, 23,157; in 1840, 21,893; in 1850, 28,624.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 222.
    Body Summary:
    MIDLAND COUNTY, situated in the east part of Michigan, on Saginaw bay, and traversed by Titibawassee river. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Midland. Pop. in 1850, 95.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 222.
    Body Summary:
    MIFFLIN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Pennsylvania, and traversed by Juniata river. Area, 900 square miles. Face of the country, broken and mountainous; soil, varied, but fertile in the valleys. Seat of justice, Lewiston. Pop. 1810, 12,132; in 1820, 16,618; in 1830, 14,323; in 1840, 13,092; in 1850, 14,980.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 222.
    Body Summary:
    MILFORD, hundred, p. v., Kent co., Del., 21 ms. S. of Dover; from W. 129 ms. Watered by Mispillon creek.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 223.
    Body Summary:
    MILLEDGEVILLE, city, seat of justice of Baldwin со., and capital of the state of Georgia, situated at the head of steamboat navigation on Oconee river, and is 300 miles from the sea; from W. 648 ms. The city is built on elevated and somewhat uneven ground, in the midst of a rich and populous cotton-producing region, and is laid out with broad streets and pleasant squares. The statehouse is a fine edifice of Gothic architecture, surmounted by a cupola, and containing in its halls portraits of General Oglethorpe and other eminent men of earlier times. Among the prominent buildings, are banks, a market-house, governor's house, state arsenal, and churches. A bridge extends to the west bank of the river. Pop. in 1810, 1,236; in 1820, -----; in 1830, 1,599; in 1840, 2,095; in 1850, 2,216.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 223.
    Body Summary:
    MILLER COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, and traversed by Osage river. Area, 555 square miles. Seat of justice, Tuscumbia. Pop. in 1840, 8,282; in 1850, 3,834.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 224.
    Body Summary:
    MILWAUKEE COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan, and traversed by river. Area, ---------- square miles. Seat of justice, Milwaukee. Pop. in 1840, 5,605; in 1850, 31,010.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 224.
    Body Summary:
    MILWAUKEE, the chief city of Wisconsin, and next to Chicago, the largest on Lake Michigan, is situated in Milwaukee co., finely located for commerce, on both sides of Milwaukee river, at its entrance into the lake, 90 miles north of Chicago, 90 miles east of Madison, and 805 miles from Washington. It is the market of a large part of the productions of the state. Steamboats and other vessels, navigating Lake Michigan, touch here, on their way to and from Detroit and points on Lake Erie, and the St. Lawrence, Erie, and Welland canals. The surrounding region is rich, and rapidly increasing In an industrious and enterprising population, of which Milwaukee is the nucleus and the centre of trade. This city is remarkable for the peculiarly bright straw color and excellent quality of its bricks, for which the rich clay beds along the lake afford abundant material. Besides the large quantities of these which are exported, they are used for the majority of the buildings, some of which, in large and uniform rows of dwellings or stores, present a beautiful and splendid effect. Here are churches, a jail, courthouse, and other prominent edifices.

    The Milwaukee and Mississippi railroad is completed to Palmyra, 43 miles westward.

    The population in 1840, was 1,700; in 1850, 20,026.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 207.
    Body Summary:
    MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Arkansas, with Mississippi river on the east, and the St. Francis on the west, and traversed by Whitewater river. Area, 1,000 square miles. Seat of justice, Osceola. Pop. in 1840, 1,410; in 1850 2,368.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 228.
    Body Summary:
    MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly part of Missouri, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, ---------- square miles. Seat of justice, Charleston. Pop. in 1850, 3,123.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 230.
    Body Summary:
    MOBILE COUNTY, situated at the southwest corner of Alabama, with the gulf of Mexico on the south, Mobile bay and Texas river on the east, and traversed by Mobile river. Area, 2,250 square miles. Face of the country level; soil generally barren. Seat of justice, Mobile. Pop. in 1816, 1,300; in 1820, 2,672; in 1830, 3,071; in 1840, 18,741; in 1850, 27,600.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONITEAU COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the northeast. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Jamestown. Pop. in 1850, 6,004.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONMOUTH COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of New Jersey, on the Atlantic ocean. Area, 1,030 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil of middling quality, here and there rich. Seat of justice, FreehoId. Pop. in 1810, 22,150; in 1820, 25,038; in 1830, 29,233; in 1840, 32,909; in 1850, 30,238.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated in the south part of Alabama, with Alabama river on the west. Area, 980 square miles. Face of the country even; soil sterile. Seat of justice, Monroeville. Pop. in 1820, 8,838; in 1830, 8,784; in 1840, 10,680; in 1850, 12,013.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Arkansas, and traversed by White river. Area, 1,150 square miles. Seat of justice, Lawrenceville. Pop. in 1840, 936; in 1850, 2,049.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, with Ocmulgee river on the east. Area, 370 square miles. Seat of justice, Forsyth. Pop. in 1830, 16,202; in 1840, 16,275; in 1850, 16,985.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the southwest boundary of Illinois, with the Mississippi river on the west, and the Kaskaskia river on the east.  Area, 360 square miles. Seat of justice, Waterloo.  Pop. in 1830, 2,000; in 1840, 4,481; in 1850, 7,679.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Indiana. Area, 390 square miles. Seat of justice, Bloomington. Pop. in 1820, 4,641; in 1830, 8,768; in 1840, 10,143; in 1850, 11,285.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the south boundary of Kentucky, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 375 square miles. Seat of justice, Tompkinsville. Pop. in 1820, 4,956; in 1830, 5,340; in 1840, 6,526; in 1850, 7,756.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated at the southeast corner of Michigan, on Lake Erie. Area, 540 square miles. Seat of justice, Monroe. Pop. in 1820, 1,831; in 1830, 3,187; in 1840, 9,922; in 1850, 14,698.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the east boundary of the Mississippi, and traversed by Little Tombigbee river. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, Athens. Pop. in 1820, 2,721; in 1830, 3,861; in 1840, 9,250; in 1850, 21,172.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the northeasterly part of Missouri. Area, 744 square miles. Seat of justice, Paris. Pop. in 1840, 9,505; in 1850, 10,541.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of New York, on Lake Ontario, and traversed by Genesee river. Area, 607 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil fertile. Seat of justice, Rochester. Pop. in 1830, 49,862; in 1840, 64,902; in 1850, 87,649.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the southeasterly boundary of Ohio, with Ohio river on the southeast. Area, 520 square miles. Face of the country broken and hilly; soil productive. Seat of justice, Woodsfield. Pop. in 1820, 4,641; in 1830, 8,768; in 1840, 18,521; in 1850, 28,151.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the easterly boundary of Pennsylvania, with Delaware river on the southeast. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country mountainous. Seat of justice, Stroudsburgh. Pop. in 1840, 9,879; in 1850, 13,270.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 231.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE COUNTY, situated on the southeast boundary of Tennessee, near Tennessee river. Area, 750 square miles. Face of the country broken and mountainous. Seat of justice, Madisonville. Pop. in 1820, 2,539; in 1830, 13,709; in 1840, 12,056; in 1850, 11,717.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 232.
    Body Summary:
    MONROE, p. v., Wachita parish, La., 300 ms. N. W. of New Orleans; from W. 1,190 ms. Watered by Wachita river, at the head of steam navigation.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 232.
    Body Summary:
    MONTCALM COUNTY, situated toward the west part of Michigan. Area, ------- square miles. Seat of justice, Montcalm. Pop in 1850, 891.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Alabama, with Alabama river on the northwest, and traversed by the Tallapoosa. Area, 900 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil generally sterile. Seat of justice, Montgomery. Pop. in 1820, 6,604; in 1830, 12,694; in 1840, 24,574; in 1850, 29,711.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Arkansas. Area, ----- square miles. Seat of justice, Montgomery. Pop in 1850, 1,958.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Georgia, traversed by Oconee river. Area, 1,100 square miles. Face of the country even; soil sterile. Seat of justice, Mount Vernon. Pop. in 1820, 1,869; in 1830, 1,269; in 1840, 1,616; in 1850, 2,154.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated toward the south part of Illinois.  Area, 684 square miles.  Face of the country even; soil fertile.  Seat of justice, Hillsborough.  Pop. in 1830, 2,953; in 1840, 4,490; in 1850, 6,276.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Indiana. Area, 504 square miles. Seat of justice, Crawfordsville. Pop. in 1830, 7,317; in 1840, 14,348; in 1850, 18,094.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Kentucky. Area, 260 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil productive. Seat of justice, Mount Sterling. Pop. in 1810, 12,975; in 1820, 9,587; in 1830, 10,221; in 1840, 9,332; in 1850, 9,903.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated on the southwest boundary of Maryland, with Potomac river on the southwest.  Area, 576 miles.  Face of the country uneven; soil generally poor.  Seat of justice, Rockville.  Pop. in 1810, 17980; in 1820, 16,400; in 1830, 19,816; in 1840, 14,669; in 1850, 15,860. 
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Missouri, with Missouri river on the south. Area, 576 square miles. Seat of justice, Danville. Pop. in 1820, 3,074; in 1830, 3,902; in 1840, 4,371; in 1850, 5,849.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 232-233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY situated toward the east part of New York, and traversed by Mohawk river and the Erie canal. Area, 356 square miles. Face of the country diversified; soil rich, except where rocky. Seat of justice, Fonda. Pop. in 1810, 41,214; in 1820, 37,569; in 1830, 43,595; in 1840, 35,818; in 1850, 31,992.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the southerly part of North Carolina, with Yadkin river on the southwest. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil, near the streams fertile. Seat of justice, Lawrenceville. Pop. in 1810, 8,430; in 1820, 8,693; in 1830, 10,918; in 1840, 10,780; in 1850, 6,872.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the southwesterly part of Ohio, and traversed by Miami river. Area, 480 square miles. Face of the country undulating; soil fertile, and well cultivated. Seat of justice, Dayton. Pop. in 1810, 7,722; in 1820, 15,999; in 1830, 24,252; in 1840, 31,938; in 1850 38,219.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated in the southeast part of Pennsylvania, with Schuylkill river on the southwest. Area, 425 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified; soil productive. Seat of justice, Norristown. Pop. in 1810, 29,703; in 1820, 35,793; in 1830, 39,404; in 1840, 47,241; in 1850, 58,291.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Tennessee, and traversed by Cumberland river. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil generally not productive. Seat of justice, Clarksville. Pop. in 1810, 8,020; in 1820, 12,219; in 1830, 14.365; in 1840 16.927; in 1850, 21,045.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTGOMERY, city, seat of justice of Montgomery co., and the capital of the state of Alabama, having succeeded Tuscaloosa, as the seat of government, in 1847, has a central situation in Montgomery county, 220 miles northeast of Mobile, and 839 miles from Washington. It is the centre of an extensive trade in cotton, which is brought from the surrounding country to this point, the head of steamboat navigation on Alabama river. It contains the usual number of public buildings.

    The Montgomery and West Point and the Lagrange railroads, unite the city to Atlanta, on the route of the Georgia railroad, and to the intermediate points.

    The population in 1840, was 2,179; in 1850, 11,937.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 233.
    Body Summary:
    MONTOUR COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Pennsylvania. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Danville. Pop. in 1850, 13,239.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 234.
    Body Summary:
    MOORE COUNTY, situated in the central part of North Carolina. Area, 740 square miles. Face of the country, hilly; soil, generally sterile. Seat of justice, Carthage. Pop. in 1810, 6,367; in 1820, 7,128; in 1830, 7,753; in 1840, 7,988; in 1850, 9,342.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 234.
    Body Summary:
    MOREHOUSE PARISH, situated on the north boundary of Louisiana, with Wachita river on the west. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, Bastrop. Pop. in 1850, 3,913.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of Alabama, with Tennessee river on the north. Area, 720 square miles. Seat of justice, Somerville. Pop. in 1830, 9,062; in 1840, 9,841; in 1850, 10,125.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Georgia, with Altamaba river on the east. Area, 320 square miles. Seat of justice, Madison. Pop. in 1810, 8,369; in 1820, 13,530; in 1830, 12,033; in 1840, 9,121; in 1850, 10,774.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORAGN COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Illinois, with Illinois river on the west.  Area, 510 square miles.  Seat of justice, Jacksonville.  Pop. in 1830, 12,714; in 1840, 19,547; in 1850, 16,064.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Indiana, and traversed by west fork of White river, Area, 453 square miles. Seat of justice, Martinsville. Pop. in 1830, 5,593; in 1840, 10,741; in 1850, 14,579.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Kentucky, and traversed by Licking river. Area, 890 square miles. Seat of justice, West Liberty. Pop. in 1840, 4,603; in 1850, 7,620.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the central part of Missouri, with Osage river on the south. Area, 792 square miles. Seat of justice, Versailles. Pop. in 1840, 4,407; in 1850, 4,650.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated in the southeasterly part of Ohio and traversed by Muskingum river. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country broken and hilly; soil generally good. Seat of justice, McConnelsville. Pop. in 1820, 5,297; in 1830, 11,796; in 1840, 20,852; in 1850, 28,585.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORGAN COUNTY, situated toward the northeast part of Tennessee. Area, 640 square miles. Face of the country elevated and broken. Seat of justice, Morgan. Pop. in 1830, 2 582; in 1840, 2,660; in 1850, 3,430.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORRIS COUNTY, situated in the northerly part of New Jersey. Area, 500 square miles. Face of the country pleasantly diversified with hills and vales; soil productive. Seat of justice, Morristown. Pop. in 1810, 21,828; in 1820, 21,368; in 1830, 23,580; in 1840, 28,844; in 1850, 30,139.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 235.
    Body Summary:
    MORROW COUNTY, situated in the central part of Ohio. Area, -------- square miles. Seat of justice, Mount Gilead. Pop. in 1850 20,280.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 236.
    Body Summary:
    MOULTRIE COUNTY, situated in the central part of Illinois. Watered by Kaskaskia river. Pop. in 1850, 3,234.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 237.
    Body Summary:
    MOUNT JACKSON, p. v., Shenandoah co., Va., 146 ms. N . W. of Richmond; from W. 117 ms.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 238.
    Body Summary:
    MUHLENBURGH COUNTY, situated in the westerly part of Kentucky, with Green river on the northeast. Area, 490 square miles. Seat of justice, Greenville. Pop. in 1820, 4,979; in 1830, 5,341; in 1840, 6,964; in 1850, 9,809.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 239.
    Body Summary:
    MURRAY COUNTY, situated on the north boundary of Georgia. Area, 650 square miles. Seat of justice, Spring Place. Pop. in 1840, 4,695; in 1850, 14,133.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 239.
    Body Summary:
    MUSCATINE COUNTY, situated on the easterly of Iowa, with Mississippi river on the east. Area, 440 square miles. Seat of justice, Muscatine. Pop, in 1840 1,942 ; in 1850, 5,731.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 239.
    Body Summary:
    MUSCOGEE COUNTY, situated on the west boundary of Georgia. Area, 410 square miles. Seat of justice, Columbus. Pop. in 1840, 11,699; in 1850, 18,578.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 239.
    Body Summary:
    MUSKINGUM COUNTY, situated toward the southeast part of Ohio, and traversed by Muskingum river. Area, 605 square miles. Seat of justice, Zanesville. Pop. in 1810, 10,036; in 1820, 17,824; in 1830, 29,325; in 1840, 38,749; in 1850, 45,037.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 239-240.
    Body Summary:
    NANTUCKET COUNTY, an island, situated off the southeast part of Massachusetts, in the Atlantic ocean. Area, 50 square miles. Face of the country, level; soil sandy, and generally poor. Seat of justice, Nantucket. Pop. in 1810, 6,807; in 1820, 7,266; in 1830, 7,202; in 1840, 9,012; in 1850, 8,454.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 240.
    Body Summary:
    NASH COUNTY, situated toward the northwest part of North Carolina, and traversed by Tar river. Area, 640 square miles. Face of the country uneven; soil productive. Seat of justice, Nashville. Pop. in 1810, 7,268; in 1820, 8,185; in 1830, 8,492; in 1840, 9,047; in 1850, 10,657.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 240.
    Body Summary:
    NATCHITOCHES PARISH, situated in the westerly part of Louisiana, and traversed by Red river. Area, 4000 square miles. Face of the country generally hilly; soil barren, except along Red river. Beat of justice, Natchitoches. Pop. in 1810, 2,870; in 1820, 7,486; in 1830, 7,905; in 1840, 14,350; in 1850, 14,201.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 240.
    Body Summary:
    NATCHITOCHES, c. h., p. v., seat of justice of Natchitoches parish, La., 368 ms. N. W. of New Orleans; from W. 1,287 ms. Watered by Red River.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 241.
    Body Summary:
    NELSON COUNTY, situated toward the north part of Kentucky. Area, 460 square miles. Soil productive. Seat of justice, Bardstown. Pop. in 1810, 14,078; in 1820, 16,273; in 1830, 14,916; in 1840, 13,637; in 1850, 14,789.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 241.
    Body Summary:
    NESHOBA COUNTY, situated in the easterly part of Mississippi. Area, 600 square miles. Seat of justice, Philadelphia. Pop. in 1840, 2,437; in 1850 4,728.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 251.
    Body Summary:
    NEW BEDFORD, c. h., p. t., seat of justice together with Taunton of Bristol co., Mass., 58 ms. S. of Boston; from W.  434 ms. The town is built on a bold elevation, contains many fine buildings, and appears with advantage from the harbor. A bridge across the Acushnet leads to Fairhaven, on the opposite side. No other place in the country is engaged so exclusively and extensively in the whaling business as this. About $5,000,000 of capital, and two hundred vessels are employed.

    The New Bedford and Taunton railroad joins the Boston and Providence railroad at Mansfield, and communicates with this place.

    The population in 1810, was 5,631; in 1820, 3,947; in 1830, 7,592; in 1840, 12,087; in 1850, 16,443.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 251.
    Body Summary:
    NEW CASTLE COUNTY, situated in the north part of Delaware, with Delaware bay and river on the east. Area, 456 square miles. Face of the country hilly and broken; soil, which is a strong clay, generally productive. Seats of justice, Wilmington and New Castle. Pop. in 1820, 27,899; in 1830, 29,710; in 1840, 33,120; in 1850, 42,390.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 1853), 246.
    Body Summary:
    NEW HANOVER COUNTY, situated in the south part of North Carolina, with Cape Fear river on the southwest, and the Atlantic on the southeast. Area, 995 square miles. Face of the country, level, and along the coast marshy. Seat of justice, Wilmington. Pop. in 1810, 11,465; in 1820, 10,866; in 1830, 10,759; in 1840, 13,312; in 1850, 17,668.
    Fanning's Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States.... (New York: Phelps, Fanning & Co., 185